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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Briliant idea if you like beer (or bear) Can you make thiner lines? Happy new year, my friend
  2. Happy new year to everyone !!!! With Shumadia tea !!!!
  3. Dave, I tried something simmilar, and give up ( 60 pieces) . You turn me to come back the devil's road again. Very nice work All the best to you and your fammily
  4. Better to shake her head then yours !!!! Sorry I dropped in discusion, just can not resist ... Watching your log silently, Sjors, and I am just impressed Nenad
  5. Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes Quote "Hey editor, I'm undeniable! Hey doctor, I'm certifiable! I'm a loose bolt of a complete machine What a match, I'm half doomed and you're semi-sweet"
  6. Hello Luca I hope you are doing well Keep going with nice work All best wishes for hollidays Nenad
  7. Denis, it seems you try to member me in your multi-building club !!! I'll be honored, but ... if I can return 35-40 years ago in time, when I tried myself in plastic kits, and if on that time in Former Yugoslavia you can bye/order/import anything across border, then could be great chances to know about Revel and their kits and there could probaly be greater chance to find and make this challenge build of CS. Unfortunately, my today building seem to me to be large enough to start another ... "Only" 9 years to retirement (if attorneys ever retire ?) And then ... who knows ?
  8. Ha, Denis, it seems that building of Cutty Sark is contagious Happy hollidays, my friend
  9. Thank you George, isn't She a real beauty ? /without a beast / Thank you very much, Edwin, this is exactly idea for next few days. I am raising a glass of Shumadia tea to you too !!!! Working on a model ... not mine ... helping Hothead with his card model of cubistic building for his exam - invent, draw in CAD and make it by cards ... not nnecessary he is doing fine, but nice evening to talk about everything (with Shumadia tea).I show him some brilliant card models from MSW (Doris, Dgbot etc) and (..he he..) told him he has a chance to be good ship modeler ... he said : "Dad, I am not crazy enough as you are ... Do what I have to, and that is it. You work two years and do almost nothing ..." What to say ? He will grow one day ... and maybe discover dark side. His will, his happiness his decision, I respect that Her Majesty is jealous .... Outside first weak snow this year with red meteo alarm ? Quite, peace, only -1℃ without wind. Why ?
  10. I know this. My post is about possible idea about "how to ..."
  11. After long looking for colour of Muntz metal, I make this Little cheating is present, but I think I have got 90% of present look and colour of hull of Cutty Sark. Maybe helps
  12. Hey George, big hello and wellcome to theatre, to my comedy mixed with tragedy and exciteing episodes Yes, She is something the most beautifull what, in my oppinion, ever appeared on sea surface. There are not (known by me) pictures of Her with stunt sails spreades, but ... I can imagine ... woow ... what a appearance !!!! And that is my idea - whole sails spreaded I have seen one Revel unfinished model, and noticed hudge problem with thin and fragile mast and spars. A bit more fastened rope than it have to be = breakage !!! How do you resolved this? I expect similar problem with wood, and I am little scary about that, even I am far away from that stage Thank you for your nice words and support
  13. Thank you Marc, very helpful Unfortunately, most of this I learned in harder way, because before CS I never worked with acrylic. Now, I wash and clean brush every minute, use only tip of color on very top of brush, and at the moment when prepared acrylic on plate start to dry, wash it and use fresh one. As I am stubborn, couple of thin brushes stayed at night in water can vertical ( !?!?! #$$@$$$) and I have learned my lesson BTW, a boy with pink bike is home for winter vacation to prepare his exams in next 7-10 says, over winter holidays when university is not working. So, home is full
  14. Make-up continues, slowly and carefull Main works on make-up finished, little but significant corrections stil stayed to be done Little details to shape. It seems as never ending story. Correct one point, mess another, fix it but mess third ... Before And after I added a bit more yellow tone to the gold color on stern decoration, and it looks much better Slowly going to the end of this stage
  15. @Lou Thank for nice words. I can not wait for your progress ! @Pavel Wish you to have more time for your build. And more time for MSW
  16. Tonight I put all Pink Floyd albums (I have them all) to re-listen on phone, and continue with make-up No pictures today
  17. I remember when I was five, 50 years ago, in Povlja, Brač island, I was allowed to go fishing with fishermans on Trabacul. Diesel, but they spreaded sails in deep sea ...
  18. Nice work you are doing here my friend From some reason, even I checked option for following your log, I do not give notification about updates I wish to you and yours all the best for Holidays, particularly more time for your building Regards Nenad
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