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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Hey Brian, nice catch! 🎣 The cannons are coming along fine, they are tedious to rig, I remember being relieved to finish the ones on my Bounty and I only had four! 🤣
  2. Nice details added for the tops and the iron bands and reinforcement details for the lower yards, really lifted the level and looks. 👏
  3. Hi, Sorry, I've been trawling my followed threads and missed some pages back in my feed including this log. Did you take the plunge and strip back your planking? Hope you still plugging away at the old Greyhound. It's okay to take months if not years breaks in builds - if your hearts not in it, then that is a sign to do something else until it is. 😉
  4. Nice to see another take on “Endeavour”. I have the Caldercraft one awaiting its turn and each time a see a build log I get a guilty pang! Really good planking! 👍
  5. That bridge looks super, the ‘canvas’ railing protection screen is very nicely done! 👏
  6. How about a half built dusty CC one! 🤣 sorry…..
  7. Cockpit completed. Added Tamiya tape seatbelts, with spare PE. off-cuts for buckles etc. Also added flare canisters and fire extinguisher, made from spare styrene rod, tape and paper and yes when closed up hardly any of it will show! 😆 On the underside, the fuselage fuel tank added, this will also not be easily seen once the bombs and racks go in, but we know its there! Next up glue the fuselage together and sand/fill, won't bore you all with that update, but will show the tails assemblies going on and the bomb-bay bulge fix that will be needed to make this into a B.XVI Mossie and not a TT.35 Mossie! Thanks for the likes and comments guys! 😁
  8. Short update to show progress so far on the interior. I've not had as much time as hoped this last couple of weeks, but got down to a little cockpit detailing today and spraying loads of things green. Need to add some seatbelts and the centreline fuel tank before I can close up the the two halves. I might add the flare cartridges and fire extinguisher just in front and below the Navigators seat, but not much more, as with the framed canopy in place, not a great deal of detail is going to be visible at this scale.
  9. Hey Brian, Doing coils is a pain, I've tried a few techniques and came across this one somewhere on MSW using little chips/counters that you "sandwich" the coils around a pin. I use wet thread using a diluted PVA solution, so (hopefully) the coils stay together, trapping the end down the centre hole and then wrapping the thread around the centre pin. Letting all dry before separating. Made a board so I can do six at a time, hope this might be of help also.
  10. Well prior to MSW, the only ones I did were the “Vintage Car” series you cut out from the back of Weetabix boxes as a kid but that was a long time ago!
  11. I’m not on sure ground here, but I have read somewhere that the larger spruce “gates” I think they are called, are down to manufacturers using alloy instead of steel moulds that wear quicker so they need to use lower pressures to prolong production runs. Therefore they need bigger gates/connections to the part mould sections for the lower pressure plastic to get into. Could be talking a load of old Croc there, but I have that from somewhere. I will do an update soon but there seems to be loads more pin ejector marks in the parts also, maybe this is also a by-product of this lower pressure mould technique?
  12. I wouldn’t miss seeing another of @ccoyles converts become irredeemably lost for ever. 🤣👍 Card modelling makes resisting the Borg look a piece of cake! ”Resistance is futile”
  13. Great job 👏 I hope it doesn’t get relegated to the top shelf too soon! Deserves to be in the limelight until you need the space!
  14. Airfix did an A-26 also, but it was not released often and I have never seen one, but I can’t imagine it being any different in quality to the B-26 you are grappling with now.
  15. Agreed a very nice finish, who knew an old Airfix could scrub up so well! 👏
  16. Very nice 👏 Blink and we nearly missed that one! Although I did spot it in the background of some of your U-boat pictures. As they are the same scale you could do a diorama of the U-boat rescuing a ditched Fokker! 🤣
  17. Plenty of water there Brian, now do you need a Pickup or a Canoe to get about from your place? I can see a white van there, but it looks like you had a deluge not long before that lovely picture was taken!
  18. Oh you tease Brian! I saw your update on the "At a glance" thread and expected "pages" of updates here! 😆 She is looking good, love to see your updates here on your log when you have time my friend! 👍
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