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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thank you, I could wait for that answer…. I thought Brooklyn is a part of New York….. And if I come to the USA I want to see Mesa Verde and not New York.
  2. Hi Jared, A little tip from me…. Do not always believe the drawings! Next time look for a reference point like the 3 openings in the bulwark and take that distance to go further. A little secret form me to you, at the San Ildefonso , the drawing is saying I need 7 gratings on each side. I take the exact measure and I come to 6 gratings…..
  3. I have to agree with Anja ( otherwise….) Great looking deck!
  4. Fishing…………I want to go fishing! Augie, Let the build the build and let's go! You and me,
  5. Sarah, You more then welcome Augie, Congrats on your promotion. I think MSW lost the way….they promote everyone …... Wayne, Be my guest! No popcorn this time but something else, And when there more builders coming there is also a walking buffet…...
  6. Hi Paul, Great detail of everything. Unbelievable what you are doing. I still enjoy it!
  7. Thanks Patrick, I'll keep it the way it is at the moment. And thanks for pointing me that Anja hide the cannonballs and I have to do it with cotton balls…..
  8. Thanks Garward I'm now working on the gratings and I see that you make them your self? I can not blame you….. This is a job that I don't want to do all the time...
  9. Thanks Dave, I just finishing the gratings at the San Ildefonso and then I go back to the Le Mirage. Otherwise she is at the same stage and I can not tie 5000 ratlines at once but 10.000 …….
  10. Good morning to you all. Thanks for your opinion,advise, thoughts, about the rudder. I think I'll keep it this way and just imagine that the ship was never leave dock…. Still shiny hinges at the rudder….. Garward and Daniel, I can see that you are two experts about chemistry. I'm just a simple bus driver who brings people from one stop to an other. I tried to read the beginning of the discussion but after a few lines I'm lost Maybe it is a good idea to open in General Discussions an topic about this subject. Then more people can join you with this and give there own meaning. Garward: When you look at the museum builds ,the rudders are also planked with the same wood as the hull. Mine have only 2 layers of stain. When I paint it black it is just like cat and dog….. But thanks for your comment and advice. I'm maybe a little cocky and maybe you think that I don't listen to you, believe me, I do! I know for sure that I come to you for advice later in the build. Someone say it before but I will say it again……this is why I join this forum. The critisem,advice,fun and humour. Thanks for all that.
  11. Popeye, Is it your hobby to make sails?????? Or you just want to sit behind the sewing machine……..
  12. Thank you Augie Wayne thanks, I'll keep it this way!
  13. That's Augie, When you are saying that the sun is shining ,he is saying… now it snows Ok, the right picture…. looks good isn't it?
  14. Popeye, Forgive me my stupid question but…….is that sail not to small???????? (nice sail btw)
  15. Thanks Wayne, I'm only dubbing on one thing…. Should I painting it black? ( the holders of the rudder) or let it this way?
  16. There you are……….found you! This one has the wow factor……. (same as all the other scratch builds) Great job Piet and welcome back.
  17. Thanks for the offer Garward Maybe someday…….
  18. Hi Andy, Great job on the deadeyes and chains, Overview picture looks great!
  19. Before anyone is yelling for another picture, I placed the rudder….. So 2 more pictures for you.
  20. Thanks John, Tomorrow I place them on the deck and then ,yes, there is coming another picture.
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