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Quimp Slattery

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Everything posted by Quimp Slattery

  1. You are welcome. I will encourage you every step of the way (which may be a long one...) Oooh, creativity! You know, even if your chances of finishing this to standard that will satisfy you are slim, imagine what you are going to learn in the attempt! Even better, think of the things that you are going to have to invent! Speak not of Major Problems, he is outranked by General Opportunities!
  2. I agree entirely. "Appropriate" is something of a weasel word, very ambiguous, undefined; it's definitely a matter of opinion what it means. I suggest that the builder choses his own definition for terms like this for the pragmatic reason that if they canvas opinions, they will get a gazillion different ones and still have to chose which one they prefer. 😄 But I don't know...
  3. Excellent advice. I was able to find logs or at least reviews for every kit that I bid on at auction. It tales only moments online and saves a lot of pain. (It's also a good way to find out whether the kit is from a pirate manufacturer.)
  4. I believe the appropriate colour is the one that you, the builder, like the best.
  5. As a new guy here, I don’t presume to tell you what to do with your project, but personally, I like a little imperfection in a model (which is very convenient given my limited skills 😁 ). For me the crooked stanchions add the ‘human touch’. They give the model ’soul’. I admire the skills that produce ‘perfection’ but don’t love such models. Many beautiful people have crooked teeth.
  6. I have recently bought several pre-owned wooden ship kits from eBay. All were reputable European and American brands. About a third were out of production. All were complete and in good condition. All but one still had the wood sealed in its moisture barrier packaging (and I suspect the exception didn’t have such packaging when new). I limited my bids to half of the retail price and paid about a third of the retail price overall. I can neither recommend nor condemn the practice because I might just have been lucky. This is simply some data for you to consider.
  7. Seriously, does an ekranoplan count as a sea-vessel? It can only fly over water. It could perhaps be considered as a ‘super-hydrofoil’ or a hovercraft?
  8. That's a beautiful build and a very useful log. I have one of these models and your experiences will help me lots. Thank you.
  9. I like your oil work. You don't have to limit your palette to black. Yellows and browns also work really well for fluid leaks as well as for general muck and grime.
  10. The closer we look, the nastier it gets. 🤮 However, I still have confidence in you. 🙂
  11. An ekranoplan flying out of ground effect! Whatever next? It looks like a fun little project.
  12. I suppose that would depend upon the weight of the gun, friction in the mounting and available men to work them, but I can imagine four tackles getting in an awful mess.
  13. There will always be ways to improve, that's what makes the modelling hobby so compelling. However, I can see nothing wrong with your work at all. To me it all looks excellent. I've enjoyed reading this build log today as well as admiring the boat. It has been very entertaining and helpful. Thank you.
  14. Hmm. Nor do I. But assuming the price was reasonable, I strongly believe I’d have bought the thing myself if I had been in your place. 😂 It’s so easy for me to get carried away at shows. I think it will be an interesting project for you to do and for us to read about, so this is definitely one for me to follow. Good luck!
  15. Welcome Erik. I look forward to seeing your Mikasa.
  16. I know exactly what you mean. It is definitely the most difficult model making process that I’ve ever done. However, your results are magnificent. Sure, there are a few cracks to fill at the bow, but compared to my first bluff bow, yours fits like a dance floor. I’m doing my second fully round bow right now, second planking, and I’m just beginning to understand and achieve the ‘geometry of the curved surface’. That’s something I wasn’t taught at school. Looking at your first plank layer here, I think you’re very close already. Remember, the thinner second layer is much easier to work with.
  17. My cutter also has ten guns but having studied this post there’s a strong possibility that six or more have been taken ashore for routine maintenance. That’s fine work you are doing. I’m really looking forward to seeing your rigging.
  18. I worry that Kevin will drop the ship on his way out to the garden! Which would be such a shame as it's looking so good.
  19. Here's the finish/sealer I use. It's a British product which has been around longer than I have. There's no mention of a North American office on the bottle but there must be an equivalent over there.
  20. I use a product called sanding sealer. It's ready mixed shellac with talc mixed in as a micro filler. Shellac is alcohol based and dries fast. It sticks to everything and everything sticks to it so it's compatible with any paint.
  21. For a moment there I thought you were getting into a Kobayashi Maru situation but reading through to the latest updates I see you have nailed it. Well OK, glued it. (I'll look for some of that thick and quick Titebond, sounds good.) She's looking really good now, nice steady work. well done! BTW I like best the updates where each photo brings out a few words. Too many photos without captions confuses me and too many words without pictures ... confuses me. Ha! I am a bear of very little brain.
  22. Judging from the tell-tale remnants of charting, she looks spot on to me.
  23. You score ten out of ten for attention to details. I love what you did with the rivets.
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