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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. You are right, Peter. When I zoomed my C-plans, I see it is rather "step" than "stop". So, purpose is to facilitate climbing to aft deck house ? My C-plans are from net ( "collateral damage" - I picked them with downloadable "Sergal Roma" plans I found somewhere in *.tif format as plan08.tif plan09.tif and rigging.tif), which I converted to *.pdf, what mean - they were scaned by somebody in raster format. And considering I was forced to enlarge them to my scale, consequence is that many of lines get thicker
  2. Thanks Mark, but I think different. There are clear photos of opened doors which shows - 2 panels. In my life I have not seen doors with two panels at one side and three on other side, so I concluded there are only two panels. I can not attach photo from some reason using my phone right now, so I ll do it tomorow Edit: Not with Opera. Yes with Chrome Here is photo
  3. Drawings for aft deck house with all ( wooden) details - finished at last Two more deck houses to go I WANT SOME DUST !!!!!! I WANT SOME DUST !!!!!! I WANT SOME DUST !!!!!! I'm a little bored with drawings Drawings are exported from AI as *.jpg to present my work Interesting details: Is any window on back side ? On C-plans, there are two of them, but back entrance added later "eat" one. So I draw there one that last On front side, there are two elements called "Stop", which seem to me as holder for flower pot . Anybody know their purpose ? Inside and outside ornaments on back doors are different. Outside are rounded at top corners. Considering did not made interior to cabin, doors will be closed ( still I think that opened doors, even one wing could be nice detail on model). See green arrow on photo above And the hinges for back dors are ... just ... strange ( see yellow circle), and like as some kind of improvisation. Ok, I know that hinges have to make distance for door wings, but I doubt that hinges stick so much outward, it can be dangerous at storm. I know that back entrance was added later, but I suppose it was copied from former fore entrance. Obviously - not Skylight - On some models and on real CS, skylight is covered by some kind of awning, with transparent parts at the places for windows. In my opinion, blinds are very very nice detail, and it have to be seen, even it will be problematic to make in scale
  4. Maybe just to wait with your decision to the dead line for mounting cannons - to see what better looks then ?
  5. Thank you Mark, Tom and Nils This help me to stay focused on little details, to understand and realise what I have to do, if I want to get realistic view of details. Also to think about way how to make it, during drawing Cooking day today (meat pie), no drawing. If anybody is interested, picture and receipt on Shore leave section
  6. Elaboration of technical details and structure of aft deck house - side view - batten relief Maybe I go to far, front entrance is only 18 mm high, so details are ... It does not matter, it's nice to play
  7. Crazy week. Court season starts, Hothead packed and moved back to Novi Sad to his autumn exams, Princess gets extension of the employment contract ( really great thing in Serbia, and a really great news), a lot of job in office until 20h almost every day ... I have got some new cases after a long time ... old lady feeling pretty good for now ... seems everything go well ... Nothing to do with hands until I finish my working drawings. After a "card" exhibition and testing, I realized that I have to redrawn all my work, so I started today, with calculations of proportions, re-scaling dimensions etc etc Here is present stage of my work See you soon !!!!
  8. Thanks for nice words and support to my experiments Card playing, continuation ... Height of aft deck house is ris!ed from 8 mm to 10 mm Height of main deck houses are as on C-plans Comparing with proportion and scale on photos Aft deck can pass Main deck - maybe to rise height of main deck houses for 1 mm, not more. This houses are a bit higher than main rail
  9. Eh, George, if I had this approach from begining, I probably had less problems now. Man learns until he is live. These are 3D structures, and card simulation means a lot, and help me to visualize whole thing Right now it dropped to my mind that I have to take care also about heights of another two deck houses, and how higher aft deck house corespond with main deck house height. And how it coresponds with wrong longitudinal curvature of my main deck. This will be interesting !!!!! Probably " divide and spread mistake" method And it is fun
  10. Testing my AI drawings, drown exactly over my rescaled C-plans. Hmmmm ... My mess thing again visiting me Horizontal layout and proportions are ok (seems to be) But vertical ... It seems that my bulwarks are a bit higher than them have to be, and them are now almost the same height as aft deck house. Mounting deadeyes I noticed that them are in scale with my bulwark, even they are drastic enlarged comparing to their exact rescaled size (see table couple of posts earlier). I noticed that, but didn't realise what it means... Until tonight Comparing with attached photo, house is almost double height toward bulwarks height. And consideribg that height of house is correct toward C-plans, that means that bulwarks are raised to the sky (lost line issue, once again) To remake bullwarks - no, thank you! Not in this life Must continue to play with AI, to try to enlarge a bit height of deck house. only for 1-3 mm, I think it will be enough. Devil is not black as it seems. This will leave a bit more space for windows and surrounding moldings, but I have to be carefull to keep visual look and proportions of front and rear entrance, also not to overlap height of wheel box. Roof molding on deckhouse is a bit wider than a house, and it can visualy mask extra height
