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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Today a surprise.. with only 5 days for postage US to Germany ! I received sample blocks from Chucks shop today. They really look fantastic, are of super precision and Quality, so I started straight away to do a typical sample Gun Tackling by using the 4mm blocks 1 x 2 sheave and 1 x 1 sheave I Chose the natural hemp Color rope 0,5mm diam from 100% Polyester and had to increase the sheave hole borings in the blocks to 0,8 mm. I am happy with the result regarding to the realistic look. When the rigging starts, I find it is a must to us These fine looking blocks Nils
  2. Thanks for your Input Andy, I can realy imagine the rumble in Stockholm Harbour on 1st April, when only the funnel was still stick out of the water. I believe that would work well in Hamburg Harbour as well... As for the sidewise hanging bumper preventing logs of the Bohuslän I thought about it already, but would`nt want to overfreight the model. The sea routs she was on on the Swedish Bohuslän County west coast were also smewhat rougher Waters than the eastcoast and the logs would have to be lashed much securer to avoid their bumping against the hull Nils
  3. Hello Lars, Thanks for contacting, yes I was also happy to see another Bohuslän on MSW, but I just could`nt make out the scale or the kits manufacturer before you mentioned it. Since member "Puckotred" introduced his scale 1/45 turkmodel Bohuslän I knew that there is a kit on the market again. My Billing Boats Version is scale 1/50 and sowith a Little shorter. Is your model in your Gallery completed, or shall you still add any Fitting out Details, I noticed that also the 1/45 kit was comprising all the passenger benches that should go between bulwarks and Center passenger Lounges ? Is your model for RC ? Nils
  4. Status update.... drilled the 6 bulwark holes for the oars using a copied template from my plan on starboard side, am filing These square now Nils
  5. Thank you Popeye, except for the "Peg" which shall take my full concentration for the next weeks and months I have no other build planned in the Moment. I do have so many ideas, wishes, and probably would be gathering data of certain ships for my archives though when sighting by coincidence data of what may be of possible use for the future Nils
  6. Peter, I agree with your remarks regarding to Billing Boats products, at least those of several years back, I also built the L'Etoile topsail schooner and the Marie Jeanne thunny fisher with the two Long fishing poles. I much regret that I had`nt bought the Hjejlen sidewheel paddle Steamer kit then. Of course it is pittyful off the market since many years already. Nils
  7. Hi B.E. just looked up your Pickle build once again, what a lovely model. The Color composing, deck planking, coppering, deckhousings and -hatches, all Fitting out deatails look so authentic and great Nils
  8. Mauro, this Hand sewing of yours is amazing, so accurate and precise every stitch the same distance and the fastening of the bolt rope tops all... Well done !! Nils
  9. Build log part 9 this is the last part of this build, although the are some Little things I would like to add, or to Change next time I open the glass case I was quite happy that the glass case fitted exactly on the wardrobe it is Standing on the brass data plate is fitted within the case Impression of the plating bow area and Stern area this Position is concentrating, nearly interfearing on railing, funnel stay, steering chain, Davit tackle, but all is properly fastend to it own tackle point foredeck is a nice Meeting place for Young couples foreseen anchoring place the depth marking is made with regular Mirosoft Excel and to be printed out on one side adhesive transparent foil, or on Photopaper. Shall save this up to the next opening of the glass case, when the sternlight is also to be changed from green to White. I hope the presentation of my Bohuslän build log was liked, even though the framing, planking and hull building was not shown in this case due to lack of photos Auf wiedersehen Nils
  10. Great tutorial Karl, I never used Silicon moulds yet, but this is very encouraging, wonderful gunbarrels Nils
  11. thank you Bob, I got her out of the dark when I was looking for an object to do Trial metal plating on. I was satisfied with the result and transfered the technique to the other follow builds. At that time I recognized what a gem that old Lady was, and I decided, it was definately worth finalising her. Many of the original kit parts had gone lost, the Panels for cutting out the small parts were wavy, but the lifeboats I built in the early beginning, and they were carefully wrapped and secured in a drawer in my bedroom, and I still had the overview drawing Nils
  12. Nery nice build Ships88, your Peregrine Looks great thanks for reposting and for sharing These Pictures Nils
  13. Joe, the compressed building time was appr. 1,5 years but because many of the started parts have been laying around idle in boxes, on cupboards, it spread over a period of at least 10 years, it was nearly forgotten by myself Nils Thanks David For your comment Nils
  14. Build log part 8 the horizontal steering Segment is made from a clockwheel of on old mantel clock. Belaying clamps on lower deck railing fitted Sven is just inspecting the starboard inflatable liferaft Containment. Here for Popeye..., slotted turnbuckles for the aft mast shrouds Davit and lifeboat rigging, wooden oar sets to the boats Position of the stairway from lower deck to bridgedeck. Right bottom Corner... the drainpipe opening on deck here the steering chain leaving the wheelhouse can be better seen the upper deck was designed in the way that the stair and its rail as well as the entrance (door and its Frame stay Standing when the comlpete upperdeck is removed. Because I made a static model of it the upper deck is now fixed on with two small hidden screws the riveting gives the real 1914 look... to the hull Build log part 9 (last part) tofollow with next post.... Nils
  15. Popeye, I get These functional turnbuckles in different sizes, lengths, from M1 thread onwards from my Hobby shop and in two Versions (slotted and with eyes) Nils
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