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Everything posted by Dave_E

  1. Hi Ed, At the moment I am strictly a brush guy. I am considering investing the equipment, not so much for wooden ships, but my my plastic endeavors.
  2. Now there’s something outside the model building box. 😆 You know If it works… go with it. 👍😀
  3. So... after all the great comments... if I wanted to be more authentic than not in my building of the Rattler... the "tallow" paint would be more correct than mat white for the hull? Below are some paint comparisons. The yellow ochre was just between brands.
  4. Jim, I respect your decision, much as I disagree with it. If we were take this approach (that many here have done) and apply it to everything in life… Brother, we’d be living a very different life. I know a topic like this could go politically terminal in no time, don’t want that. We’ve beat this dead horse pretty good I think. Respectfully,
  5. Hi Bob, age has no bearing here (forgive the nautical pun). Welcome aboard! 👍😀
  6. Hey Phil, I was in Naval Aviation for a spell aboard ship, I totally get the corrosion of “metal” stuff. Not sure how much paint got wood was always on hand. Of course I have no idea. 😆
  7. Hi All, Building and painting model wooden ships is done in variety of ways… absolutely authentic (weathered or brand new) to “I like the all wood look” and everything in between. I painted all the deck furniture on my Lady Nelson red occre because that was the kit plan… no other reason. I’m looking ahead at my Rattlesnake and have a notion to leave all the deck furniture natural wood. My question is does anybody have an idea what the norm was for the late 1700’s, US built warships? Did they paint the grates or the capstan, ladders etc.?
  8. Planking is looking good! Show us your heating bending apparatus. 👍😀
  9. Hi Fellow Snake Builders and Followers, Settled on a paint scheme…. much like most of the British vessels of that era. Made a couple color chips to compare ME paints vs Admiralty. The Rattlesnake plans have us painting the hull with what they call “Hull Tallow”, which is on top of the white paint chip. 😳 We are so used to seeing “flat or mat white bottoms that this creamy looking color looks out of place. In real life… it was probably more authentic that nice bright white. I’m trying to visualize this on the Lady Nelson and am having a hard time. I’m also going to paint the bulwarks red occre and not the grey MS has in the paint set and in the instructions. I can’t find any Admiralty paint other than sets and MS does not have a red occre! Any other suggestions for red occre? I don’t care for the bright red that some call gun carriage red, just me. I know I’m getting ahead of myself (nowhere near paint), just spent some time planning today. 😀
  10. You’re not trying to set some sorta speed record are you? 😆 I’m in. 🍿🥤
  11. Hi Ed, Looks good. I just went ahead and glued mine in today, got tired of that off/dremil/ on/check/off again routine. The way I figure it when it comes time to lay down those first planks there is always going to be something (ie bulkhead, filler etc) that might need a slight adjustment. If we can get close, that’s what counts. You and I are at about the same place on our builds. I scratch built my anchors and last night turned the square galley stack into a round one. I’ve also been working on the stern piece. I’m about ready to post that work. Nice to have someone who is about the same place on a build to bounce questions off. I’ve got Markov’s build on speed dial also. 👍😀
  12. Now there’s a cool idea! Sort of like the coin under the stepped mast. I’m going to borrow that when it’s time. Thanks! 👍😀
  13. I have one from my RC plane days in the late 1970’s and it still works! When I was learning the wooden ship building trade and watching the planking videos, that iron came out of deep storage. Then the good wife donated 2 of her backup hair curling irons (large and small diameter) for the cause. 😀
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