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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. No worries…….. Both will be rigged ! I have new rope for the Mirage ( a real one Popeye ) and now I have to find the " thing " to start on that. I take my time with it. But I have also take care that you guys are having enough stuff to talk about. Even when it is about me. You Know Who !
  2. I can still read English guys So Andy, how about pictures instead of pedigree??????
  3. Stupid question maybe Andy but what are flip-flops??????? Can you eat that? Maybe an American thing?????
  4. Hi Adam, Thanks my friend And no worries, I don't fight against friends….only enemies ! I'm glad you like it. I still doing my best…. Soon I can try an other attempt at the rigging….hope that goes better then the Mirage.
  5. Thank you all ! @ Wayne, I know that I have different names but now also my little boat?????????? I have no life over here…….. And for the pictures…..wait a while and there will be coming more. When I have placed the chainplates With the deadeyes of course. So please be patient…...
  6. Thanks John, I will post pictures again when I have to post something
  7. I'm innocent !!! I didn't do it ! Great fix Kevin. She looks really great ! Almost at the part of the rigging?
  8. Hi Padeen, Thank you I was wondering where you are lately. I think you are enjoying the summer. For the engine…..should be fun. A ship from the year 1700 with an engine They have just inventing candles…….. What about the pictures….when the time is there, pictures are coming. I have now posted 11 pictures in two days, is that not enough?
  9. Mick, I watch Google Earth Then you can see the firework that is coming from Colorado….
  10. Augie, Thank you very much !!!!!!!! It's a beauty. Be proud of your work and look at it with a lot of pleasure ! Thanks for the learning things that you are showing us. Don't trow the spiders away, you need them also on the Confed. I shall not put in any smileys, I save that for the next build log…... The Confed is also a beautiful vessel and I know that you will do her justice ! The first front seat is mine please! Enjoy your fishing trip and the trip overseas. Thanks again for this wonderful build log !!
  11. Hey Augie, It is here 16.45….. When you are posting at that time for you, I'll be sleeping and then I have the opportunity to watch tomorrow evening and I'll be the last one to see finally that beauty when she's finished ! That's not fair!!!!!!!!
  12. Don't do that anymore Daniel !!!!!!!!!!! No I have to bring the kids inside…they where so happy that Augie has finished his build…... Another child dream broken in pieces…...
  13. Strange……. i was told that all those people from the USA are rich When I watch television , I always see those big houses with a drive way that is so big as the hole street where we are living…...
  14. Wow Randy, You are the winner !!!!!!!!! Free of the dishes the rest of the year If your Admiral saying something else…….let her call me
  15. Who starts the firework !!!!!!!!! I don't see any pictures yet !!!!!!!! Is that above Colorado close to cave 16 ?????
  16. Bring her to me Randy….. O no, You come to us and bring her with you. Then we can working side by side…... And yelling downstairs that we want beer !!!!!!!!
  17. Because Grant don't like my singing and I'm tired of waiting for Augie because sunday is almost over, I placed myself a few pictures….. I've done the safety railing and something else. What that something else is, you name it
  18. Nice Randy, Soon you are on the repeat work…….yes there they are in a few moments…ratlines I will follow you closely on that
  19. Thanks Adriaan, I need oars….( orders form the Admiral ) I still keep reading on your log and Anja talks for me also But I think you know that all ready !
  20. He Mick, You know, running alone is boring so why we are running together? How about to a nice pub?
  21. It is sunday !!!!!!! Where is that photo shoot……I'm waiting……. I think I'm gonna be singing till it is time that I see all those wonderful pictures of a wonderful build. Come on !
  22. Ok Mark, I'm not running away then... But can I slowly walking away then? Or is that also not allowed…... Anja will take care of the spiders @ Mecheleir, With a break I mean the building not when I'm on the bus Sounds like a good idea…I have a break and the passengers can do things that they want ! @ Popeye, Thank you. Also thanks for the offer but that will takes away all the fun by scratching. But I can use your work as an example.
  23. Thank you very much my FRIEND !!!!!!!!!!! I have all kind of names but fairy is new to me……..
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