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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Excellent sail making and rigging Glenn, Your " Lètoile "under sails and the superb fitting out details are very well observed from the actual ship, well done.... Nils
  2. Karl, those outstanding carvings are top quality work ! and look great. They are wonderfully matching the already assembled stern carvings. You mentioned earlier, that the carvings are commisioned work, congrats to you for having that very skilled source / freind... Nils
  3. Thank you very much for your kind comments Denis, John, Dave and Jesse,.... also thanks to all the "likes" Denis, thanks for your words, the chap aft grating deck is somehow agressive today and the capt. odered him to get some fresh air, out of the business, where he could cool down and harm nobody... John, many thanks for your words, for displaying I`m planing to make a casing broad enough to enclose the sweeps on stb. and for the pinnace on port side.... Dave, Thanks for your words, much appreciated, I always wanted to do a "Hainan Junk" one day, so probably it will be the next project, but I will have to groove myself in a bit more on that one first...... Jesse, I`m very pleased you like the Chebec, and would love to see one of these in a suitable bottle one day, keep up that idea ... Nils
  4. Thank you very much for your highly appreciated comments Piet, Christos, Carl and Antony..... Piet, I would appreciate if someone (an Arabic speaking) fellow builder could please confirm if the spelling is correct as shown and makes sense..... Christos, thanks so much for your kind words, am pleased you like it.... Some of the figures bases are extra made, but you`re right, I may perhaps consider to eliminate them again Carl, yes, it was real fun gathering those multi cultural ruffians... Antony, thanks for your words and for following from begin onwards... Nils
  5. Hi Christos, upon your special request......., here comes the crew of the "Eagle of Algier"..., enjoy... The ship is now nearly complete, there are also some banners, and flag attached. On the stb. side I will be fitting 9 sweeps through the oarports Nils if my Google translator (into Arabien letters) worked correct, that should read "Eagle of Algier" the old flag of Algier Port the "blue pirate" is always a bit of a hot head the helmsman still requires a compass and perhaps a small binacle cabinet cleaning with seawater
  6. beautiful carvings Karl, it gives a lovely touch to the stern... Nils
  7. Many thanks to Jeff, Bob, and Kees, for your words.... and to all the "Likes".... Jeff, thanks for your words.... Bob, the Moment that something like that happens is a shock indeed, now afterwards it will be a lesson to have the model Standing safe on the bench... Kees, I was surprised my self, how fast the ripped off parts could be restored again, and that the dammage will not be seen any more... Nils
  8. Many thanks Carl and Denis, now that all is repaired, the accident will soon be forgotten.... Nils
  9. Update : just a couple of days ago I had a big fright, when the chebec slipped off the desc and fell down to the floor, bow sprit downwards. Due to the horrible cracking noise it made I was expecting worse, when I bent down to pick it up for inspecting the dammage. The sprit cracked in two and broke off as well as the the complete bow rail construction. Luckily the masts and yards were not effected by the fall. Now, after mending everything again it would`nt be visible to anyone that does`nt know what happend, except for a short brass tube that was used for shafting the bow sprit. Now the finalization of the sails can be done after all...... Nils this was before the fall from the desc.... still have to clean up and coil some line runner ends.... after repair
  10. Doris, congratulations, your artwork is fantastic...., I showed it to my wife today, she is also amazed of such skills in sculpturing... Nils
  11. Doris, vielen Dank.... such kind praise from your side is highly appreciated. I can remember that you once mentioned the "Chebec" being one of your favorite ship types, and am very pleased that you like my build.... Kind regards, Nils
  12. Ken, many thanks for looking in and for your nice words..... Most of the sewing I did with my wifes sewing machine, and it requires some time to get the feeling for the machine again. The last time using it, I sewed a set of 17 sails for my HMS Pegasus in scale 1:64 Nils
  13. Little update : added the fore sail with all reeflines....., the upper reeflines for the main sail still have to be rigged.. The mizzen lateen sails is next and last.... The model is now 91 cm long and 71 cm high (incl. standplate) Nils
  14. What a pitty Karl, but I think the platform in line with the ships shape aft will look better.... Good luck with the corrective action.... Nils
  15. Wunderbar Doris ! love your sculpturing art-work, I admire your talent and skill... Nils
  16. Update : first sail rigged to the main yard, look and size is OK ( still without the running rigging, as I just ran out of suitable blocks...) Nils
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