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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Yes Danny………PICTURES !!!!!!! And thanks for the invitation. When It's happening that we are going Down Under, we bring you a visit….for sure !!!!
  2. @ Danny, Thank you for the tip….. I see exactly what you mean….. I shall see what I can do. I thought the shrouds where that tight that I can play on it like a guitar….. Maybe it is better to remove the extra ratlines and tight them up again but not to tight? I will see what's happening…. @ Frank, Your welcome for the picture I like it also how it looks without the extra ratlines but the distance is indeed to far form each other. So…..extra ratlines needed. Sometimes you have to do things that you don't like but to make it more real you have to do it . That's also modelling.
  3. O dear, Are you also starting against me Frank ???? Ok, I shall see if the light is good and I shall make a picture….. One moment please !
  4. I think that at this forum, we have a few teachers... Can we not open an modelling school? Andy for the seizing…... Augie for the rigging and training the spiders…... Danny for the cannons……. Mark for the drinks …... Mobbsie for the speed…... I'll be the first student ! Where can I sign in…….
  5. Mobbsie….. Be patient my friend ! First I have to fill up the spaces till I reach the part that was at the last picture. Then you can see the difference ! I'm sorry for you but…..I have to work and can not the hole day working on my ship……... I want to but that takes still about 10 years…. @ Danny, Thanks for the like
  6. Thanks Mark, Grant and Popeye, @ Mark, It sounds maybe strange but I almost like it to make those ratlines…. You don't have to think what you are doing , just if you are on a conveyor belt ( correct word? ) @ Grant, I'm all ready pleased. I have now done a few and it looks better. The Moderator in the house is agree with you @ Popeye, It's no problem at all, only more work….. And it is not the SF but the SI…..
  7. Hi Andy, 24 hours of more fun You know, ask your boss for a sea trip in the direction of Holland, and when you are here , you can teach me those seizings…. They are looking real great ! Enjoy your extra day free and a good trip when you have to go.
  8. Hi Frank, Yes, an UPDATE !!!!!!!!! Wowieeeeeee Nice job on the anchors…..and now carrie on at the rest?
  9. That is what I've got………I have to work for the food and drinks. Ok, but only when I can work on the Corch Fork
  10. You are to kind to me Ferit I have not done much because we where talking to Mobbsie on Skype but next week I'm a week off duty, so I can go on with those lovely ratlines ( or the Gnomes )
  11. Hi Adam, Thank you I know a better way…. When I'm finished I'll be sending the Gnomes your way…. I almost like the ratlines…..good that I like it because I have a few more to do…..and that on two of those big ones !
  12. Hi Randy, Be careful and notice that your ratlines are not straight. Some are lower on the same rope then the other. I mean the knots….. When you tide them up, drop a little glue on the knot and then use a tweezer to make the knot in the right place and let the rope goes with the line on the template. Then it goes straight…... They are not terrible but you can do better ! And you can always do the same thing as I do. Make another row between the ones who are all ready there. If you have any question about it or you want to see a picture how I do it, please let me know. I have to work tomorrow and when I get home I shall look for your replay. Don't give up my friend. You are on the right track !!!!
  13. Hi Kevin and Padeen, @ Kevin, It's no problem to fit ratlines in. It's only more work ….. Adeline, Thanks I don't use spiders…..I have gnomes
  14. Thanks Frank but you are to late I have all ready place a few in between…... @ Randy, Rome is not build in one day ! Remember that ! For the distance….use a template behind the shrouds. It works perfect ! When you closed the knot, Take a tweezer en pull the rope tight that is coming from the left side. Then pull a little at the long rope and let it go. Then you have a nice straight rope and a good knot. Don't forget to put a little glue on the knot to keep him in place. And I want to see pictures from you tonight ! And because I'm a Commodore and you are a Commander, you have to follow orders…...
  15. Nice fix Popeye, I see that the Half Moon is not only playing with Anja but with you also…... Nice planking btw!
  16. Thanks Randy, You are a real friend How are your ratlines going? Thanks also Popeye, I have done a few now and I almost like it
  17. What else can I say then it is a great job! If mine turn half as beautiful, I'm the happiest man of the world ! When we are visiting you next year, she is finished ??????
  18. Ok, Looks like mathematics to me I was happy that I don't have to school anymore and now this…... No sorry for it Ferit. I'm happy that you pointed it to me. And it is not thick wire….about 0.3 mm. A row in between, that's it. Yes Andy, I'm using a template but remove it before I take the photo…. My drawings quality are that bad that I don't want to show it to you If I'm doing it without that one, It never goes straight……then it looks if I'm drunk ( mmmmm not a bad idea )
  19. So Ferit, Are you saying it is to high ????? I have to take it all off then? Or can I say that those crew members are giants?????? Or maybe there is another solution and take 0,5 cm ?
  20. For those who are impatient to see what I have done with the ratlines, 1 picture of my progress. Notice that I started at the bottom ( normal i think ) and how higher I go, how better it goes…. I don't know if there is a measurement of the distance between the ratlines but I take 1 cm……. It looks good , so I keep continue with that.
  21. Yes Mark….. And a lot of them !!!!!!!!! I think I put my mind on zero and just go When I have enough of them, I can make the masts for the SI And when that is done then…yes….more ratlines !!!!!!
  22. Thanks all, @ Frank, Yes, i'm back at it. I need some stuff for the SI , so removed a little dust and we can go on again. @ Adriaan, Yep, finally !! @ Popeye, Thanks . Before I finished all those ratlines I should be have my other stuff for the SI and then I can do the same thing all over again…..
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