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Everything posted by john46

  1. Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your compliments and I am curious to see how you work out your mini Mamoli, will follow your build log with great interest. Regards, John
  2. Carlos, un bonito barco, este método de pesca está prohibida en los Países Bajos. Bellamente construido, mis felicitaciones. Saludos, John (thanks Google translate)
  3. Great service indeed Sjors, better than provided by Artesania to my experience. Regards, John
  4. A very nice built David. It is a pleasure to look at your built. Regards, John
  5. This is an amusing little built, I like it Curious to see the final outcome. Will follow your built log with interest. Regards, John
  6. Nice decorations Sjors, it gives the ship something special. Regards, John
  7. Yep, drilling is boring. After having finished the stairs I suppose you will go fast having prepared a lot of stuff already. Regards, John
  8. A masterpiece Bob, thanks for sharing. It was a real pleasure to read your log. Regards, John
  9. Garward, to be honest, it is not my idea. Picked this up from a builtlog on MSW 1 by Drake, so all credit to him. Regards, John
  10. Hi Garward, The grid is created by carving the acetaat, painted black and wiped off the black paint so it remains in the carves only. Take a look on the first page of my built log, there are some pictures how it is created for the doors of the machine room. Using mm paper to keep the carves in line. Now using a cotton swab instead of a brush which works more cleaner. Best regards, John
  11. Hi Sjors, Thanks for the compliment. Yes I followed your wise advise, she is looking much better that way. Regards, John
  12. Thanks for your kind words and advice Wim. Will use this putty only at places hard to see like I have done now. (normally speaking one does not look up from the bottom, it is just that I want to have it tight fitted).
  13. Patrick, just went through your log with a lot of pleasure by seeing such a nice built. Fantastic job. Regards, John
  14. Adrieke, nice to meet you. Good idea to give a name a face, you really exist. Will follow your good example .
  15. Thanks Sjors, I knew something was wrong, but could not find out what. . . In the meantime have fitted the windows and door to the curved walls of the state-room. There are neither window nor door frames which I donot like. So used mahogany 0.6 mm to create a kind of frame. Regards, John
  16. Great Lighting Adrieke, done a fantistic job. When I see those lights coming out of the stateroom I got the feeling : "where's the bar, a double scotch please". Regards, John Sorry, should be a double bourbon. . . .
  17. Mike, have taken a look at your turtle ship in the completed model gallery - it is fantastic, a valuable asset in your collection. Congratulations, John
  18. Phil, A great build and very nice details. It's a pleasure to read your log. Regards, John
  19. Sjors, Bought special beer for this purpose, do not know what happened, but the beer did not reach its destiny Looking at the King noted that the 2nd and 3rd deck not perfectly fit to the top of the boiler/machine rooms and state-room. Used some putty to get a better look. Regards, John
  20. Nice progress Adrieke, it looks very neat. If you connect a generator to the paddle wheel, you have a selfpowering lighting device by turning the wheel . John
  21. Hi Adrieke, Indeed will be fun to place the railings, however after consideration it looks more convenient to do the railings as last part of the build and do the 3rd deck state-room, wheelhouse, deckfourniture and masts first. By the way, how is your father doing ? Regards, John
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