  11. That has some reason. Deadeyes are placed, almost hiden, inside bulwarks, which makes very little space to aproach them during rigging. Space for rigging deadeyes is verry narrow even without deck houses etc. Mark Taylor gave me same advice , and, as more I think about, it has more sense
  12. Vert nice job. All on place, all in adequate color gammuth. Don't travell - keep on working on Her! It is more interesting
  13. Thanks Mark. That was something which was buzzing around my head as a possibility Speaking about deck houses ... It seems as rule - to make them all together and to paint them all together, just to secure same color on all of them ( I like to mix acrylic paint to get as much equal color as on real ship ) That means that very next stage is to spend days and days in front of the PC "playing" with Adobe Illustrator and analyzing all plans and pictures of all deck houses I have. Ok, maybe to make and mount bollards for aft deck when I surfeit with AI drawing And not to forget those nice pair of eye-bolts hidden between dead eyes. Maybe there is another sweet detail hiding from me ? Kids had their garden party, and I was expelled to my workshop, when I finished slavery work with BBQ . They know nothing about BBQ, except to bring huge mountine of meat Being a refugee in my own house, what else to do, except to continue with Her Majesty ? Here is another dead eyes line mounted
  14. Mark, did I understand you well ? Did you suggest to make deck house and pin rails, but to mount them AFTER dead eye rigging?
  15. Believe or not, LG Leon Cell phone with only 5MP camera but with auto-focus
  16. I found a little time for some nice progress, and some nice scare of myself Time to mount first line of dead eyes Little jig for precise drilling holes And finished line Considering all ropes that will come there, and fence on main rail, I think it will be good. Scale is OK, position is OK But ... space for working on rigging .... how to hell to do this ? I must figure something until rigging comes Edit: my phone died in a period of quaranty, and have got new, better one with good camera, as it can be seen in photos above
  17. Thanks George. And good magnifier above all Thanks Dave for taking your time to be there. I wish you speed and full recovery my friend Thanks Peter. I ( we) hope too. Thanks Denis. Working on CS let my brain to empty and to float in another world
  18. Thx Mark. Life is not fair. I think nothing harder can happen than to lose child ( particulary only child) , and just that happened to her when Admiral passed. Only three months ago. She did not deserve this Thanks Patrick. Admiral`s parents were very kind to me and to my family, and I feel for them same as to my parents. I was treated as a son. I must take care of Old Lady as much I can Thanks George. There is no guaranty for recovering. She is pretty old, and here doctors avoid to surge old people, cause there are many risks in that age. We`ll see in next days what will be Thanks Marc. Right now, I am just thinking about: how to reduce number of cigarettes per day ( 25-30), and to return to my weekly swimming exercise ( to swim minimum 1 km once per week, maybe twice), to get in physical and psychical shape. That is at this moment only I can do for me Thanks Denis. I hope too Thanks Nigel. We will do everything which is possible Thanks Piet. Stress is a way of my life, and I developed some techniques to avoid and amortize it. Enjoying in "by the way" opportunities as : Sit on river and drink Ness Coffiee after or before court trial, walk with friends or alone at the evening, my CS, gardening, and a great command I gave to myself long ago: Do not let yourself to be unnerved by the job issues. When I was young, I was CEO in one company at the age of 27, and didnt realized that there was big "theater" performance going on (play in a play in a play) , and accepted this situation very emotional, until I finished in emergency with neurotic changes on my hearth ... Then I learned my life lesson, and in next 30 years I retrained myself for that and similar situations Thx Cap. My head is still under water, and I swim well Thy Harvey. One fun thing. Last 30 years, always after short good period, sh..t of different kind comes and lasts couple of years. Just in time of progress, there were some life situations that let you down. But ... as somebody said - ( I think Dave) - what does not kill you, makes you stronger Thanks. I keep and keep and keep
  19. It is really wonderful to have all of you here and around, particularly when hard times are here to come Dead-eyes for aft deck painted and ready to mount Hell work to paint Cu wire around in such a scale
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