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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Very nice and precise work. Some positions just have to be left for latter time, to give them chance to "sit" in your eyes and mind properly. This is something I call "artistic approach", which I use a lot as a compensation for luck of skill. You do not have skill problem as I have, but it is said " morning is clever than evening" Marvelous work Nenad
  2. Make-up of right side of Her started tonight after pretty zig-zaging day going here and there doing this and that, what all at the evening you just can not remember ... day passed, evening comes, peace felt down to all, and I continue to work. She was silent, carefully watching what I did Hour and a half ... enough for today ... I discovered that thin paintbrushes with acrylic paints have very short lifetime Look at this: This little curve on same top of paintbrush makes huge problems during work !!!! Straight look of painted line sometimes depends of 1/4 mm ... this curve gives to brush it's own will, to leave paint on places where brush wants, not on places where I want !!! I gave up using cheap Chinese brushes long time ago, and by them in specialized artist shops, paying a lot, because I noticed this earlier. Usually and often I really take proper care of all my brushes of any kind, wash them often during work and dry them, change water often, clean cloth is always on my knee to be close, pick up paint only with top of brush, do not let paint to dry on brush in anyway, but, after couple of months using them, this just happened. I think during painting I spent more time in preparing drop of paint and cleaning brush than in direct painting Reason - unknown. I suppose there is some chemistry in acrylic which reacts with natural hairs from paintbrush, and hairs curved by time. If you look carefully on second picture, you can notice a pair of hairs which just start going somewhere What to do? Any "sharping" or cutting hairs on that dimensions, simply do not work, and things become even worst. I tried this, and only result is - bluffly brush, complete unusable. Just I have to bye a new one
  3. On this FB page appears some old photos of Her I didn't have seen before (Ferriera time) Pay attention to stern - there is no decoration at all, only name of ship https://m.facebook.com/cutty.sark.replica
  4. Back to work again, continuing with make-up I realized that, in some way, I have to pass both longitude sides twice, to correctly paint up and down edge of every strip/molding And here arise something what told me that make-up can not be finished until I do some deck works first. Considering to photos, teak color of dead-eye and nail holders, wooden surrounding of white panels and main rail is - exactly the same. And also both rounded longitudinal rails. Not to forget inside of fore and aft deck So, make-up will be focused to black surface, white square rail and final look of stern decoration, then I have to jump on deck first to fight with holders, and to come back to rounded rails when start finishing holders, white panels and main rail In mean time, to fight with stern decoration (little more yellow tone ?) And here is Her tonight look
  5. Thank you Marc for your suppoting and nice words. I think on weekend chaos with Hothead's room will finaly go to end, and I can return to Her. I hope strike ends soon, too, but this will not affect to my hobby. I wish this situation, but that wish is not real. More poor clients than before = less job for attorney ... but there were hard times couple of times in years ago ( wars, hiperinflation, bombing 1999) and we survived. We will jump over thic crises again, I hope. This will be hard and slow ... So, main attack to my free time this days is Admiral's full head of ideas what I can/have to/could do. I understand Her, it is not easy, after 30 years of working in full speed, to do - nothing - except everyday home little jobs. Booring and meaningless way of life for two hiperactive people. That is hardest part. Money problems are present, but this is main problem. In period of life when you are in full strenght and when your expert knowlidge and working potencials are on top, your day pass in waiting for something to happen. Nobody who is with his head, do not repaint rooms in winter, on december !!! But we MUST do something. And my poor CS is colateral damage It will be better. It has to be better !!!! I wish to you and your family and to all followers of my log all the best for hollidays
  6. Your Cutty is going to be a very nice model with many details. Wellcome to microscopic works ! Happy hollidays and best wishes Nenad
  7. Ten days out from shipyard, it is time to continue ... Not jet, it seems .... Main working light from shipyard is still in Hothead's room where Admiral spread her artistic ideas on walls (my job was to prepare, line up, and level wall surfaces, her is the rest) ... so there is opportunity to watch old Pink Floyd concerts on Youtube, or "Hannibal Lecter", or something, hardly waiting to come back to painting hull. Must bye one 200W bulb for shipyard Bob, I am carefully and regulary with inpatience following all your three builds, collecting ideas and inspiration, admiring to your precise work
  8. Sometimes is hard to find time for Her ? Happy holidays, my frirnd to you and Admiral!
  9. Thank you Sailor. I'm still here, but this days I had not time for Her ... room painting, traveling to see Hothead, fight with seek cat and vet, some meetings, help some friends, usual family stuff, and when evening comes I am or tired or doing something else. I hope next week will come in regular way Attorney strike still lasts, last money almost disappear ... Alternative resources slowly get in focus ...
  10. Still in room repainting "art" ... 3 levels down I can hear Her calling me ...
  11. And, Bob, there is no magic. Everybody can do this. You need ONLY four things: 1. precise and steady hand 2. good eyes or magnifier 3. the thinnest paintbrush you can find 4. patience.
  12. Bob, for now, CS has her wall shelf, no way for cat to go there. One day time will come for Her Majesty to grow ( bowsprit and masts) and then shelf will be small. Considering Hothead is in Novi Sad for next 3-5 years, I am thinking about to move my build from heat-room to attic in his former music studio - cat do not go to attic in any way, particularly to this "room" in attic. Or just to capture his room and lock the door. Maybe in meantime Princess find job and leave (with Her cat). Another free room. Who knows. A lot of time to that stage. No working this days, but painting is present. Not artistic... Admiral catches me to repaint and rearrange Hothead's room ... will She ever be peaceful, calm and without ideas which include me?
  13. Thank you for nice words, my friend. But it is a long run in front, and just enough opportunities to make mistake. Thinking about bowsprit input I scare to death ....
  14. Thank you Lou for a good word. I know my skills are not on level I want or need, and idea is to help myself by something I call "artistic" approach. That was exact case in long searching for adequate material and technique for coopering, with main goal to imitate just Muntz color. Same approavh is with deck color (not satidfied jet). Even my dream is to make perfect model in natural wood look, in this case, when original ship still exist, colors have great role in complet look and feel. If you hit color, it is ok. If you miss color, it is screaming !!!! Any how, I hope to see soon your progress with Her Majestu. I visit yout web regulary, and I am inpatient !!! Thank you for your interesting
  15. You are right Mr. Rkurczewski. When I rethink about and over and again ... today I can not live/work/model without my "dremell" tool, magnifier etc etc. I can not investigate and research without internet. Can not make drawings without PC. And can not participate on any forum, scan and resize plans .... Some folks here use different type of CAD software and make miracles 10 years ago ? 20 years ago? You can add to this use of acrylic colors, hipersharp knives, CA glue, ...... Things are changing, and we have to accept this. Something to apply, something not, something now, something later or never Everybody is Cap. on his own model with his own vision ambition will and idea what he is/was/want to do, and as David said - with his own thick/thin pocket and line of priority. If I have opportunity, I am not sure I don't like to play a little with 3D printer. Years to come, who knows ...
  16. Maybe I am old fashioned and time left me behind, even I like all this new stuff, but shipmodeling is not and do not have to be even simillar to playing Lego. Maybe new art or new hobby is born, and I am ok with this, but do not call this ship modeling. Frontier question again. As another simllar question, there is no absolute answer . As I remember well, simillar questiond were rised up when laser cutters appear. Also when different maschine tools appear Anyhow, there is enough room for all. In kit model, we use fabricated parts. Or not. Or make them better. Or not. And it can be very nice having 3mm stearing wheel in a bottle ... Nenad
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