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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Hi Paul, welcome to the forum. I visited Wales many years ago while in the US Navy. Lovely place! 👍😀
  2. Yo Tommy, welcome to the forum! 😀
  3. Hi Bill, just got on board with your build. 👍 Don’t be shy asking questions on your log, as most of us Snake builders are all following each other’s build. 😀
  4. Welcome to the forum! This is the place to learn all you want to about model ship building! 😀
  5. What in the wild wild world of sports is a goin on here? 😳 Had to remind the shipyard that it is really a guitar bench. 😆 The Strat needed a long over do tune up. Then my baby needed some new flat wounds. 👍
  6. Welcome to the forum! Now is a good time to start getting experience and restore that beautiful ship! 👍😀
  7. Hi Jerzy, welcome to the forum! 😀
  8. Glad you made the decision to hang with your build logs! 👍 I’ll watch this one as well while you wait for parts on the Rattlesnake. 👍😀
  9. Hi All, We’re back from our month in Hawaii and as much as I had fun (sun burn, screaming grandkids, moody daughter-in-law and losing too many games of chess to our son) I’m glad to be home. Here is the Britannia stern piece… finding out just how hard this is to paint free hand. The raised portions of the casting do not allow some of the techniques I’ve seen. Two feet away… eh. 😉 I’ve got some touch up to do. This is also my 1000th post on the forum! 😀 Honesty, I have been on many forums in my life with different hobbies and interests (there are forums for any subject on the planet) but have never had the involvement that I do with MSW. The month I was in Hawaii, it was a joy to open up the forum every day or two and see what the boys have been doing. What I did not know when I joined is that MSW is not just for wooden model shipbuilding! Card, plastic, wood, bottles… ships, planes, anything, and I’d guess that many of us do dabble in more than one modeling medium. Anyway, glad I’m here and enjoy the many online friendships. God Bless you and Happy new year to all! 👍😀
  10. Planking looks good John. I remember my first (and only) bulkhead framing (Lady Nelson)… I wanted to scrap it. Months later, as I look at it finished, I think “what was I all upset for”? 😄 Press on! 👍
  11. Sweet! You don’t by chance fancy the Harrier do you? 😆👍😀
  12. Hi Andy, welcome to the forum! 👍😀
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