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Everything posted by HardeeHarHar

  1. Hey Alan (and Hank and all the other NCers), Just wanted to give a shout out to the NC denizens club, live in Durham and Roanoke Island.
  2. Hi from Roanoke Island, Thanks for allowing me to join the community. I am just about finished with the Jolly Boat and have enjoyed the kit and the learning process. Thankfully, the build logs that were available helped point me in the right direction, and then I started to get the itch to learn more about rigging, etc. I was doing the Jolly Boat as a first "practice" build, but it quickly became more than a practice session. I am not much of a modeler, but I have been captured by the quality of the ship models and the attention to detail that makes a true masterpiece. I am looking at making the Caldercraft Granado as my second build, and hope that I am not setting my sights to high. I will post a quick picture of my first build if I can figure it out.... Looking forward to learning more and meeting people! Best regards, Brian
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