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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Meticulous work Slog, I really admire the patience and perseverance to do the detail that probably won’t be seen, but WE know you did it! 👏
  2. Looking very good Sam, I have this kit in my stash, so following your progress with interest. 👍
  3. Decided I needed to think about mounting the Puffer before I got onto the delicate rigging phase. Used a small rectangular piece of MDF then made a sea “texture” using Gesso. Painted using a mix of brown, crimson and Phthalo blue, with some light highlights for the wake and a few wave tops. Nothing too over the top. Finished in Acrylic gloss medium and gloss varnish
  4. Brilliant work Chris! 👏 I hope your friend has big shelves in his new house when he moves!
  5. The link in the post Gregory posted (#198) is a very good read, the binnacle houses the compass(s) and lamp to read by night.
  6. Oh heck guys, this sounds bad! 😥Snake is my next ‘big’ build once I finish a couple of project’s off that are close. Though I am going to ‘kit bash’ it into a different “Cruizer” class ship rigged of 1830s vintage, so probably will end up semi-scratch built anyway.
  7. I know that look, get that at home from my pooches! - “Will you stop what you are doing, we need to go sniff some lampposts and bums NOW!”
  8. Oh, how we suffer for our Art! 😆 That said, I bet you have to be careful separating some of the printed parts from the little "stalks" 🤯
  9. Sorry that does not compute for me Chris, now I have tried it, how the heck to you get the edges to line up! 🤔, you lured me into the ‘Dark Arts’ and then you show us card parts that look like moulded ones! Witchcraft I say! 🧙
  10. I know, Greg probably has enough ‘spares’ to equip an entire 1/350 fleet. 🤣 But I understand, once you know there is something more accurate out there, well, that is one awful scratch to not itch! If you are going to build a “Roma” you probably only doing it once, so might as well do it right! 👏
  11. Must admit, I left off the Binnacle securing rope on my Bounty, it was trapped between the belaying rails, so I chickened out. I may go back and redo that when I get back to my Bounty. I will see how you do it! 😁
  12. Those look stunning, I have in mind a few 1/350 RN subjects and had looked at this company, but wasn't sure, the quality you have there has made up my mind. Now I just need to plan what I would need for a few projects to make the postage work for me and get a few items/projects in together. Thanks for sharing a look at your goodies Greg. 👍
  13. Very good, how do you know the individual horses colours, did certain Regiments only use (in this case Grey horses)? Great research if so! 👍
  14. Very good, love the squabbling Seagulls in the foreground 😀and the light effects on the waves and sky. 👍
  15. Ha, well there is that old saying about something looking good enough for “a blind man on a galloping horse”, but you paint the actual horses as well! 🤣🐴 (and very well to boot 👍!)
  16. Thanks E Z, working at this scale does require a generous profanity count! - Nearly matching the part count on this Puffer at times 🤐 But slowly learning as I'm getting older that when this occurs just put it down (I'm supposed to be enjoying myself!) and go start something else; even something on the same build - I hardly ever stick to the instruction sequence on any kit and often hop to my "favourite" bits and come back to the profanity inducing parts as and when I am feeling Zen. 😇
  17. Thank you @richard44 , @Dave_E & @Old Collingwood for your kind words 😀 Viewed using my magnifying glass headset or even the macro on the mobile camera, things do not look to hot! 🤣 but as Chris said on post #15, we can all aim for an “artistic impression” from normal viewing distances. Looks even better if I don’t wear my reading glasses 😉
  18. Hi Jan, yes agreed, we need more models of beautiful ships like Varyag! (not more Victories, Bismarcks & Titanics, but your right, they sell....) This is an inspirational project. 😲
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