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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. My chair is pulled up. So much learning takes place watching others build and see their techniques. 👍😀
  2. Hey Jim, Suspected the same thing regarding materials. I thought we’d have better from Model Shipways. I have a list started and will follow what you discover and do. 👍
  3. Very nice! Whatever our techniques, the successful desired outcome is what matters. Good job. 👍😀
  4. Hi All, Monday night, got the boom done and working on the driver but it will have to wait, I’m going to bed. 😆
  5. The bent wire stuck into the lower and upper deadeyes thing works. Many videos on how to do it. Easy, and you’ll never have this happen again. 👍😀
  6. I have 4 books on period ship rigging, 2 of them sorry I wasted my money on. IF a person were to want to step back in time and really learn all the lingo and science of the day to build model ships… cool, if one were striving for 100% period accuracy perhaps. After reading through MANY MANY build logs, I see most have their way to the solution. I have the same tools everyone has (maybe have to learn how to use them 😆). Between the horrible plan sheets of the LN and others builds and books with PICTURES, we get to some building conclusion. The plans for the rigging of the boom I’m doing now are really messed up. After looking and studying (and then going to Glenn’s build), yep they’re messed up. I came to the same conclusion and plan Glenn did on his build and that’s where I learned I probably should have waited to fasten down the shrouds. All good now and proceeding. The easiest way to the expertise on this forum is to ask, and I thank all of you for your help. 👍😀
  7. Good Sunday Morning Everyone, Thank you all for the encouragement and good ideas… really. Just read a few responses that have me saying “why didn’t I think of that”? 😊Just before I quit for the night, I did remove the remaining shrouds so I had clear access to the rigging at the belaying pins and was successful securing the line to one. I know I’m going through what most of you might have experienced on your first build. Things like having a spar all set and ready to do go and start and then realize you didn’t thread a block before you tied off at the other end, or forgot a screw eye on a block that is already rigged and secured to a spar. 😠😆 Learning curve. Thank you for following and the comments. Can’t imagine what LN would look like at this point without MSW and you all. 👍😀
  8. Hi All, I’m stumped. Should I remove all the shrouds in order to attempt to tie off lines on the belaying pins? There’s no way on God’s green earth I’m going to pull this off. I think I might have discovered why some builders forego the rigging of a ship model and make it with stubby masts and bow sprit. 😣 If my couple of hours looking at this and the plans are anywhere near correct, the shrouds should almost be the last items attached. I did order smaller belaying pins and they were to small, fell right through the holes. And then there is the coiling of excess line after securing it to the belaying pin? 🤣😅😆 I believe rigging skills might just be a gift everyone does not have. Not feeling to positive at the moment about completion.
  9. Hi Ron, Welcome aboard. Thank you for your CG Service. As a prior boater (fishing/hunting/recreational), I developed a special admiration for the CG that no one but a boater can. I'm Navy, but CG vessels were always different. You'll like it here. 👍😀
  10. Welcome aboard mate! 👍😀
  11. I think you got er Dave. I've said before, the little boats in a 1/64 (even 1/48) scale are a work/hobby all of their own. Good job. 👍😀
  12. Forgive me if I missed it, but after reading 6 pages of your site on MSW… what scale is the Indy? Estimated OAL and height with rigging?
  13. I wouldn’t let that tiger out of my sight with the ship out. 😆
  14. Right there with you. After watching the Hornblower series like 4 or 5 times, there is no ship model I would like to build more.
  15. Hi All, Afte a week of preparing the garage work bench for a place to do the sanding work, I have finished the yards and booms. I actually found the yards easy to make using a mini plane and sandpaper. Now on to the complete pre-assembly of each spar. I actually had the mast top turned in one piece and then broke it when I reached across to get something while it was chucked up in the drill. 😖 It will glue back ok.
  16. Your metal work Sir is simply incomprehensible at this scale. Simply outstanding! 👍😀
  17. REALLY nice job on the decks and the tree nails mate. 👍😀
  18. Welcome to the forum! What Keith said. 👍😀
  19. Welcome to the forum Hans! 👍😀
  20. Welcome to the forum Steve! 👍😀
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