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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. It's not scary only you have to be careful with the drill I see that there is no picture which show you how she looks when she is finished. So here it is……. And what about the ratlines….I mean both vessels!
  2. I think so Mark, But I find it still strange that they " forget" it on the drawings... Maybe there is a hidden lesson? Look 10000 times at all the pictures and drawings before you do anything….?
  3. Hi kevin, Great garage but there is no space anymore for the car………….. Maybe a bicycle?
  4. Hi Grant, I'm glad that I found it out now before everything is on the deck. But very strange that you can find it any where on the drawings. That's the main thing with drawings from Corel. It is really terrible! Patrick, Are you at work right now? I have to go in a few hours….. From 16.00 hours till 01.00 hour. The rigging stage can take a while before I'll be at that. First al the decorations, gun lid ports (something like that) and a few other stuff. Then of course all the masts and I have to look closely before I forget things. It goes steady but is goes...
  5. Morning Patrick, Enjoy your The hole is drilled and the mast fits And you want a picture of course? I shall make him for you.
  6. Hi Theo, Nice fix on the gaps…. You can go straight with the gun ports when you planking it. Great job so far.
  7. Hi Slawek, I missed you and your build. I'm glad that you are back with us It looks great. I really love your work! Is there any change that you re-post all your pictures that you have ( if you still have them…) It is a great example for me, just like those from Garward
  8. Ok funny Guys! I think you all need glasses or a magnifier….. See the picture below. There is only one thing……. When I placed the masts I was thinking….2 masts? That's not right! The drawing saying 3 masts but where is number three? So I take all the drawings to see if I have missed something…. The front and middle deck has his holes for the masts but they forget the stern deck Anja thought that I was planking over it but no, no hole…….. I have to take my drill again and make another hole…..
  9. Great pictures Mobbsie Anja can not see the cap also so I showed it to her….. It's not much but I know for sure that you will take care of that. Mark, thanks for the beer One is enough, he taste good when I got home last night from work. Remind me that i give one to you.
  10. And now a view wipers on it and a little rain If you want I can send you a few drops of rain, we have enough here now
  11. Hi Robbyn, Is that dark side a virus? You also infected with that? I'll wait for the result of the doors…..
  12. Morning Wim, It is still a strange vessel but what you are doing looks great! Nice progress.
  13. Grant, You've got me! But why do you have to tell it in the open. Now everybody knows it! And you see only me, but I'm standing on my hands on the hands of Anja. Only she don't want you to see it
  14. Thanks Mark, I know it is difficult to put the SI into dry dock but I have to. I've say it somewhere before but when I continue building on her, I have the rigging process on both. And I think that that is to much…. Then I have to buy a third ship to do something else and then I have a fight with Anja because she have no space anymore to build on her own ship…..
  15. Thanks my friend, I know that you are waiting for an update on the Le Mirage so be patient a little……soon!
  16. Thanks Popeye, If you have any idea's for something more to put on the deck, let me know. This deck is almost empty when I look to your lobster ship
  17. Thanks Wayne, When i post all the answers I go working on the Mirage…... I see you there. For you also a great weekend. This weekend is for me an working weekend in the evening
  18. Hi Robbyn, Thanks ,you make me My skills are not that good. I glue a few planks together and it turns out that it's become a ship…..
  19. Hi Mario, Thanks my friend! And then for the dark side…. I think I'm not ready for that. Maybe it is something for the future. First I need tools ( hint, hint, hint Anja ) I have first finished those to small rowing boats
  20. Thanks John, I'm happy with how she looks at the moment.
  21. Wow, That planking (veneer) looks outstanding! I'm looking for a gap but can not find it. Amazing for a first build…... And then something totally different……when you are using a sharp knife, maybe it is handy to use a iron clove just like those people who filleting a fish….
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