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Everything posted by john46

  1. Looking great Mick, the wall paper is fantastic Regards, John
  2. Very nice pictures Jim, hope you will be able to continue the build soon. Regards, John
  3. You are ingenious. Regards, John
  4. Have finished the decorative border on the roof of the third deck state-room. My first attempt did not succeed and as a consequence I had to remove the glue from the borders, so had to repaint them. The 3rd deck and wheelhouse are now added to the hull. A stroke of walnut veneer closed the gap between the second deck state-room ventilation windows and the 3rd deck. Next will be building the stairs which will be time consuming due to the poor and unsteady quality of the precut stairs. Regards, John
  5. These windows and doors are a great added value to your built. Wonderful job. Regards, John
  6. You are doing a great job, Al. Thanks for the pictures. Regards, John
  7. Mick, you are a fast builder with a different approach. I myself first glue the walls together and then start planking. It is the result which count, not the method Regards, John
  8. Looking really fantastic Sjors. Regards, John
  9. Etched brass is looking great Al, well done. Regads, John
  10. Hi Mick, welcome to MSW. Curious to see your build log and will follow it with great interest. Wish you a lot of fun. Regards, John
  11. Rebecca, thanks and it is my pleasure. Thanks Jim, I have always worked in an organised mess, will never change that. Regards, John
  12. Nice progress Riess. You have now a bunch of wood to start scratch building Regards, John
  13. To me it is a wonderful start. Nice job. Regards, John
  14. Great planking Al, the brass strips are an added value to the look of the ship. Regards, John
  15. Great job Rebecca, the wood blocks are transformed to a steamboat ! Regards, John
  16. Hi Adrieke, the door looks good on the picture. Are you using coloured acetaat for the door-windows ? Regards, John
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