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Everything posted by HardeeHarHar

  1. What a wonderful job you are doing on both the model and the log. I am glad you are enjoying yourself, because you should be really happy with your craftsmanship!!!! I love the Tanganyika and the satin finish, and the whole look of it! Can't wait to see your rigging and learn more from your efforts...
  2. Hey Glen, Thanks for the input and words of encouragement. I looked at your pictures of your Granado, and I must say it is a beautiful ship model in all regards. Your work is so clean, and the rigging is beautiful. I wish it had a build log I could hack from! I am super-stoked that I have been making progress and doing a relatively good job as I go along. I am new to this art, especially painting, staining, and most other aspects of ship modeling, but eager to learn and apply new knowledge. I too agree that the cannons are a bit painful to rig and handle during installation, and note that there is no way any of my coils will be identical to another coil =), but I do have a rig made now that makes it easier to make and look fairly consistent (with just enough mess to look very real). With respect to your comment about planking the quarterdeck, I did in fact plank the quarter deck and painted it ochre red. I'm not sure what the forecastle deck and bullwark will look like when I am finished with the bowchaser cannon installation and get the forecastle deck in place. Did you do anything special up front for bullwarks on the forecastle? Any advice or commentary is GREATLY appreciated. Best regards, and I will peruse your other builds to learn more from your beautiful work! Brian
  3. Spellapeaka, Your very kind words are much appreciated and further encourage me to try my best and continue to push ahead as time permits. As long as your eyesight is challenged, and you don't zoom in to far on the photos, I think my Granado build doesn't look that bad, and that makes me very happy. That feeling of "I haven't wrecked a good kit, yet" is a surprisingly compelling reason for me to continue, just as it was with my first build [the Bounty Launch (aka, Jolly Boat, by Artesania Latina). Thanks again for your kind words!
  4. Wow, this is a fantastic job on a nice ship! All that hard work and bashing you have done looks great, and it seems we work at about the same pace =). All of your replacements look nice, and I am impressed with the way your single planking turned out. Every element looks very nice and consistent in its appearance, and I have to agree, your grating work is ....... excellent! I am anxious to see it continue and get fully rigged. However, there is one caveat: I am much older than you, so you may have to hurry a little 😉 . Congratulations on your degree, and nice guitars in the background. I have a few guitars lying around in various rooms in NC, just so I can always pick them up and work out the hands and the ears. I wish I had a nice big work space like yours, but in our little place here on Roanoke Island, space is limited.....at least the admiral is tolerant of my hobbies most of the time 😃 . Keep up the awesome work, you are doing a great job on a beautiful ship!
  5. So, my biggest fear so far has been overcome, and I have managed to install one bow chaser cannon with gun tackle and flemish coils included. The picture shows every wart and wrinkle, and I still have to do some real housecleaning to remove the dust and debris, and a whole lot of touch up work to remove some residual blue tak (don't ask), touch up the bulkhead painting, etc., etc., etc. Since the bow chasers will be covered with the forecastle deck, they won't really be visible, so I used the ugly duckling cannon (even though most of mine look about the same). I have to admit, I am just glad to get one in and prove to myself that it can be done and have it still look relatively nice if you stand far enough away 😃 . I can't wait to install the second one and finish the forecastle decking, so I can move on to some other aspects of the build before I have to install ten more cannons (ugh =). Even the flemish coils are a challenge, but I really like the look of a cannons with the tackle laid out for inspection. One step forward, even if it isn't that great, is still one step forward perhaps....
  6. Hey Jeff, Super stoked you are starting a build log for this kit. I have it on the shelf (mine came with instructions 😃), where it is waiting for me to finish the Caldercraft 1/64 Granado kit I am in the middle of building. I thought it would be interesting to also do the CAF Model plank on frame and include the split hull to show the details of the boat better, but the split hull approach does appear to increase the complexity of the build exponentially (and that is hard to imagine). Since I am a rank amateur builder (as is clearly apparent from my current Granado build log), I'll be watching your build log with great interest and encouragement! I'll be one of the peeps in the front row taking notes. Best regards, Brian
  7. Hey Kev, Congratulations on the new job!!! I am glad there is no giving up on the ship-builder in you, but I can certainly appreciate the fact that working in the heat and humidity of the garage is not optimal. I hope you get a good rainy day where you don't have to work at your real job. To state the obvious, I am not making a lot of progress on my Granado lately either. Currently it is a few hundred miles away, but tomorrow it will be back within arm's reach. Let's hope I get some motivation and a good rain storm as well, and that my wife's patience is eternal. Best regards, and congratulations again! Brian
  8. I have mixed emotions. Having just learned how to make a few nice rope coils, I was and still am anxious to rig the gun tackle and coil the ropes on my Granado. It is kind of a moot point for the bow chasers that will be covered over by the forecastle decking, but I think it looks good with all the guns rigged on the Granado (at least when done well by others). However, I also completely understand the variation and elimination of this element. There are a lot of "personal" choices encountered in building. I like the idea of the breaching rope, and I have seen some "compact" wrapped tackle lines that eliminate coils as well. One thing is for certain, whatever decision Mike makes, it always looks fantastic 😃
  9. Interesting decision. You have all those beautiful ringbolts for gun tackle on your carriages and bullwark but aren't going to put them to use?
