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Everything posted by MadDogMcQ

  1. The longest journeys start with but a single step Jim 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. That's incredibly kind of you EG. Thank you!
  3. THE START! Day-1 Well, it's not much of a start because it's already early evening on a Sunday, but at least it's on the table. 🙂 I'll be writing this log as an inexperienced builder, having only ever built one other boat (St Roch), so if you spot any errors or looming disasters, please do shout out! In between building the early stages of the Vaporetto, I'll be spending some time trying to learn to airbrush. Gotta build a little spray-booth of some sorts. I don't want to go overboard though - just something to allow very small parts to be painted indoors. For large parts (like the hull) I'll do it in the garage. First job is to layout the drawings, identify the parts and write down the part numbers. Done! Sadly, I've got to leave it at that due to an amateur-radio net which is about to commence in 10 minutes. If I get time, I'll do more later this evening. Oh yes, nearly forgot - the RC Motor arrived yesterday after a loooong delay. Not sure if I'll actually be making this in an RC model, but I've got the option. Thanks for the link Popeye 👍
  4. Thanks everyone, you're very generous with your comments. I've put this on a bookshelf in the conservatory and I've put the new boat kit on the build table 🙂 Popeye - If you thought that was slow, don't bother following my "V" boat build 😂🤣😂. Seriously though, thanks for your comments 🙂
  5. I'm calling this finished! To be honest, I just wanted to rattle it off in the end so that I can start my Vaporetto build. This kit has made me realise that I'm not really a plastic kit modeller. I nearly ordered a couple of 1:24 scale aircraft the other day - I'm glad I didn't now. I made quite a few mistakes throughout the build and even forgot how damaging the glue itself can be. And let's not even talk about those damned front fenders!!!! 🤬 Anyway, here she is...
  6. Well that was a fascinating read Kevin. You've done a fabulous job and I can't wait to watch you finish her. Best of luck.
  7. Thanks Bob. In addition to the regular oil paint tubes (Artist Quality Winsor & Newton), I also have some "Griffin Alkyd Oils" which are fast drying. I also have a wide range of "Artisan Oils" which are water mixable. The Artisan is noticeably 'duller' than regular oils, which may be an advantage. I guess it'll be worth doing some tests (when I get time 😂 )
  8. Hey Cleat, so what pressure are you painting model-parts at? Around 20-30psi?
  9. 😂😂 Well actually, it looks like this now 😂😂
  10. Well actually Bob, painting in oils and acrylics is one of my hobbies! So colour-mixing is something I've been doing for a long time and needless to say, I have scores of paint tubes in both mediums (professional quality). I just didn't know if how durable they would be on models. Hmmm, you've planted a seed. 👍
  11. Okay guys, thanks for that. I've just ordered a collection of individual Tamiya Acrylics (10ml pots) that I think might come in useful. I'll buy other as and when.
  12. Hi all, before the wife curtails my model-spending, I was thinking about buying a "Paint Set" and I can see for example that Vallejo do some pretty big sets but I'm concerned that they all appear to revolve around the colours used in painting fantasy figures, etc. If you got a juicy gift-voucher for your birthday 🤣 which paint set would you consider to be the ideal one to consider for (mainly) boat building. Thanks for your input.
  13. Rather than keep buying aerosols and risking running out just at the wrong time (as I did recently on my Bentley project), I have decided to invest in an airbrush system. Before just leaping in and making the wrong choice, I asked for your opinions and I received lots of great replies, advice and tips - this lead me to better research the subject online. My main concern was that I didn't want to buy cheap and end up buying twice, so I was focusing on good quality systems right from the start. But equally, I didn't want to chuck a load of money at something that was not going to be used everyday. In my head, I thought for sure that I needed a compressor with a tank, in order to have a 'reservoir' of air and avoid pulsing, but then I discovered through watching lots of YouTube videos that the tank-less systems performed just fine as long as you didn't go cheap. In the end, I settled on an Iwata Combo in the form of the Eclipse HP-CS Airbrush and the Smart Jet Pro MkII Compressor. I wouldn't normally have gone this far, but I found this combo second hand on eBay at an extremely low price, so it didn't make sense not to grab such a bargain. I also then found another bargain almost straight away on FaceBook Marketplace - an AZTEK DELUXE PROFESSIONAL AIRBRUSH KIT. How could I justify buying a second airbrush??? Well I turned to my wife and suggested that it might be useful for her crafting activities too 😉 😄 THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP WITH THIS!
  14. WOW!!! That excited me and exhausted me in equal measures! An incredible achievement in just 6 months 😮 Stunning work Ken!
  15. Well, that was an extremely interesting and enjoyable read Jeff! Thank you for posting all that wonderful material. You did an amazing job!!! I am looking to purchase this kit for a future build - I don't have enough experience to build a full Victory yet, but I'm hoping that this Bow Section would give me a 'taste' of the Victory. I've added your thread to my favourites to benefit from your fine work. Mind you, I've first of all got to start on the Vaporetto 😂😂😂
  16. As much as I would have liked to carry on with this kit, unfortunately I had to put it away for a few days because 'real life' got in the way. My wife bought me a much bigger kit in the form of two double wardrobes 😂 New wardrobes does, of course, mean new bedroom. Stripping everything out, painting (two coats), new fittings, and then finally building these huge, heavy parts. No fun at all - just four days of blood (literally loads of finger-cuts), sweat and some tears 😂 Anyway, once I'd completed that little task, it's time to declutter the spare room which has become a bit of a rubbish tip these last few months. The 'plus side' of all this is that I will be laying claim to a corner of the spare room as a corner for model-building!
  17. Okay, I think I have enough to work with there. Thank you all for taking the time to give me your opinions. Very much appreciated.
  18. That's very interesting. Got a photo of the setup??
  19. THANK YOU ALL for your comments - very much appreciated. I'll mull over it all 🙂
  20. Bob, that paint-job looks just fantastic. I especially love that beautiful shade of green. WOW!
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