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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Kevin, I think the best way is…. Place a white sheet behind the ship and use that as a background. NO flashlight and if you have one , use a tripod. You can turn the ship in any direction and still have the same light that you are using at the first picture. You have a digital camera, then use the benefit of it. Make from every position a few photo's not only one. Some a little closer, some further away. When you put them on the computer , you can choose the best one.
  2. Welcome home Doris ! Wow, that's a museum you've got over there….. Great view off all those masterpieces. I enjoy it every minute ! Keep on building and enjoy...
  3. Hi George, Also from me a welcome to MSW ! That's a real beauty what you've got there. As you can see in my signature., I want to build her also in the future. So…..before anybody else is going to tell you that I'm always yelling about pictures, a lot of pictures please !!!!! So I can see what I have to do in the future.
  4. I'm sorry, I'm sorry , I'm sorry I needed other glasses…... Jim Jim Jim Jim
  5. You are quicker then I am Randy ! Looks great ! Well done on the job ! Only one more thing….I hardly want to say it…….a little bit higher with the ratlines?
  6. I agree with Randy Theo, The blocks are not over sized. They are just the right measurement. I like what I see. Great job!
  7. That looks great Mick, Just what you are saying….take your time with it ! It will comes all together !
  8. Amazing Grant, That looks fantastic ! I wish they provide such blocks at the kit !
  9. Hi Adam, I think I'm the one who is confused…... When you go 1 or 2 pages back you are seeing pictures that I posted. It's all about ratlines and ratlines and ratlines and ratlines…..
  10. Hi Adam, I have post a few pictures and now you asking for more ?????? When one side is finished, there is coming a picture again…..
  11. Thanks Adam, I just put them on a ship your way. They are very little so I think that the Corsiar can handle them….
  12. Welcome home my friend ! Hope you have a great time. And you catch something/ Maybe fish or a few extra spiders or maybe a moose ???? Sorry, can not help it You see that your log is still running when you are not there. Maybe they want to have 1000 pages ?
  13. Thanks again all I'm reading this with a BIG @ Danny, I will give it a go with the tip of Grant. You never knows if it works…. @ Frank, When it works, Iet you know ! And yes , I started the yell for pictures but is that saying that you also have to do that ? @ Augie, I'm happy that you are home again! And no worries, I save the action for you And thanks ! @ Mark, Thank you also @ Børge, Thanks also my friend. You are still in Sweden or all ready at home ?
  14. Thanks John, Very nice and BIG caravan………. And I see that you have done the dishes for me
  15. See you can do it !!!!!!!!!! Very nice ! Chapeau…( French ) Keep on going and it goes better all the time and maybe in the future you gonna like it ! We have both a BIG day today. We can be proud of our selfs ! I see Popeye are doing it some where but now I want to do it also with you….HIGH FIVE
  16. Thanks Frank, I posted the pictures for you ! Don't forget that !!!!!!
  17. Hi Mick, Thanks for the picture of the shark……. Nice to meet you to ! For the planking…..if you want to follow that line, go on with what you are doing ! Try to follow that line as long as possible. You find out your self when the plank wants to go an other way. Then you can switch to the bottom.
  18. Hi All, I can finally answer you…. I had a broken shift today so between the shifts I was at home and re-do the ratlines. Then posted it and I want to give a replay….wrong ! I had to run for my second part of my shift Almost to late! @ Kevin, Thanks @ Ferit, Where you gonna get it is a riddle for me but I like it And you follow me….Is it not the other way around? I look at your build and try to copy that @ Randy, You can do it !!!! I know you can !!!!! And early in the morning is no problem if you had the rest of the day for your self…... I'll be waiting for an update from you. @ Grant, Thanks also. And thanks for the tip ! I shall look in Anja's her colour box to see what I can found This tip goes also in the TIP book ! And lucky for me….I have a lot more to do to find out if it works... @ Mobbsie, Thanks and also thanks that you like the pictures….. I think that Frank have to listen to you….or not ? @ Popeye, Thank you Sir I'm happy with them….I only want to know if Danny is also happy with it He is my guide line for this one……. ( And the following 100 builds ) @ Captain Wayne, Thanks, thanks and thank you…... The Gnomes has taken a few……after your words ! So thank you for that ! No I can do them by myself…..Thank you again ! And if Frank is not happy then………..
  19. Hi Randy, When you take a look at my build you will see that I have re-done a few ratlines. That's also a part of the learning curve….. Take your benefit with it ! I know you can do it ! And for two builds together…..I had also the same toughest about it. When I started a new one, the other one will be never finished. But now I found out that it is nice to have a few builds together. When I'm tiered of the ratlines ,I can do wood work on the San Ildefonso. And the Mirage is still going on
  20. HI Ferit, I have use a little beeswax before I put them on. I have re-do a few ratlines and I hope that this is it what Danny means. 2 pictures….one a little further and one closer. So let me know what you are thinking of it. If you don't like it, please say so. I don't remove them again
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