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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Unbelievable....... Your real proffesion is woodworking???? I think I quite and do some punniken....😝(sorry,don’t know the English word for it) Sjors
  2. No Jan, The first one was destroyed by my dog ,a bouvier des flandres. She thought it was a chewing bone. The next one was destroyed by my 3 year old daugther. She was playing with it and want to see if it was the Flying Dutchman. She trow it over the balcony of the appartment building....3 th floor. The third one was trowing away by someone who don’t like me... When i was at work,she trow it into the trashcan just before they pick it up. The fourth one was stolen away when we are moving from Schiedam to Bleiswijk. She was waiting to get in the car and i was going inside when we see a guy on a bicycle who stopt,take the boat under his arm and goes like crazy......... So this is gonna be number 5 Sjors
  3. I know Jan, I build it almost 30 years ago also. Then 25 years ago the next one. 20 years ago the 3th one. 8 years ago the 4th one. And now the 5th. And everytime it’s completely different. But I know I will enjoy it again. Only with me they have no time getting dust 😃 Sjors
  4. Hi Rob, Take a seat....there are still plenty of them. I make it not RC because I have no intention to sail. It is just a static model....number 5 😀 Sjors
  5. Hello All, As the title says, "De Smit Rotterdam" will be my newest adventure. For those interested, some history. In January 1974, Smit Internationale decided to build two super tugs, which with their 22.000 IHP at that time became the strongest, operationally operating sea tugs in the world. The order for these two powerhouses went to B.V. Scheepswerf & Machinefabriek 'De Merwede' v h van Vliet & Co., Hardinxveld-Giessendam. The content of these tugboats is 2273 grt., Length a.o. 74.83 m, width 15.78 m and gr. draft 7.60 m. Two Stork Werkspoor TM 410 4 tew 9 cil. diesel engines, each connected to a four-bladed adjustable propeller, delivered a capacity of 13500 apk, the installed capacity is 22.000 IHP. "De Smit Rotterdam" was the first of the two to leave the slope on December 6, 1974, after being baptized by Queen Juliana. In mid-April 1975 the tug came into service with Smit, to be used directly as the leading tugboat for the transport of the drilling and production platform "Beryl-A" of the Condeep type, with a weight of 350,000 tons. 216 miles was towed from Stavanger to the Beryl field of Mobiel Oil, in the English part of the North Sea along with the "North Sea" (11,000 hp) and the Bugsier tugs "Atlantic", "Wotan" (both with a capacity of 12,500 hp) and the "Pacific" (10,000 hp), together about 42,000 hp of towing capacity. In 1986 the tugboat was accommodated at Smit Tak International Ltd., Nassau, and in 1991 the sea tugboats of Smit Internationale and Wijsmuller were merged into the combination 'SmitWijs Towage C.V' and the tugboat sails under the name "Smitwijs Rotterdam". As it often happens to ships, at one point they are discarded by the original owner and they wear their last years for relatively little money and, above all, with little maintenance, in the service of countries that actually sail the boats until they can no longer sail. That also happened with "De Smit Rotterdam". In 2013 the ship came into Panamanian hands. In July 2014 De Smit Rotterdam was demolished. Built: Hardinxveld-Giessendam. Tonnage: 2273 gross register tonnage Length overall: 74,83 m Beam overall: 15,78 m Motor: 22.000 IHP Engine speed:16,5 knots Crew:25 Fire-fighting: 400 tons/hour with 14 to. 10 ton a foam Below the measurements of the model: Model length: 95 cm. Model beam: 20 cm. Model height: 50n cm. Sjors
  6. Your welcome Vic. And if you have questions.....just ask! Let me know when you get started. Sjors
  7. Danny, Can you change the title of the An Ildefonso into the San Ildefonso? Thanks in advance. Sjors
  8. Vmwilson1, He is not the only one who build the San Ildefonso. I’ve build her also and finish it. You can go to the build log when you click on the link what you see in my signature. Sjors
  9. Thanks all for the nice comment and the likes. @Peter, Anja is to busy with other stuff. Maybe in the future she will do a build again. But not a big one anymore. In the past I had better kits from OcCre then this one. A lot of metal parts,mesurements that are not correct(to small). A lot of things you can not find on the drawing or they are not there. So you have to figure it out by your self. The rigging should not be no problem because i has do the rigging of big ships before like the San Ildefonso OcCre, Le Mirage Corel and the Agamemnon Caldecraft. There are links in my signature. A Denis, Thank you😀 @Mark Tiedens The rigging will take a while because i have to calculate how much rope i need. I will order new rope at Morope. If you want to see the quality ,take a look at the Agamemnon. I use that rope there also. @Mark, Also thanks @Sam, You are welcome at this build. But you can only blame your self😝🤣😇 Don’t stay away that long! I just save some klompen for you 🤣 And i just want to finish the Nuestra and go quick to another build! Sjors
  10. Small update again. Few things on the deck are on it. She's got het first teeth...... For the rest it goes very slowly! Sjors
  11. Hello Kevin, I think when you have one kit from Caldecraft you stay with them. I have build now 4 or 5 OcCre kits but this time it is very bad! I’ll be waiting for the Victory that is designed by Chris Watton. And i will get the Smit Rotterdam from Billing Boats. That one is just for the reason that there is no rigging,cannons and other saling things 😜 I have seen that you are at the rigging stage.... It takes a while but it looks great! Sjors
  12. Nice Rich! It take a while to read everything but then you’ve got something.... Sjors
  13. I know Mark....and thanks for the welcome😊 I’ll be doing a lot different like the colors and the parts on the construction on the bow with that brass metal. I don’t do thst...just keep them black. Your buildlog is for me my guide. If it was not then i think the model goes to the trashcan. I can now understand why Anja give it up. Sjors
  14. I have wipe off the dust from this build log. I have done something.... I see that I have to do a lot of touching up of the paint. I will do that when I know that I don't have to touch it anymore. I have make the stern...galleries.....little deck .....and on the bow a few things. The Manuel is terrible and also the measurements. I think that they use the moldings to many times. There is really nothing that fits anymore. Also you have to look by your self where some things has to go. And I missing some things ,for example the gun carriers . They have no rounding in the bottom to lay the axels. I just have to glue them at the bottom! Very strange. This will be the last OcCre build that I will do. I 'll be missing the Caldecraft. Enough complaining and time for pictures. Sjors
  15. @ Martyn,, I see that next to you is still place for a popcorn machine. @ EJ, When you don't want the machine because of the mess let me know and I will remove him. Sjors BTW, very nice start of another giant!
  16. Wow..... Very nice my friend! And all the re-do’s are great! There are some things that i can use when the time is there! sjors
  17. Is there still a small place for me? I’m late! I know. The modelbus was delayed ..... Sjors
  18. Hi Sam, Sending in the ratline gnomes..... That married life is doing the right thing with you😜👍🏼 Looks great! Sjors
  19. Thanks Greg, At the moment she is on hold for some differend reasons. I’m now working on the SotS. But no updates yet. Sjors
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