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Everything posted by AJohnson

  1. Oh, I wish I had known these were coming as I only last week got a 14ft. one from a company you know well where you need to use black card for ribs... yours look beautiful!
  2. Btw. sorry for the picture order, still getting "Error 200" on some pictures, so by time they upload, they are out of sync!
  3. Hello all, Hope you are all having a great Christmas holidays, I have been indulging in too much food and drink with family and friends to do much on the little Nisha, but a few updates below. Completed the first planking and added the keel/stem/stern rabbet patterns and also the stern counter, which I managed not to split this time! (Though I didn't soak it this time just glued and clamped for 24hrs.) Also completed a few little assemblies along the way (fish hatches, companionway and steam winch) These are very delicate parts and glad Chris includes some spares!
  4. I Don't know but I'm currently reading about the sailing trawlers out of Grimsby and other stations during the 1800's up to WW1, as background to my latest build. Interesting to learn how much the railways and Grimsby port authorities built the town to to service the fishing industry for getting fresh fish to London.
  5. Welcome to MSW Shane, from not that far in N Yorkshire 👋
  6. Hope no teeth marks! Could always be a talking point referencing Jaws, "I think we are going to need a bigger boat!"
  7. I've been getting that error just now with an update to my log. Sheer bloody mindedness and repeating the same procedure over and over (a sign of madness I believe?) and most of the pictures did go on. They were all resized and small, but the server was not having a couple of them? 🤔
  8. Moved onto the first layer of planking after finishing fairing the bulkheads more on advice of James H. Trying out pre-bending and shaping the planks before fitting to the hull, going okay so far taking it steady, but as the Nisha is small, an evening can see a few planks done in a sitting. While waiting for those to dry, I have cleaned and primed the PE ready for painting and also done a few of the later deck fitting sub-assemblies, I'll get some pictures of those uploaded soon. Also enjoying reading "Sailing Trawlers" by Edgar J. March, this has given me loads of ideas for adding little bits to my version of Nisha (many of these ideas beyond my abilities probably, but I can dream! 😆) Thanks for looking in.
  9. You should be okay if the underlying profile is good, all will be hidden by the second planking, thats what I’m hoping on my “Nisha” stern counter also.
  10. It shows, your pictures look like James H’s when he is doing Vanguards prototype builds, 👍 Great start, 😀
  11. Yes I did, they were thinned to a fine edge at the front. @James H thanks - yep looks like more sanding required, the same needs doing at the stern also I think, next job before starting the planking. I am also doing some of the sub assemblies later on in the instructions (like the fish hatches) while I wait patiently for bulwarks to dry. But yes the sanding blocks / paper come out to play next, keen to do best I can of the first planking, as I have never been happy with my first planking on builds before.
  12. Thank you, yes "Nisha" is diminutive, but I think there was a bit of distortion in that shot as it makes her look tiny. Picture below against a 12inch rule. Widest part of her beam will be just under 3 inches when finished. Her size and looks are a good thing.... firstly it opens up many more shelves and 'top' of book cases as "moorings" for model boats and the Admiral and my daughter likes these pretty little ones with red sails. So win - win! 😁
  13. Update on progress over last couple of evenings, attaching the parts 45 & 46 the bulwarks. Took a few dry fits to see how they would line up to the lower of the two markers provided on the inside edge of each part and the front part needed sanding to sit flush on the bow, all covered in the instructions. Pinned and glued up to the level of the deck pattern. Leaving that to dry before moving onto the first planking. Also arrived today is a reference book I got from fleabay, that I have seen mentioned on MSW in connection with Chris's Erycina & Nisha and other threads - "Sailing Trawlers" by Edgar J. March and indeed from first looks it is going to be very useful , with plenty of photographs, drawings and plans; including the Nisha! 😁
  14. Thanks Andy, I will look out for your log when you start. I think what might have happened was one of the clips slipped, putting a strain across the counter pattern, which as it was soft from soaking, slowly split during the night. I have just checked it this morning and all is fixed now, all I need to do is a bit of sanding and delete a few posts on this log and no one will know! 😆
  15. Thanks Craig, yes I:m hoping it will be okay once the covering part goes over it. Just need to make sure the underlying profile is correct with a bit of sanding. Onwards and upwards, 👍
  16. Nice start 👏, good to see another little working boat on the forum, I'll be following along. Also good to see you got the deck pattern on without breaking any bulkhead nibs off, unlike some who are tackling another Vanguard kit at the moment. 🤐
  17. Progress so far on building up the hull ready for planking. So far I am up to stage 51 in the instructions, spent a fair amount of effort in sanding the bulkheads so that the first layer of planking will sit okay, running a plank up and down the bulkheads to make sure there were no areas that didn't sit right. There is a bit more to do yet in one or two spots, but happy with progress on at least this bit. Then attached the keel and stem patterns and stern post, there was a little opening of some of the bulkhead slots to do to get these in, but no really issues here. But then I tackled step 51 in the instructions and I've bust the kit again! 😖 In my defence I followed the instructions and soaked the stern counter pattern in hot water for half an hour then clamped it into position and left it overnight. I came back in the morning to the scene in the penultimate picture... oh dear. ☹️ So I've checked the alignment and just glued my new two-piece stern counter in place! Think it should be okay with a bit of sanding once dry, I will let you know when you tune into the next instalment of the good ship "Calamity" - "Nisha"! 😨
  18. Really really nice build Chris, just wouldn't know it is a card model, very neat.
  19. Well my first encounters with Vanguard are good, but still not fool (me) proof, I have broken two bits already, but they are conveniently hidden and glued under the false deck….. 🤐
  20. Looking good Dave, you realise you are doing all the hard work and I will hoover up all your "tips and tricks" when I finally get around to doing my CC Endeavour! 😆 👍
  21. Best of luck next week Mark, hope all goes well for you. Your lovely Sphinx will still be there for you when you are up to wrangling with it again. 👍
  22. Drum roll going for the big reveal! 🥁 Looks stunning already from this angle Chris 👏
  23. Thanks Chris, yes a bit more bending was probably in order, but once a few slots had clicked into place I sort of panicked a bit and kept pushing the false deck home. All good in the end and the tabs come off later, so good tip folks - bend that false deck! See what happens when you release your precious kits into the world! - They are fine when gently caressed by you and James, but out in the wild, rough B@G&*ers like me start abusing them... 🤣
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