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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Hi Robbyn, It looks that you are moving to the dark side. You can see it in your head and you make it…. I see other things in my head and I can NOT make it!
  2. Hi Mark, I agree with David. It's good to see progress with your huge job. It still hurts when I see the burned ship. Keep on going!. Sjors
  3. Hi derek, Try the HD and you can see the difference. But one warning….you see really everything! My name ..I have it from a site call animaatjes. There are a lot of names. It is a dutch site so i don'i know if you can use it. I've look but your name is not in it. And thanks for the comment on the le Mirage.
  4. That looks great Jared. You have it in your fingers Soon I can ask you for advise….. If you want some exercise…do the same as me. Workplace is upstairs so a lot of running up and down.
  5. Thanks Jerome and Tony, I will use it alone for model building. Not me alone but also Anja when she starts at her scratch build. So we will see if there is coming more feedback. I have still two months before I spend my money
  6. Thanks for the one who put this topic at the right place I don't want to give you extra work , but I could not find where it belongs. The site is that big……you'll be keeping searching
  7. Andy, Pictures That looks real great! It's almost a shame to leave her for a while…...
  8. Hi all, I have a question, I want to buy a cool tool lathe Unimat classic. Is there anybody who has experience with that? I don't want to trow my money away… .http://www.thecooltool.nl/nl/the-cool-tool-shop/menu/unimat It;s in Dutch but you can see the picture. Thanks.
  9. Hi Frank, I switch between the SI and Le Mirage. I can take my time on both.
  10. I've missed this also Frank, Looking great Mario. Just one question….why did you stay away this long???????
  11. So there you go again then. Come and go just like the seasons…...
  12. Thanks for the link Wim, Now I understand where it came from.
  13. Great progress Jared! Inventive with the bending tool Maybe you can take another look in the kitchen to see what you can use, Or move your workspace into the kitchen. Then you have everything by hand
  14. Thanks Augie, If you don't tell the enemy that I'm shooting cotton cannonballs they maybe afraid of me I have taken those pictures this way, so I don't got the question if I can put something beside it for the difference…... But the longboat is already in storage. She have to wait till I'm finished with the rest.
  15. Hi jim, Thanks. For you I've make 2 pictures. Sorry Jim, pictures have been deleted because they were not ship related.
  16. Hi Paul, Thanks for dropping in. The rigging can take a while before I can do that. There is a lot of building left.
  17. Thanks Patrick, I think that's it for the moment. I hope next week more pictures!
  18. Thanks Wayne. I don't sweat the planking…..and take a look from a far distance…..
  19. Here comes update nr 2. Why they call it an long boat, I don't know but ok. Attention please, beware those pictures are taken with an HD video camera so you really see everything! When I see the pictures for the first time I thought, trow it away and make a new one….. Now I'm thinking, ok, she is old so it not have to be perfect and smooth surface. It looks now if she sails a few times
  20. This is a great moment….. The first update on the brand new MSW for the Le Mirage ( was there an old one then?) After a few modifications on the bow at the port side I have placed the first decorations…. Shiny stuff! It looks to me when this is finished, it's not a warship but a funny ship
  21. Very nice mast Andy, I see that your "holidays" are over? Back to the real world again? If I don't speak to you anymore, save trips and come back in one piece…..
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