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Posts posted by Gregory

  1. On 10/26/2021 at 8:55 AM, Rik Thistle said:

    After reading this thread I discovered my (2016) Panasonic DX80 had a Firmware update available that added focus stacking. The update means the camera can take a very short 4K movie and (in-camera) stack the frames together.

    After reading your post,  I took a closer look at a Panasonic FZ80 I had my sights on for a camera upgrade.  Turns out it has 'focus stacking' and calls it 'post focus'..

    It has two different modes that I haven't fully explored, plus I have a lot to learn about optimizing all the features on this camera, but for now, I'm pretty much going with the automatic basic settings..


    Anyway, here is my first experiment in ' focus stacking ..




    This is a shot using the auto-focus feature of the camera.. I think the 2nd gun from the front was what the camera focused on.




    Here is a shot using the " post focus " feature. 

    Rick mentioned it takes a ' short movie'.  One second of 30 frames to be exact, where it shifts the focus from front to back, then merges them into one image.  Processing only takes a few seconds.


    I have a lot to learn about using the camera, but this feature shows some promise for taking better pictures of model ships.

  2. 5 minutes ago, glbarlow said:

     what you mean by brass collet?

    These come from Amazon.



    5 minutes ago, glbarlow said:

    Seems like twisting it off entirely is a good possibility.

     Happened more than once when I was  refining the process..


    I used a thin grinding disk to rough up the inside edges.  I use high RPM and move the piece slowly..






    I realize there is more at risk when using limited kit parts, but I make my own carriages, so it's no big deal to make a new one if I break one. 

  3. The Rabbet ( rebate ) is a groove that the planks fit into at the Stem and along the keel.


    Here is Glbarlow's Cheerful..  The ends of the planks butt into the rabbet at the stem.


    The garboard plank sits in the rabbet along the keel.


    In modeling it can be simulated in a couple of different ways ..  It isn't always necessary to cut it..


    In this topic, I showed an example of how a thin strip down the center of the keel and stem simulates the rabbet when separate  keel and stem pieces are added to the backbone in a plank-on-bulkhead model..

     There are probably hundreds if not thousands of examples in the build logs..


    Just search for " rabbet " ..


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