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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Doing the guns in repeatable mode saves some time, once the method is on track... My work desk is quite a mess, since I have my own room and do`nt have to clean up during the day, and I still have 4 more to do. Am thinking of adding small wooden splints to the axis close to the wheels, but shall do that as last Action Nils Trial #1, small wire Pins secure wheels on axis Trial #2, small wooden splints hold back the wheels (I prefer this Version) Gun builders desk have 10 done so far, 4 more to go..
  2. Popeye, a very nice looking build your Gothenburg. I`m not up to date with Billing Boats.... is this an older model ? The kit Looks to be quite precise and comprising Details to the score Thanks for sharing this one, shall stay tuned for more Nils
  3. Bob, nice method of doing the deadeyes, respect, but lots of spanning, drilling and Fixing work.... Question, why do These yourself, is it because of "throughout scratch build" ? Nils
  4. Beautiful cutter Peter, very nice Fitting out of the deck and all Details, lloks great Nils
  5. Build log part 6 wheelhouse with hinged door, Bridge grating, port nav. light, bell and 90° Lever for operating the steam whistle (per wire Connection to the funnel) starboard side with lifevest chest here a nice brass anchor, modified a bit, will be blackened later on here again one of These Little benches on Bridge deck Crew and Gothenburg passengers boarded for a next roundtrip, lifeboats rigged up Build log 7 to follow.... Nils
  6. Popeye, Dragzz, and Crackers, Thank you so much for your Kind words, it honors me very much to receive all these praises Nils
  7. Frank, Understand your Intension with the dark Background... can`t wait for you to get started with the Alert(one of my favorite cutters) Nils
  8. Hi Michael, I`m presently just working on the same Detail, and intend to do it this way,,, drill 0,5mm to the axis, carefully widen up with 0,8mm drill and shift in a small wooden Splint. In your sample it Looks like you are also using washers, These I will leave away. This is what the assembly Looks like.... Nils
  9. Frank, congrats to the Launch of your Supply, we heard all the horns as she browsed down the slipway... But what hapened to your cameras Flash ? this fine model is worth and desperately crying for having bright and colorful Photos. It is a beautiful model you can be proud of... What is your next ? Nils
  10. Aah, you have a good eye Popeye, it is the Billings "Cux 97" and it is still waiting to be completed, for that one I also did not purchase the Fittings kit. The Boat kit is as old as the Bohuslän and out of that early building period. I also have the Billing Boats "Marie Jeanne" thunny fisher but that one is fully completed and in a glass case. Nils
  11. Bruce, I just had a look at your build page 1-6 and am very impressed of your Clipper Lightning. Are there any previously posted parts of the Framework, hull, plating sequences, etc, that perhaps went lost after the MSW 1 Crash ? Have I missed anything ? In all a very nice and clean built model, shall love to see the coming parts Well done! Nils
  12. Build log part 5 the Bohuslän has a very nice slim Stern, and the whole waterline appearance in birds view Looks like she is designed for Swift coastal travel prop and rudder are well protected against unpurposed ground contacts in shallow waters the handrails are from Mahagoni but laminated with thin aero-ply from below to avoid Splitting when shaping and Drilling them the Little clinker planked lifeboats are models of their own for the boats strappings I cut some stripes from black Roof-Skin plastic material I still had the Integration of the three trims into the metal plating worked out quite well Gothenburgs town badge-flag set at the bowpost, and rigging of the Forward mast and load Derrick under way Build log part 6 to follow... Nils
  13. Correct Popeye, the wooden parts were all printed on Wood, those were the times the modeler had one or two good old jigsaws and lots of thin blades in different tooth sizes Handy. I don`t even remember if the Frames had to be cut out or not. But I can remember that there was a perfect straking of the Planks to the Framework, it was really enjoyable and easy to plank in single mode. Nils
  14. Thank you Nigel, when I bought the kit it was so Long ago, and good kits of steamships were quite rare on the market. It is a pitty that Billing Boats did not Keep up with it in their program Nils
  15. Thank you Nigel, I am glad the guns worked out quite well for the scale size, allthough I learned now that the hoops (makes sense) will be scratching the decks, but that would be my individual note.... I thought about chemical blackening hoops and gunbarrels for many times, but I find the brass contrust to the carriages in cherry- stained color tells you they are not of resin or of plastic. Nils
  16. Thanks Mark, nice words, yes it is wonderfull to be in contact with world wide modelers, and to get the Impression what challenging project others are doing.... For me also it is a nice exercise (please excuse grammer and spelling)to communicate now and then in english language after I have retired from business Nils
  17. Hi Peter, sounds Logical what you say about Wood wheels on Wooden deck, but taking in account the wrong historic Approach here, I find it Looks better with hoops in brass contrust, the wheels would otherwise look quite boring.. Nils
  18. Mark, when I first saw this MSW Forum I was realy rocked, there suddenly were so many stunning builds of 18th century and earlier ships and I thought that all would be a number too high for me. So many artists at work... and even in scale 1:48. So this now is my first wooden historic ship and I have chosen the Pegasus because I fell in love with the lines and the hopefully not too complicated Fitting out and rigging. As I have only the Amati plan, all is scratch built, and there is much room for individual own Features. The scale is a Little small, but on the other side the required space for Setting it up for display in ist Display-glass case afterwards is just right Nils
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