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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Your carving is top notch EJ!. And I can not help you with what she is holding. Maybe it has something to do with what she is doing? Guarding or just sailing or on a peace mission? Sjors
  2. Piet, My comment.......just fabulous!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable that someone get this out of his hands. You should be proud of what you have done. Thanks for the history lessons. You are better then my history teacher 20 years ago Thanks again. Sjors
  3. Hello, The Agamemnon has a new home...... Because I don't have much space in the house I was looking for a new home for her. Someone from the building where we are living has seen the Aggy and I told him that I need a good place for her. Just around the corner of our home there is a nursing home. They want to show the model in a meeting room on a book shelf. I bring her and a lot of older people just came in to take a look and.....the oh's and ah's are flying around ( In Dutch of course ) I'm very pleased that now others can admire her. And if I want to see her.....no problem, just 3 minutes away...... Here are the pictures. Sjors 15/5000
  4. Hi Ferit, I see that you have the feeling of building back in your fingers! Everything looks as it should be. I will try to follow you further. Sjors
  5. Yes Marcus, The real Schiedamse Jonge Jenever from Nolet 😃 I live just acrosse the Walvisch en almost next to the Driekoornbloemen. De Walvisch mills corn for flower and the Driekoornbloemen corn for Jenever. In the early days thay are calling schiedam Zwart Nazareth because of the alcohol smell of all the jenever brewery’s . The pictures that Jan posted, in front the Walvisch and in the back the Driekoornbloemen. And when you take a close look you will see a third mill, that must be de Tweeling (the twin) Sjors
  6. Sick......but on the way back now 😄 Soon i hope to get back to the build. Sjors
  7. Hi EJ, I thought you will be finished by now but...... I'm glad you didn't ! That stern looks just great ! You did an excellent job on it. I will follow close again! Sjors
  8. Long time no see Bob but men.......I don't know how you are doing it but it looks fabulous again ! Sjors
  9. Missed a lot but not to much Nice living room and nice guitars ! And now back to the building please. Holliday's are over ! Sjors
  10. Your a brave man Al when you are try something like this.... But it looks great ! Sjors
  11. Hi Ronald, Thanks for the good word! It's not the Victory but the Agamemnon from Caldecraft what you are seeing. There is a build log somewhere Or just click on the signature. Sjors
  12. Hi Marcus, I follow your mill for a long time now on the back ground. I really enjoy it. You have a great help from a few Dutch so you don't need mine I only want to tell you something. Maybe you know this but we where living for a long time in Schiedam. But do you know that there are the highest windmills in the world ? In the early days they where more then 30 windmills around the town. Those days there are only 6 mills left. De Freedom ( Vrijheid) The Camel ( De Kameel) De Wale ( de Walvisch ) Who was on fire on 14 februari 1996 and restored The Three corn flowers ( De drie Koornbloemen) The North ( De Noord) The Palmtree ( De Palmboom) Sjors
  13. This was a short build but with a lot of fun. We are building till midnight and this morning finished the Tram When you want to build something like this, be careful. It's all very fragile. A few pieces where broken but fixed. Sjors
  14. And again a few parts assembled..... Sjors
  15. The tram is almost finished. A few things but that's for tomorrow . Even Anja likes it.....she is assembling the rails Sjors
  16. This is what you get Richard. It's to much work to sand everything. I think when it is finished, it gives a little something not to "clean" it. We will see..... Sjors
  17. @ Tom, I see that car also and I really like the jeep and money safe! But first a small and cheap thing to start with. When I like it I can go further.... The first parts are assembled. 2 axels and I think the bottom and something else. At the end it will all come together . Easy to make. Just put them together and I can do it in the living room because there is no dust form cutting and sanding.....yippie! Sjors
  18. I have seen this before and now I have bought one to see how it looks. It is Ugears and they have a lot of items all ready. I bought the tram but there are also a jeep, windmill, oldtimer car and a few other things. It is from wood and it is a kit. You don't need glue or nails. And when it is finished it will work. I'm curious about it.
  19. Thank you Popeye. Only you and me knows that she fell on the floor...... Don’t tell anyone, our secret!😝
  20. Thanks all. James, it is a kit from Artesania Latina. It is an old kit One of the members here on MSW send it to me from the USA , His name is Joe but i can not find him anymore....... I will see if i can find a picture of the box Sjors
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