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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks Reg. Yes the pear and cherry work really well together. Thanks Glenn. Big is and understatement! I worked with Cheerful right in my lap. Not this time.
  2. Glenn, not knowing is not an issue. As you said they look good to me so for once I'm leaving well enough alone. As far as scrapers go if your like me you'll be making a lot more than one! I've printed out the stern frieze and have applied them. They went on well except for the lower counter. My model was off just a little and there was a small gap at the lower molding. I had to reprint the lower counter at 102% so that it would fit correctly. Also using nzreg's idea for attaching the hull to work on the stern worked terrifically. Thanks! Oh and the shop foreman was awake, sort of.
  3. Welcome aboard Adriano! As I'm sure you already know both of those shops are a lot of fun to build. I look forward to seeing both progress.
  4. Hi Glenn, No sharpening. Just cut the profile and scrap. The hardest part for me was learning the angle to hold the scraper and the amount of pressure. I also found that going with the grain works better. I also got the dullcoat today, just sprayed them I think they look good. I do have weathering powders but I don't think they would right for this.
  5. Thanks Joe. I have been away more than at it but the hot weather gave me a bit more free time.
  6. Thanks Reg and Steve, I'm thinking about WOP or a fine spray coating of a matt fixative or poly. Hmmm..... Thanks for all the likes too!
  7. As you can see I've applied the Old Masters Fruitwood Gel Stain to the stern decorations. I applied the stain with a soft paint brush, let it sit for a couple of minutes and then used a clean dry brush to even out and wipe off the excess stain. I left the drops undone so you can see the difference. Here is one figure tacked temporarily in place to see how it looks and I'm happy with it. One question though would be after staining the pieces should they be sealed with something or leave them as is?
  8. Watching you use string will be a great learning experience and I look forward to your updates. Travel safe!
  9. I agree Glenn. I spent a couple hours last night cleaning up the flash etc. on the pieces and will start experimenting soon. I'll temporarily tack them in place to evaluate the look.
  10. Glad you liked it JJ and I look forward to your next update! Thanks Chuck, I was wondering if I could do the Fruitwood 1st and if needed darker later. Thanks Reg. Yes Ben they were actually a lot of fun. Chucks design modifications really improve them. Thanks for all the like too!
  11. I've had plenty of free time the past week and I was able to complete the port qgalleries roof and the starboard side frieze, moldings and qgallaries roof. Next I'll start fitting the figures and stern moldings etc. One decision I need to make is what color to go with for the resin cast figures and moldings. I'm undecided if I'll stick with the fruitwood gel stain Chuck used or go with something a bit darker. I do like the fruitwood color and think the contrast may look real good. The hard part is there is little extra material to test on. I'll post some ideas soon.
  12. Hi Glenn, Everything turned out magnificently. Your explanations will truly help those who follow. It also shows that no matter how closely we try to stick to the plans there are always slight variations, created by us, as we build. Adapting and correcting them as we go is what makes for so much "fun".
  13. Great workshop B.E. Really enjoying your build. I'm also interested in the Lady Isabella and may have to breakout the cc. 😊
  14. Thanks Bob! Also thanks for all the likes. Hi Chuck, Thank you and yes building at 1/4" in many ways is much more fun. The use of pear and cherry together has also far exceeded my expectations. As far as the v.2 design changes go you've really improved everything especially the quarter galleries. I thought the original design was a vast improvement over other kits method of assembling them. This version is even a bigger step forward and I was pleasantly surprised that the quarter galleries were easier than I thought they would be. Any difficulties I had were self induced errors which I have had a few!
  15. Thanks JJ. I made them. I filed the profile into some flat brass stock. It took a few attempts to get some that I liked.
  16. Thanks Glenn and nzreg. This is where I'm at on the port side quarter galleries, frieze and moldings. The scrolls and top most moldings are Syren laser cut from cherry. The center and lower molding were scraped from pear. They all work good together. The roof for the galleries has been completed but is just sitting in place for now. I still have to finish the top molding as well as the gallery fancy roof molding. Then it's on to the starboard side.
  17. Hi Bob, I'm glad to see that you are back at it. The hull planking looks good. We all have times where we are not "happy" with how a portion of a build looks but then again we are way to hard on ourselves. I too hit periods of less enthusiasm than others and I make sure not to "force" myself to work on a build. Time off can be a good thing. I look forward to seeing how you approach the quarter galleries. They are interesting and fun.
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