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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Planking,planking,planking😀 I think you will be finished by Christmas.... 🤣 It’s indeed better to use short planks then those long ones! Sjors
  2. Wale in Dutch is berghout. Berg = mountain en hout =timber. Sjors
  3. I can plank my whole wall at my hobbyroom with this...😃 I think it is time for you to leave the forum for a little vacation. Of you go!!!! Save trip and good weather. We cancelled our little trip 😢 Sjors
  4. You’re first build and then the Aggy.... you are brave 🙃 The start is good so from time to time i’ll bring you a visit. Keep going this way and it will be great! Sjors
  5. So far i can see is it an optical illusion. It is difficult to focus the eyes. But everything will come together When you are further. Sjors
  6. Let’s see......my name is Sjors. Translated in English...........George!! I’m royal ( in my dreams) so......i think i need to build this beauty.... Dilemma....Royal George or Victory....l i think Royal George won 😆 Take your time to develop her. I’m retired in 2 years and 9 months.....no pressure. Sjors ( Royal George ) 😊⛵️
  7. Hello Peter, Or i can call you neighbor. You are doing a great job. And you’re speed looks like a little Max Verstappen. Question, the paint on the hull is that hand painted or airbrush? I will follow you close! Sjors
  8. Hello Henrik, I was following you from the beginning and you are doing a fine job. I enjoy every minute when i build her so i’m sure that you will do the same. Sjors
  9. Hi Trent, I see that you are taking a deep dive with the Aggy. When i build her i enjoy every minute of it. She is now standing in a resthome for older en dement people. They told me that the ship give peace to those people so i’m happy. Enjoy the build and i will follow form a distance.... Sjors
  10. Don’t have to wait till monday to see something 👍 When your finished with this beast, i’ll be like this —> 👨🏼‍🦯 Enjoy your vacation (if it is vacation ) en come back in safe health! Sjors
  11. Yes! Is there a seat available at the first row? I have my drinks and popcorn ready. Good luck with this amazing kit.
  12. She has her name....... And also de decks between de chimneys are done. A few more things and then an other one is finished. But that can take a while because of work and vacation 🙂 Sjors
  13. Christian, I’ll be away for a while and i’m coming back and i see a whole ship! Great job.....I will try to come more often...... Sjors
  14. Ok, i have to ask Anja if I can get my pocketmoney that i get each month I can get it for the whole year! August......mmmm first vacation and then 🙃. It’s a beauty Chris! Sjors
  15. Thanks Jim, It’s good to be back and doing some building again. Sjors
  16. Thanks Grant, The funnels where dry fit. I have to remove them for making the railing . I just put them there for the picture....and yes, wrong! Thanks Jan 😃👍 And Grant, Anja ask if the mug still drinks as it should be 😄 You have him about 6 years? Sjors
  17. Hai Jan, Thanks for the comment. I think you mean those round things at the stern? I had the same feeling but this is what they told me to do on the manuel. I see the Smit Rotterdam a few times in real in Schiedam but not the bottom 😀 And there i see the Upper decks are blue so i did do the same. Sjors
  18. I told you that I'm still building but slow. That will not say that I do nothing. The next pictures are from the last year. Sjors
  19. I’m still building Grant. Only slow.... Anja is saying hello. You both doing well also? Sjors
  20. The countdown starts now .......😆 Frames finished? Sjors
  21. No worries James. I have my private bank, called Anja😁 Sjors
  22. Anja is smiling next to me 😀 Congrats with your moderators promotion. You like it? Sjors
  23. Hoi James, I’am reading about the Victory. A lot of people have say it, it’s gonna be huge! But a beauty! Anja knows that i always want to build one Victory. And i have seen this one now and this is the one that’s gonne be. Next year i work for the company for 40 years and i will recieve a money bonus ( i hope i still get it with this corona s**t) So take your time and i will sit at the front seat to see what you are doing. Sjors
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