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Everything posted by Mike_H

  1. I meant to add, I'm happy for you that your health allows you to work up to retirement. My retirement is now 5 weeks away, and I see some ship building on the horizon...
  2. Hi, Masts! I'm getting close to completing the hull, so should be with you fairly soon. I bought the DB 250 lathe, and the MF70 milling machine. Made a few sample pieces and they went well. I bought the dividing plate for the mill which makes machining hexagonal and square sections very precise and enjoyable. Will be machining out the slots in the bulwark rail in the next day or two so that will be the mill's first real job. Mike
  3. Hi Sjors. I missed this update. Good to see you are progressing. I’ve managed to sneak two Proxxon tools into the house! Mike
  4. And very, very nice they look, too. Will you be documenting the rigging, as well James? Having just spent a day at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, can I say that this model would look entirely at home in the museum there. Exceptional work by Chris and James.
  5. Well Glenn, I think there is a point about a model design being time-efficient for the modeller. I can see no basis on which I could find enjoyment in cutting out gun ports through splintering stripwood that I had spent hours - days - getting just-so. Nor is there a lot of fun to be had in working out the extent to which the instructions has the assembly sequence wrong, or the drawings being nominal or indicative rather than instructive. And I don’t think that view differs much from what @ERS Rich was saying. It’s not so much about time saving as about be able to use time where it is most necessary. For all that, I still want to build a kit, not assemble it. And my word I want to build this one!
  6. Just spent a very happy day at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard - torrential rain, but that just meant staying below deck, and in clear spells going “upstairs” or into the museum. Spent my time looking at details with a view to informing modelling. Some of relevance to Snake, others for the future. These are from Warrior and Victory, with one from the museum. When I rigged the breechings, I followed the books on how to secure them to ring bolts. Didn’t really believe that a single knot with a little seizing would be strong enough, but seems that is what is used: Here’s some more carronade rigging - though the breechings seem a little loose Petrejus says that the bits had copper caps and ends… I rigged a galley flue just like this: I want a binnacle, just like this, but can’t fit it in But I can have an elm tree pump like this The new ( to me, anyway) access to the dry dock means you can see things up close. I had wondered what the horseshoe is for, now I know: But gudgeons and pintles - entirely familiar Have occasionala thought of rigging some boats for Snake. Beautiful set of models in the museum. Here’s one
  7. Hi, I've built on your super-sauce and started a thread on the topic. You get the credit!
  8. The ropes certainly look very fine. Best of luck as a trader.
  9. Aha - and he has shown a photograph with an entirely sensible explanation. But why did/does she have only 3 (more) per side? Mike
  10. Oh my giddy aunt! She looks absolutely magnificent, and the detail seems extraordinary - much more than I would expect from a 1:64 model. I’m sure that I won’t be able to resist, even with 20% VAT. And while that 20% price hike might seem bad news for us in the UK, it is great news for model ship builders as it’s a sign of Vanguard prospering. But a question: the closed gun ports are obviously shown with port lids (or they wouldn’t be closed). Why are there no port lids on the open ports? Mike
  11. Welcome. The model looks great - even upside down. I don't think you can rotate them using the forum's tools, so you need to do it at source - on the camera or phone you took them on, or on the computer they passed through. Mike
  12. Chris, congratulations on the 2nd anniversary, and on how much you have achieved. You must make the decision, but I certainly hope that the business can have you full time.
  13. Great to see the painting develop as you go - I particularly like the extra vessels appearing at the end. And of the painting itself the background landscape is incredible. I like the graffiti too - Vega and Kilroy.
  14. I've been busy! Rigged the tackle for the tiller ropes Then fitted the platforms and all the deck fitting except the guns. Eagle-eyed will spot that I'm missing the pins from the bitts - there aren't enough in the kit to fill all the rails! You can also see that I've followed my guru again and put copper 'sheet' on the bitts, and continued with the brass edging on the rails. I tried to take a panorama shot, but it was not good. Instead, here is a set of pics scanning from forward, aft. And one in all its glory Of course, I know where the mistakes are, but I am delighted with how she looks. Now to make 12 more sets of breeching ropes, assemble 14 more guns and then mount them all. Might have to install the gunwale rails after that.
  15. Anyone have a problem with drag-and-drop occasionally not working? I'm using an old iMac, and quite often I can just drag photos from Photos to the panel in a comments window on MSW. But then in stops working. If I restart t he computer it fixes itself for a while. Simply quitting either Photos or browser (I've tried Safari, Firefox and Chrome) doesn't fix it.
  16. Looks very neat and clean, as ever, Ben. (Though I think you mean rudder, not anchor, straps). I've chosen not to install the gunwale rails until all of the deck fittings are in place. In theory this is to enable maximum access, though really it's because I think it will be a pain. It's coming up, though.
  17. Buying one a month is a good idea, but my real problem is I would need another bench in the shipyard, and the Rear Admiral likes to sleep their every other month. And perhaps more importantly the Admiral thinks it's a bedroom. Best of luck next week.
  18. Ah, of course! And having inadvertently sanded the keel on my Snake, giving me grief subsequently, thankyou for the reminder of a lessons I should have learned. And thanks for your filler recipe. M
  19. You make a compelling case for spray paint and masking tape, James. The knock-out argument is how convincing the planking on the main wale looks with such a uniform coat of paint. That and the assembly of the quarter galleries is huge testament to the quality of the kit design. Kudos to you and @chris watton for your respective roles. Some questions: I'm sure this will be clear in the manual, but did you change your mind about masking-off the keel? The photographs shows it masked but then painted. What kind of filler do you use? It looks fine-grained, hard, and buff coloured - all good things but I've not found those properties in one tin or jar.
  20. I should confess I stole that colour scheme from @Beef Wellington...
  21. Hi Sjors Thanks so much for the details of the coppering and of your tools. Have you used double-sided tape this way before. I would worry a little that over time the adhesive would go brittle. If not, then this looks like the future to me: quick and clean is what we all aim for. Your list of tools is pretty exactly what I’m thinking about (though that would be news to the admiral!). I’d be tempted by a chop saw, but I’ve not looked much beyond the lathe and bench drill. I think you can get extensions in Australia, and we spend quite a lot of time there when there isn’t a pandemic. Let’s see how many tools I can sneak in the house! Very sorry to hear of your colitis - though glad it’s not too debilitating. Perhaps being off work explains your progress! best wishes Mike
  22. Here is very exciting news! It would be a travesty if the range and quality of your products couldn't support two employees, so I sincerely hope this comes to pass, soon.
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