  10. Mike, Thanks for providing the information, which I will attempt to adopt to my applications. I can't stop myself from asking you if you will rig the guns before you glue them or after? I have "pre-rigged" 2 cannons for the bow chasers already, but I can drill the holes in the trucks and insert an appropriate gauge (guitar string) wire in them and install them just the same (I would hope =). Thanks again, your work is truly inspiring! Brian
  11. Thanks for any assistance you can offer Mike, I am just at the point of fixing two cannons as bow chasers under the forecastle of my HMS Granado, and as you noted, I don't won't want them to "feel free to move about the cabin". It will be a good place to "practice" too.
  12. Hey Mike, Can you provide further detail on pinning cannons to deck? Is it standard practice? Greatly appreciate your sharing your work and knowledge!!! Brian
  13. Any progress deserves photos 😃 I do remember the issues with gluing metal, hoping nails will do their job, etc. In my experience I didn't have too much of a fit problem with the gudgeon, but getting the placement and alignment so the rudder was hung at the right level was the challenge I faced. Mine didn't come out that pretty, but the over-all look is still not that bad when all is said and done.
  14. Sooooo, it turns out one of the mental blocks preventing me from moving ahead at speed with my build were the rope coils for the guns under the forecastle deck. My coils looked pretty lame. However, I finally made a jig that semi-works, and when it works it makes relatively nice coils. This has encouraged me to get moving and check the "fit" of the cannon and its rigging with it temporarily plugged into the bullwark. It looks ok with that one coil in the picture with the cannon a little small compared to the "standard" size I have been making. I think it could be a little bigger and not look bad. However, does it make sense to have different size coils? Each cannon rig will have one coil on each side and one on the back of the carriage rigged into the deck with a block.
  15. You know you have an illness when you freak out with joy when you receive the Granado Part 1 box from China CAFMODEL safe and sound....and....you still have a long way to go to finish the Granado by Caldercraft you are currently working on. I am thinking I should also get the CAFMODEL cross section view to round it all off. I told you it was an illness.
  16. I found these references that my air-conditioning and heating repair person had recommended for nice arm chair book editions for the ship modeler. You have to try and find them at reasonable prices and grab em then if you can. I hope its not impolite to be dropping pictures in peoples build logs like this, but if it is, you or someone should tell me.
  17. Yo Kev, It is looking very nice my good man. Looking at your work makes me remember that I didn't accommodate the oars on my launch so I didn't make the cut outs in the hull. I put the oars on display on the stand as I mentioned before. Your notes about the mast being fabricated from two parts brought that memory back out of no where! I definitely remember all too well that feeling of WTF you get when you see *that* in the instructions. I did follow right along like a lemming over a cliff and attempted to follow along as best I could. So, I stuck a piece of one of the brass nails provided in the kit (that I had cut the head off of) into a hole I drilled into the end of the big section of the mast and glued it in place. Then drilled a hole in the other (abutting) part of the mast and stuck the two together via the common "head-less" nail. Buahahaha. 😃 I need to make some progress on my own build one day! Good luck and calm seas, tight lines BT
  18. So I have to add some encouragement to the build. I think you are doing a good job and have accomplished a lot of detail and craftsmanship. I am excited to see how it turns out in the end, and if you have any specific questions I can try to help (but I am just learning my self). Having recently completed the Bounty's Launch myself, I found myself doing a lot more thinking and reading than I had ever expected. I stained my build some what "uniquely", and the stain bled through just like you said, but I liked the "used" look it gave the interior. I also had to make my own thwarts, and did a few things to break pieces along the way, but persevered to a point where the final result was simply satisfaction enough. I'll never forget staring at the rigging in the instructions, and the mess of fabric, string, and metal hoops in front of me...and wondering how do you start, and when do you pull things tight, and do you glue it and figure it out later....for a week or two. It finally made sense one day and I could picture how to complete the running rigging and then pull everything up at once and into place. It sounds strange to talk about it now, but it just made sense and I could picture it happening in my head. When I finished it and it looked pretty good, I was HOOKED. After all that time and effort, and figuring it out with the help of the forum, it still looked pretty good when I was done with it, and that was a huge success above my original goal to just not total it. I made a Bounty voyage map-base like some one else had done on the forum, and I laced the oars together nicely and placed them decoratively on the base (two sets of 3 oars laced together, one for the front and one for the back of the base, that was my own touch). I'm working on the HMS Granado now, and it is really challenging my basic noobie skills, and I am again loving the steep learning curve....but very slowly....
  19. The young sea officers sheet anchor is absolutely a great book to have at hand when contemplating rigging a model ship.
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