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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Thank you Bob, it all started with with a chunk of Wood, most of the ideas came by doing it, but now its complete Nils
  2. Galley stove continued.... and ending spit roast supports and crank handle here for Crackers and B.E. Making of drinking water for the Crew from distilled seawater condensate collector Barrel with drain tap also hinges to the stove doors and to the chimney flap The place between stove side and Barrel is for the cheeks of the riding bitt supports all at ist place on board for fit check Nils
  3. Thank you very much B.E. I´ll have a look at that distillation device you mentioned and see what I can do about it... Nils
  4. Thanks Crackers, again I learn something new,..... I saw that funny looking horizontal turret on stove Pictures before, and not knowing what it was for, I did`nt do it, guess they did`nt have cans of cooled Coke for the Crew on board, and the rum would`nt last for ever. In this case there would Need to be another collector-barrel for condensated water at best near the stove.. Nils
  5. Hi Popeye, the Information given so far is great, and showed where this could be further tracked on.. Nils
  6. Hi Peter, I`m glad you liked the updated Stern, and new the little stove, thank you. Some details I saw in other build logs and just put together what I found could be useful. The Lifting ringbolts at the four corners I left away (too much fiddle parts) Nils
  7. Galley stove , continued.... painted, cooking side spit roast side brass parts fitted stove heaved into ist place view through portside gunport Oh, oh, there is not going to be much place for the cook.... Build log part 32 to follow... Nils
  8. Build log part 30 next will be the galley stove I did yesterday, but I still Need to fit the spit roast with its Elevation devices this is the stove raw material, 20mm square bar cutting into shape, and an Adapter for the chimney pipe cutting out the fireing and baking space drip pan for the spit roast side, Support logs and baseplate further Fitting out.... riveting the corners to be continued.... Nils
  9. Thank you so much B.E. for your Kind Response and that wonderful link to Dafi`s lovely log of the Victory concerning anchor cables, that is more than I had ever expected...., and also for your sentenses olut ouf Bruian Lavery`s literature. All very inspiring, and I find a very nice Detail (anchor cable rigging) on a 18th century model Nils
  10. Thank you very much Jason, I now know what the riding bitts in that Position are mainly for, also nice explaining Picture of yours.. Nils
  11. Nigel thank you, yes I think it was a good Suggestion and decision to work over the Stern Counter... I`m happy with the result Nils
  12. Thank you B.E. it would be real great if you have any Information, is there perhaps an Illustration scetch or scheme in one of your good books that could perhaps be scaned in. "riding bitts and cable Tier" are complete new english naval words for me, would Need to look those up, probably a scetch would explain. I was just wondering where those thick and slippery anchor cables are left after the hawse holes, and if they should not be rigged. I asume that at least two of the four anchors are / were rigged during the voyage. Nils
  13. Hi Popeye, thanks for your comment, the "Club rack" is a good one......, but did you know that in the 60 ties the commander (also a riding enthusiast) of the Gorch Fock, I think it was in New York harbour, was riding a horse on the deck... Nils
  14. Thank you Mark, I see you are speaking out of experience...., and you`re so right I am constantly thinking it over twice, what is to be fitted on next, for exactly that reason. Am working on the galley stove at the Moment. I still need Information where the anchor ropes are guided to when they come in through the round anchor rope holes in the bow, and at which Point they are led into their coil rope locker (somewhere under the gun deck deck ?) Nils
  15. Build log part 29 Now starting with fitting out forecastle beneath and on top of that deck Fitting the first two Posts that also take up the bowsprit counterplate the gundeck is cut away, wide under the forecastle deck as well..., to allow view from above to lower decks tried to gain standhight for the Crew here as well (as good as possible) Access to the forecastle deck shall be over the hatch-opening on starboard deck side (per Stair, the deckbeam shall be cut away at that Position. The stair shall fit nicely in between the first two gun tackles the two masterboards fitted in place view underneath... deck openings for gratings, stovechimney the planking of the deck will be done later on Build log part 30 to follow.... Nils
  16. Build log part 28 here are some changes to the lower section to the Stern Appeal... (initiative born by fellow members) this was the look before... and here before... and here after the change Close ups are always risky, but I trust it`s OK to Show... the combinattion of partially cut away portside planking and actual outside bulwark decor above. That Stringer on portside just above the wales will have to take on the chainplate fastening bolts later on Build log part 29 to follow.... Nils
  17. Thanks Tom, your Vinal Haven Steamer is a real nostalgic eyecatcher, very well done as I usualy do not build from kit there is always the question swiming up, how and from what shall I do it to suit the Chosen scale.... ? When roaming over flea-markets or simular market stands I always have eyes open for things that with a slight Change could look like or brought into final shape for Fitting I possibly would Need one day, especialy interesting would be a bin full of old brass and copper waste parts, for example like candle holder parts for stand plate pedestals, tooth wheels, plumbing elbows, and others, etc... Nils
  18. Very nice looking Sloop Yamsterman, I love that colorscheme, White, black, natural Wood... Nils
  19. beautiful timber-joining Mark, in all the HMS Druid is coming very well in Progress Nils
  20. rigging and sails look great Peter also shrouds and ratlines well set.. Nils
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