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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Omar, maybe is solution or idea in Rfolsom and my approach, detail description i our logs. Any way, even in 1:140 scale, there must be metal works with soldering. Problem is in so called "ringed" stanchions where you have two rings - one very small hard attached to stanchion, and another, movable, which is conected through small one. as on picture above Another problem is - if you use Campbell plans, you will notice that every second stanchion is "ringed" But, according to the picture, there are some deviations in present state of Ship Third problem - smaller ring in scale 1:140, if you want to do it in right scale, must be about/less than 1mm in outside diameter. Even if you succeed to make it, and even if you succeed to solder it, you did not resolve all problems. What wire to use and with what thickness to be strong enough to hold ropes and another ring? Thicker wire reduces inside hole in ring, and reflects to thickness of wire for outside ring. And what about horizontal connection to bulwark ? Facing with this, and my insufficient experience, and insufficient skill, also a luck of tools, I decided to do some simplifications, as you can see on pages #48,#49 etc in my log And here is final result, with simplifications and artistic approach, more to underline presence of stanchions and presence of rings than to represent them in scale ( There must be some color correction later, before them get their real final look) Dont forget, stanchions are under rails almost hidden, and there will be a lot of stuff to visually cover stanchions ( pin rails, pins, deadeyes, jungle of ropes, sails etc etc). Devil is not so black as it seems on first look I hope this could help Nenad
  2. Thx, David, it goes and looks much better than I expected. Almost realistic, photos can not show this. I hope that I shall not follow my usual way to screw up
  3. "Enemy" in stern area is surrounded from both sides. Enemy can not get away from battlefield. I can see enemy is regrouping his forces in bow area
  4. "Queen Anne's Revenge" ... o-ho-ho ... I feel smelt of gun powder even here on other side of planet ... Clay ... good to think about and make some experiments ... Thx for your attention Nenad
  5. ...I catch myself every time on knees and elbows swaying / feeling the Hands over the carpet when one of these parts has fallen down,bounced a few times on the carpet taking an undefinated direction ... So familiar. We all from time to time have to fall on our knees to pray to the God Of Accident And Clumsiness
  6. David, it was exact scene in our home last evening This evening, next 30 plates are on place, and a "battle for stern" is about to begin (first I must surround "enemy" with plates army from the another side of hull, and then attack from the bush ...
  7. Uhh, Bindy, very proud and happy - when everything passed Yesterday he turns me and Admiral directly to pre-cardiac condition and heart attack ( I am not kidding !!!!) ... EVERYTHING must be done in very last second and after that if it could be ... printing/plotting his diploma work in10 x 3 A0 formats, instead in Friday started yesterday at 09:30 instead 08:00, instead 12:00 as they promised finished at 13:30, and his exam was scheduled to 12:20 ... he was late to his exam more than a hour, put him in the car and crazy drive to university, Admiral and Princes stayed to pick up prints when finished and catch any kind of telekinesis they can find to university after us, in university ... ... ... ... , prints arrived at the same end of his presentation ... very unpleasant situation ... His mentor decided to wait half an hour, ... Happily everything finished good, but ... my nerves, Admiral nerves, Princes nerves .... We all were with him from early morning until evening ... And that is not His first time to arrange chaos But, it is over for now, and we are all in seventh heaven
  8. Hmmmm ... I had never seen something similar and interesting Keep on, I am so curious BTW, I have a little question for you about Clay use, because I have no experience with it See pictures below In first picture are shown ornaments on Cutty Sark stern, and I want to make this in most accurate way it is possible In next picture, you can see little space for applying ornaments in scale I am working ... Is it possible to make this tiny embossed lines by Clay to get precise relief ornament ? ( Less than 0,5 mm) If not, have you any idea ? With regards Nenad
  9. How I miss this log? Never mind, Im here and follow. Unbelievable what can be done by cards !!!
  10. Lou, also I am not FB fan. Started willy-nilly in preparing 30 years reunion of high school class. and left now only to follow domestic modeler scene as a only net resource of information, (believe or not - there are some forums but dead couple of years) and to chat from time to time with some distant friends. FB is for youth
  11. Kat, I do not know exactly what I was looking ... on smart TV I just searched by Jolly Roger ship, and opened first clip that appears. But your idea, and thinking about realization procedure is really amazing and intriguing, so ... hurry on, I am inpatient to see plans ... start ... keel ... hull...planks etc etc
  12. Today Hothead get his Bachelor degree in Architecture !!!! Drink for all from very proud father ! In mean time, scouts from first line in plates army reach unexplored and dangerous area of stern desert ...
  13. And to add something interesting On Facebook appears group CUTTY SARK REPLICA PROJECT on https://www.facebook.com/cutty.sark.replica They shared next VERY USEFULL link for all clipper lovers http://mcjazz.f2s.com/ClipperShipPlans.htm A lot to learn there !!!! Lou, do you know this source of information ?
  14. Hello Bindy and welcome back to help me making this log more interesting. Your comments are more than welcome. I am glad if you enjoy as much as I enjoy making this/writing this Credit for co-builders ... hmmm ... I must think about ... if they deserve ... endless source of annoyance and pleasure/joy/meaning of life ... BTW, tomorrow is great family day, but I ll write about ... tomorrow
  15. New nautical term ... what is this to hell ... Google ... Gore Strake. — A strake of plating that terminates before reaching the stern post. A ha, now I understand. "Bricking" Her Majesty, I think a lot about this sequence, and how to make/rivet it, and decided next: finish this 3 ( maybe 4) rows near keel, then finally make proper and final waterline, and make 3-4-5 rows from waterline to the keel direction, and then, in empty space try to mark middle line, and by it make rows from bow to stern ( or vice verse, I ll see later) to fill middle section, and to assume that "gore strakes" be as far is possible from bow and stern. That is idea for now. Main idea is to avoid "gore strakes" in first couple visible lines on hull, and on bow or stern section Bob, I cheated in material a little, because I can not find any metal foil in such a color. Considering that I do not make my model for World Championship, and that there will be mat acrylic varnish over in couple of layers, I think it can pass aesthetic exam. But, during "bricking", I have a very little doubt about right shade / hue of color ... maybe a bit of dark green to add ... there is a lot of time, and considering my new set of acrylic paints I gave for birthday, and that varnish is on acrylic base, there will be some further experiments dedicated to this question. Also, there is still unanswered question I ask myself about weathering ... (un)fortunately, considering still 2-3-4-5 000 pieces to make: draw/cut/rivet/place/glue/clean there is a loooooot of time to think about See you around, before "masting" time ...
  16. Adventure building matches to adventure ship. And, I suppose, matches to adventure Captain ( modeler ) ? I`ve just looked at some sequences of battle on deck ... Do you capture some details of inside/outside of ship from video ? It can be very usefull
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