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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Not sure if is the right thread, but I am wondering how were ships boats stacked on top of each other and tied down? I ask as I am building the Caldercraft Bounty and the two boats are shown stacked, but the instructions are silent on how that was done. Assume some wedges do some sort on the boats underneath? thanks.
  2. Will do, spent a bit of time today trawling my picture files and it brought back some memories, ouch the frustration of ripping off about 200 copper plates! 😆
  3. 😂 I know, blink and ten years whizz past! The usual lame excuses, kids, moving house and work.... 🤭
  4. Thanks Keith for the welcome, I have found some pictures of my Bounty from 2010-11 when I started my last log, I will start a new log and bring up to date to where she is now. 👍
  5. Thank you! 👋 good to be back, I've been hunting out some Bounty build logs to help me with mine.
  6. It has been interesting to read this thread and learn I am not alone in biting off more than I could chew with a build! After a Caldercraft "Sherbourne" I thought I could tackle their "Bounty"..... that was over ten years ago! and one unfinished build log that demised along with MSW 1.0 I think (so technically I'm not one of those with an unfinished build log! 🤣 ) Thing is I did also buy their "Snake" but opted for the Bounty first as I mistakenly thought it would be easier as it was smaller, wrong! Considering whether to start up another build log on the Bounty now I have restarted it, but that might be tempting fate....
  7. Hello All, My names Andrew and I am a returning member from years ago! I've been lurking about a few weeks seeing what's going on and thought I better introduce myself. I've been a life long model maker and painter, but got my first wood ship kit in 2007 - Caldercraft's "Sherbourne" and did a build log on MSW 1.0; reading through some posts there was something called the "great crash of 2013?" that a vaguely recall, but I was an inactive member by then. Anyway after building the Sherbourne I then rashly decide that my next model would be Caldercraft's "Bounty" and had started another build log in 2010, but I found it hard work and gave up in 2011! So fast forward 10 years and I have dusted off the "Bounty" and started it again after all these years and am really enjoying it and made more progress in the last few months than I have for years. But realise I am in need of guidance, as I was in the past, so here I am again - hopefully for the long haul. I am determined to complete the Bounty and hidden away I also have Caldercraft's "Snake" and "Endeavour" patiently waiting their turn! Looking forward to getting involved once more Andrew
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