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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. I just retired and trying to find my way in the world. 😂 I might have way more time than some to build. Whatever progress you make will be done out of joy and relaxation I’m sure and I’ll be watching. The bed pirate ship is crazy cool! 👍
  2. Outstanding! We are actually at just about the same place on our builds. I started my second planking today. I posted a picture of mine on my build log a couple days ago, looks just like yours. 😄 👍
  3. Excellent! I have found this ship building hobby to be great therapy for what distracts us. 👍😉
  4. Thanks Starlight - excellent words. I am painting below the waterline, so I’m using the purple colored walnut strips down low on the hull. Learning a lot on this first build… how the wood sucks up the paint, should I seal the wood to painted first etc.. In my mind, everyone’s first build is just that, it’s their first, where they made mistakes and learn what works, what doesn’t, techniques they do or don’t like etc.. I had never thought about painting the lowest plank on the bulwarks first. That’s what’s so cool about this forum! Thank you. 👍
  5. Hey All - I just couldn’t help myself… had to paint something. I’ve got mixed emotions on where to go next… 2nd planking, deck planking. I am considering the second planking and then paint the exterior complete.
  6. Funny how I thought about that… then thought about paint… bleeding onto the decking etc.. I’ll just have to do my best with exact fit or use a waterway. And that’s the way the drawings show it. 😳
  7. I decided to plank the inner bullworks, and possibly plank the deck before starting the 2nd planking. The plans show (4) 1 X 4s on the inside of the bullworks. As you can see by the picture, I have a sliver of inner bullworks not covered (which I’m going to have to do). Is this normal? Did I possibly boo-boo putting the false deck on?
  8. Hey Jackson, I’m guessing that if you tried sanding the outer layer down, you’d damage your first layer, and depending on how thin the first layer is, the attempt might be disastrous. If you’re quite certain that may happen, fill in the bow with carefully shaped planking so to get the form Allan illustrated above and then fill everything (so you basically won’t see the planking curves) and then paint it as VTHokiEE suggested. I think you could get away with that… it’s what I would do. 👍
  9. Progress report? I’m considering this build later on. It’s rated as a “beginner”. Do you concur? Looking good ! 👍😀
  10. 1500 posts… I’m sure there are many here who know you. Welcome! 😀
  11. Glen, Your work gives me a level of perfection to strive for. Thank you. 👍😀 Most excellent!
  12. Ok Fellers, Ran into my first “how am I going to do this” moment. Tell me there’s a method to carve out all the gun and view ports in the bullworks, other than a mini file set.
  13. Congratulations on your retirement. I’m a month into mine. New way of life… thank goodness for the ships. 😁
  14. After researching the online hobby shops and sponsors here on MSW when I was deciding what and where to buy and comparing prices etc., the price of a kit on eBay or Amazon.com was my first clue something was amiss.
  15. Progress... I think. Started the 2nd planking. I glued the 1st 2 top planks on prebent with PVA and clamps. I got done and could see daylight in a couple spots, nothing major, but that's not the tight fit we all strive for. Glued the 3rd and 4th plank using the prebend and CA. Now we're cooking with oil! 😀 However, as I look at the bottom of the 4th plank... am I going to have to chamfer an edge of the next plank or will the Chuck bending" take care of a gap? I see a gap coming with out chamfer. Something that can be sanded out? Also have one Garboard plank in next to the keel. Should I put in a second, before laying out for the planking?
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