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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi sherry, It's good to see you back Easy with the vacuum cleaner….you make a lot of dust ! And trow away the old popcorn. There is some fresh one in the basement….
  2. I'm sorry Mick that I worried you... When you sanding that part a little, just that much , that you don't see the line anymore, it's gonna be perfect. Don't forget Mick, it's a beauty, it's gonna be an beauty and don't push your self to the limit. There are things on the SI that can be better, but that's for the next one. All the way we are learning and do things better. We are building for our pleasure and not for a museum !
  3. Hi Wayne, On page 71 there are pictures in case you missed it Hi Popjack, Only the old busses having a big steering wheel that lays flat in front of you. It was a Mercedes 100, the first one with power steering…. With one finger you could turn it The new Mercedes that we have , having smaller steering wheels and not so much power steering but enough to play with it . After all those years it's still a game driving that thing to the Centre of Rotterdam…...
  4. Hi Mick, What i mean is the first picture. You see the line where you go from the hull to the bow. The part where you put the blocks into the bow. When you magnify the picture, you can see it clearly. For the rest, I'll wait for the result Keep on going this way.
  5. Mick, Then you know why I love my job! It's a shame that you can not drive a bus anymore When I begin as a bus driver, I could open the roof hatches, that was nice. And then that big steering wheel! Then you know that you where driving a bus. Now I have a small steering wheel…... And you are saying it your self….more time for building for you. I can do mine only when i'm off duty. Now it's gonna be bed time for me. The alarm bell goes off at 4.00 am
  6. Mick, Is this the second planking? If so, be careful at the bow. You can see the difference from the hull to the bow ( I mean where you put on that block. And on the port side of the bow, you use some filler? And are you gonna give the hull a varnish or a stain layer ? Perhaps sanding will take that away. For the stern, I think that you have to put 2 or 3 layers on it. Now you can look 'thru'' the stain. You are doing a great job on the planking. And when your taxi is finished, I want to see a picture of that!
  7. Hi Christian, Anja told you all ready so I agree with her. Great job on both ! And take a ice cream
  8. Hi Patrick, Thank you SIR The only air-conditioning I have is on my bus…... Today I had a really good airco, passengers where asking me if I could turn up the heater
  9. Hi Robbyn, Nice seizing! Looks great on the mast only one thing………you make every shroud of his own when it goes to the deadeye? I just read in Lennarth Petersons book ( that I've got from Mobbsie ) that the shrouds are going in pairs……. So two shrouds with one seizing on the port side and then two shrouds with one seizing at the starboard side ( or other way round ) I hope this make a little sense…….. I have to re-rigging the shrouds on the Mirage and this is the way I want to do it. I don't know if you have that book. Or just don't listen to me
  10. He Augie, I'm a Dutchman and the people from the Netherlands always complaining about the weather. To cold, to wet, to hot, to much rain, no rain at all, to much snow, it is freezing, there is no sun, we have to much sun,to windy, no wind at all etc etc etc. Part of our nature
  11. Hi Robbyn, Thank you The only time that I can do something is early in the morning when I had a day off. So, Now I can work for 5 days, so it goes slowly again…...
  12. Augie, I know somewhere in the 86 pages there is a build log…... I just say that to remind you of that. It's not only goes about moose, fishing, RC aircraft and more of that stuff…... Let me be the first to talk about your Syren. Shaz is not starting her's so I'll come to you…. Great job on the rigging !!!!!!
  13. Thanks Mark, I hope your head is standing still now….. Sometimes I'm also lost Thanks what about the deck furniture. It's small stuff but makes a big difference. The little one goes slowly again….hot, hot hot weather ! 3 days on a row 34 Degrees Celsius….. I hope that there is some cool weather coming this way…... Are you sending us some?
  14. Thank you !!!!!!! I have read it again and ok. Was that the purpose of that miss understanding? So everybody comes again???? No need to…..I'm still coming
  15. Mick, I'll keep that in mind. But when I order an other ship now I think I have to live on the street……. I have two of those things all ready and an other one in the planning. And they are not the smallest !( or cheapest )
  16. Hi Mick, I think that the Montanes is the most expensive ship from OcCre. The Ildefonso has the same price only…….my neighbours where on holiday last year in Spain and the bring it back for me. I pay about 480 Euro's for her. That's about 412 English pounds. When I want to buy the Montanes in the Netherlands, it cost me 599 Euro's ( 514 English pounds ) I have now the same thing with the Agnammenon…….When I buy it here it cost me 980 Euro ( 841 English pounds ) When Mobbsie order it for me it cost me 680 Euro's ( 600 English pounds ) So when we planned a visit to Mobbsie next year, he ordered her for me and we can bring it back home At this way I can save money and buy other stuff. The size of the San Ildefonso is…... Length - 1290 mm Hight - 895 mm Width - 470 mm
  17. Thank you all , Next thing to do is answering everyone @ Randy, I don't want the credits for something I have not done…. For the rest of the furniture….a BIG thanks ! @ Ferit, Please keep asking and don't apologise for that ! Better one question to many then not a question at all. For me ,I know that you are looking carefully to the pictures. I like that ! When you ask me about the knight head I was running upstairs to take a look. Yippie, he is standing all right. It's the picture that shows you no neck. The shadow is playing with us……. @ Mick, It's all available in the kit….. I play ,but not with that I know what you mean. All the kits are different. Some leave something and an other manufacturer put something extra in it. It depends on which one makes the kit. Then what about the OcCre club. I didn't know about it at all till I want to have the San Ildefonso. By the help of Gaz-666 ( Ricardo ) who help me to get this kit. Also on the site from OcCre I can found anything. Maybe it's only for people who are from Spain? If you want to join that club, maybe you can send an E-Mail to OcCre? When you take a look at the Montanes, it's almost the same ship. There are a few difference, but not much. And then I'm speaking about little things. You want to give that also a try? The San Ildefonso or the Montanes? @ Popeye, Thank you very much my friend ! The progress continue with the little one. It's almost a build of his own Two for the price of one…..
  18. Thanks Grant, Augie and Randy, @ Augie, The little one came out better then I thought. I had to plank it with the planks that I used on the deck…. Very thin so easy to brake. With the filler on it, it feels now like concrete……. @ Randy, I have to go back to take a look but those holes are all ready drilled by the manufacturer If I have to do it by myself, there where not so straight !
  19. Great job Patrick, It looks…..coppered? Some times you have to do some other things otherwise you gonna be crazy when you repeat all that tiny stuff….
  20. Thank you Kevin and Ferit, @ Ferit, No no cannons at the fore castle deck…. I think when they put cannons over there, they have problems with the rope what comes and go from the bowsprit. And you are right about the little things. It looks more complete
  21. I make the breech ropes and the eyebolt with rings…... Everything is in place and I started with the small boat. Planking is done and I use some filler. Now I can go sanding and then paint the whole thing. Progress still going slowly because of the heat and working thing….
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