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Everything posted by Oldsalt1950

  1. Somethings are better organized and others not so much. Small bits and pieces, yes. large stuff, no. Someone once re-organized my desk at work a nice gesture, but I couldn't find things in my paperwork pile, it was however nice to find some pens I had been looking for. 🙃
  2. The VM/12 kit comes in a bit less expensive then I had estimated. I had thought about 1500. Will have to see how hard I get hit on taxes before ordering. Jim
  3. Very smart looking. Once the copper plates are attached it will really set off the black hull. Jim
  4. What you use to clean your parts will depend on what they are made from. For brass use isopropyl and then vinegar to lightly etch it. Most parts can be cleaned with simple dish soap and water. You are basically trying to make sure there is no dirt and oil from your fingers on the parts. No real sense in buying an expensive degreaser when you can get away with a simple cleaning solution. Just be sure to not contaminate the parts by using your fingers to pick them up and use them once you have put them in a cleaning solution. Tweezers or gloves are the way to go. I used to work as a Finishing Painter for a now defunct aircraft manufacturer, and we used a highly toxic chemical to clean parts for painting known as MEK , a drop of it would literally such all the oil out of your skin, but the parts were squeaky clean. Jim
  5. It will be awhile before we know what ship this may be. Daytona Beach Shipwreck
  6. Welcome aboard. Take your time researching your boat, once you find a picture of one that suits your liking, see if you can find out who built/manufactured it. With that information in hand you might be able to contact the manufacturer and inquire about getting a copy of the hull plans for your project. Jim
  7. Not only is this a great build log for the Speedwell prototype, but a great primer for those of us contemplating building our first Plank on Frame kit. Jim
  8. Brian, you may want to look at these: Scrapers . For the price it is a good investment and should cover all your bases. Jim
  9. Ed, fit it to the top, and then cut a piece of wood to span the distance at the bottom, sort of a trim piece so to speak. Jim
  10. It is definitely one of a kind. Considering when it was built , it was quite the engineering marvel of its day. Jim
  11. Brian. here is a link to Turtle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turtle_(submersible) Jim
  12. Looking good Ken. The lines look like they could use just a bit more tightening. Jim
  13. Brian, your secret vessel reminds me of the first U.S. submersible the Turtle, piloted by Sgt. Ezra Lee during the revolutionary war. You can go the glue and sawdust route, or find a stainable wood filer either will work. You might look at Woodland Scenics webpage and their tutorial on ballasting railroad tracks. You don't need much glue to fill in those gaps with sawdust. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Jim
  14. Welcome aboard Dave. In addition to checking out other build logs of the kits you are working on, get a notebook and take notes for future reference. There is close to a million years of kit building knowledge here for the finding. Don't limit your build log reading to just the ships you are interested in, read others and the NRG Resources, YouTube also has some good videos if you are more of a visual learner. Above all else have fun, if something has got you frustrated or stuck take a break and come back to it. Jim
  15. There are a number of ways to secure the knots on ratlines. Some people use Acrylic Matte medium, some use CA (superglue), some use white wood glue. I prefer Acrylic Matte medium. My suggestion is to experiment with the various glues and see which one gives you the best appearance, as in does it stain the line or discolor it. Jim
  16. Clay is rather forgiving, whereas wood is not. I take it you are actually working with Sculpey.
  17. I would think clay would be a bit easier to work with as you can mold various parts by themselves and the attach to the figurehead body. You could make a basic shape armature and then just start adding clay to it as you shape the figure. Just my personal observation. Jim
  18. Dave, during my 20 years in service I was known pretty much as a hard ***. I wouldn't compromise my principals regardless the outcome. If nothing else, it earned me respect from my subordinates and superiors. We have kind of beaten this horse to death in some respects, but there comes a point where you have to make a stand. I have a number of ME kits awaiting build, and I will build them, however I will not do a build log because of Mr. Mosko's stance regarding the ZHL "Black Pearl" and will not do business with him until such time as he stops doing business with ZHL. Jim
  19. Due to the controversy surrounding ME selling pirated ship kits, I will not be updating this build log. The Rattlesnake is not such a kit, but I cannot in good conscience continue to post any progress made on a kit manufactured by a company that is selling pirated kits. Jim
  20. Due to the controversy surrounding ME selling pirated ship kits, I will not be updating this build log. The FA is not such a kit, but I cannot in good conscience continue to post any progress made on a kit manufactured by a company that is selling pirated kits. Jim
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