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Larry Cowden

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Everything posted by Larry Cowden

  1. If I may offer my two cents so to speak, in the end, you're the builder, the Captain, the quality control officer, and it becomes a matter of what is acceptable to you. Those viewing your model will never know what mistakes you made, what you corrected, what is historically correct. What you will take away is what you learned and what you will apply to the next one. That "Holy Grail" of perfection will always be there to seek. I know! I have followed it many years on so many things I have built!
  2. EI believe he's referring to the displacement of wood fibers laterally as the plank is compressed around the form. The minor distortion can lead to gaps as progressive planks are laid next to each other. It can be corrected by light sanding to true up the plank to actual dimensions.
  3. Try EBay. I bought two on there based on recommendations from other builders. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Aeropiccola-Ralt-RA-5-Plank-Bender-for-Model-Ship-Building/174601642404?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 This one was highly recommended.
  4. I have seen some builds where they repeated this 2 or 3 times to get the plank right.
  5. Just my two cents. But ships store anchor ropes and chains in line lockers below deck and not in direct contact with the bilges. Bilges are usually wet and contaminated with chemicals that would rot and destroy anchor ropes and chains stored in direct contact for long periods of time. I suggest a detail missing is such an open locker on the lowest deck for containing the ropes and chains dry and protected from the bilges.
  6. Thanks for the heads up on the hawse pipes! You will have to post pictures.
  7. Hi Captain Al, I have followed marine archeology for a number of years. And in at least 80% of the underwater wrecks where the hull was still reasonably presented, the ballast was stones. Research NG wreckage stories.
  8. Hi Mike, As I have this kit too. Can you list the sections where you had to beams and post some pictures? I am saving these build logs for future when I can actually get to it.
  9. I keep finding a lot of ship builders keep referring to coating parts with varnish. But that's not compatible with CVA glues. Would shellac work?
  10. I will hitch a ride on this build. I just received my OCCRE Bounty kit from Latvia of all places. Therefore I am especially interested in any kit problems you run into!
  11. Hi Alex, Somewhere in this log I haven't found your section on how you built the Captain's cabin floor. How did you do that amazing work?
  12. Hi, I would like to review that "how to" class on deadeye fabrication. Where do I find it?
  13. Dthose look Ike frame and panel doors with the panel free floating. Are they?
  14. Why is ebony evil stuff? It's a hard wood and looks great on your model. Is it machining the planks?
  15. Many years ago I had relatives in Littleton, NH we would visit. My wife's in-laws from her first marriage lived here down the road and would go to FL. for winters also. I kind of like that idea too. They had a trailer home in a gated senior citizens park. I have only picked up my kits on eBay. And a couple at antique and years sales. Often the sellers don't know the real value of them. I bought the Beagle for $25 basically NIB. I was surprised at how expensive some models are! Serious money!
  16. Thanks for the reply. Do you find any scale problems with Amati?  Another builder mentioned he has when he built the La Pinta. He mentioned in the two Amati kits he has now, he found problems with scale and variations in quality of materials and directions. One had good materials but poor directions. The second was vice versa. Odd. I would think QC would ensure repeated consistency in directions and materials. 

    1. Chuck


      Yes you will find issues with both.   But these older companies will always have those problems.  Of the two....Latina is immeasurably worse.

  17. Thanks for your reply. I looked at the Cornwall site and was very impressed. The Caldercraft models look to be the Cadillac of ship models. Maybe when I hit the lottery for some of those! So if Amazon has the same model here available, why go to Cornwall? You like the snowbird routine? We moved to the Catskills from L.I. because we like the seasons. I actually hate NY and never imagined living here. That was before I met my wife online and she was born and raised on Long Island and still living there. Oh well.
  18. Hi Emmet, I am revisiting your build on this one because it's made by Amati. This ship, the Pinta, and La Niña are on my list to build. But Latina also produces the same three. You are also building another one I would like to do. Can you give me a good comparison of these two companies in their kits? Why did you select Amati for this vs Latina? You mentioned one problem already. Is this a consistent problem? I have options to purchase this model from either company. And I will want to keep all three Ship builds from the same company for consistentcy. I have fair to some advanced skills in model building and woodworking. I haven't done wooden ships. But I have done plastic and other detailed work. And with a full wood shop and other hobby tools I don't worry about having to build parts if necessary. But I would like a true heads up evaluation before committing. Thanks.
  19. I used Staples for my architectural prints. Just took them a flash stick with the plans and they printed them directly for me.
  20. Is there a link available for that? I would like to download it as this ship is on my build list.
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