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Everything posted by marktiedens

  1. Love the weathering - really gives it a "ghostly"look. Mark
  2. Thanks Snow - The design of the kit makes it relatively easy to build them. Thanks Richard - much appreciated. Mark
  3. Thanks for the info,but my camera has no focus mechanism - neither auto or manual. It only has a switch for either close-up or distant. Someday when I get around to getting a cell phone I will probably use it instead. Mark
  4. That`s an awful lot of repetitive work - looks perfect, even in the close-ups. Mark
  5. Thanks Frank - those arches are photo etched brass from the kit. No way I could make them that nice. This kit has 11 or 12 sheets of etched brass - lots of nice details. The blue & yellow are not as bright in person as the photo shows - I used a very bright LED lamp to take the picture. I only have a point & shoot camera,so some of my photo`s are not that good - the range of focus is awful. Mark
  6. Beakhead bulkhead installed & second planking finished. Lots of sanding to go yet,then the upper gun deck ports will be opened up & lined. Pardon the dust - I haven`t cleaned anything up yet. A little paint touch-up will be needed after sanding. Plenty of planking strips were supplied - I probably have enough left to plank a small ship! Mark
  7. Thanks for the info,Alan. That would be quite a road trip. I may see if I can find something similar locally. We have a store in my area called the Woodsmith Store which carries most of the same things as Lee Valley plus a lot of exotic woods(except pear & box unfortunately). Mark
  8. Thanks Richard. The coppering is a ways off yet. The planking looks a little splotchy with glue smears,but will sand out nicely. I may do some tests on some scrap with different finishes to see which finish the copper tape sticks to the best. Mark
  9. Another little update - the lower hull is now planked Not perfect,but will be a good base for the coppering after some sanding. Thinking ahead,I am wondering if I should put some gloss polyurethane on the lower hull - tape seems to stick better to a smooth,glossy surface (the copper tape supplied has a self adhesive backing). Mark
  10. Nope,never tried that. I don`t have one of those small irons anyway. With no admiral here I don`t buy things that need ironing. Mark
  11. I know exactly what you mean. I will admit,though,I have snapped a few planks when bending them - mostly the ones that didn`t have straight grain. Also,as you can imagine,the harder the wood the harder it is to bend. Thicker planks of hardwood may need more wetting to ease the bending without snapping. Mark
  12. Hi Peter - not sure what post he put it in,so I will just show what I did. The form is just a piece of wood with a curve on one side with some tabs glued on it to keep the plank from buckling when it`s bent. I just wet the plank slightly with some water on my finger - no need to soak it - then after setting the plank in the form I use a heat gun to heat the plank. You could also use a hair dryer. Chuck uses an iron,but I don`t have enough space between the hold-down tabs to use an iron. I had to use closely spaced tabs because my planks are less than 1mm thick & would otherwise buckle very easily. Then let it cool before removing it from the form. After letting it cool there is a just a small amount of spring- back, but not much. The heat softens the lignens in the wood,which harden when the planks cool off. The form is just clamped to the edge of my table. Hope you can understand my explanation. Mark
  13. Hi Bjorn & welcome to my log! It will be interesting to see the differences in our kits. I am not always good at explaining what I do,but will try my best. Mark
  14. I see Model Expo is selling this same saw for about 60$ on sale. Mark
  15. Thanks Chuck - love your Winnie! Your work is an inspiration to me. Mark
  16. Thanks guys. The planking is listed as walnut in the parts list,but I don`t think it is real walnut. Also,they are not all the same width & the edges are quite rough & splintery - took me 2 days to sand the edges smooth enough to use. The planks are not long enough to reach the full length of the hull,so I`ve had to sort through them & match up the widths for each planking run. Some of the planks are not the same width along their entire length also. A bit disappointing since most of the other wood in the kit is of good quality,but it`s not that big a deal since it will all be painted & coppered - just time consuming. Mark
  17. Hi everyone - happy new year! Just a small update to end 2019 - second planking is well underway. The first plank was laid along the position of the main wale as suggested in the instructions. It doesn`t have to be perfect since the hull will be painted & coppered,but I still want to do a decent job for the practice if nothing else. I am using Chuck`s method to bend the planks using a curved form & heat - works pretty well. Thanks for looking in! Mark
  18. When I was in mechanic`s class in high school they had a tugboat engine in the lower level. The cylinders were so large an adult could stand inside one & barely see over the top. They could not fire it up during normal school hours because it would shake the whole building! Stunning work on your sub! Mark
  19. Update - All the side gallery patterns are on. A lot of fiddly work ,but they turned out ok. The stern fascia is just pinned in place so I could line up the patterns properly. Also, the window framing is not glued in yet - I just set them in place for the picture. The roof & lower drop decoration will be added after the second planking. The parts provided for those are plywood & pretty much unworkable,so I will make them from solid pieces of wood - most likely from basswood since they will be painted. Mark
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