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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Update time. All the rigging Gnomes are on the way home again. They have finished all the shrouds and ratlines And I must say.....they did a very good job ! Thanks Gnomes. Enjoy your vacation on the way to another builder from MSW somewhere on the planet ! Sjors
  2. Thanks Kevin I will try to improve you but that's not possible...... ( is this right ??? ) Sjors
  3. I've send you a pigeon with the ticket john !!!! We are calling it a postduif ( carrier pigeon ) Maybe he has his navigation system not with him ??? I don't know..... Thanks for the good word Sjors
  4. Can you not take a piece of leather Mark ?? You can get it in each colour and you can shape it very easy..... Sjors
  5. Very well done Hennie. You are placing the netting al ready ? I wait till the end with that because I'm worried that i will break it down all the time when I go over it with my arms. Sjors
  6. great rigging Christian. When I secure a knot I\m using Pattex glue for plastic builds. They are in that red bottle. Works perfect because there is an iron tube on it . You can glue secure. Picture below. Sjors
  7. Thank you all !!!!!! @ Bob, Why try it simple when there is a possibility to do it difficult ???? @ Mark, it was not my idea to take a picture like that. I've seen it somewhere and just love that shot. It has something....... Again thanks for the good words and the likes ! Sjors
  8. When i make mistakes and re- do them, why do you have to follow me Ulises ??????? But also a great fix !!! I'm proud of you And keep the bandages by hand please...... Sjors
  9. After a few re-do's ( cut a shroud instead of a ratline at the fore mast ) I have make the lower shrouds and the ratlines. Futtock staves and catharpins. I must say, after I cut the shroud I have remove all of it at the foremast and re-do the shrouds. They are better then the first time. So the re-do was not lost time. Only use a little more rope...... I can talk and talk but I think that you wanna see some pictures. Here they are. Sjors ( When you click on the picture, you can magnify them )
  10. Gratings are looking good my friend. Never see them in black but gives a totally different look at the ship ! Sjors
  11. Wow Vivian..... No cellphone, no camera, no tablet ..... But lucky for you.....you've got us !!!!! We will wait patiently for the pictures ! Sjors
  12. With us it's just going as it should be Busy man you are !! Bee hives.....brrrr, not for me ! I love the honey and that's it ! About the Black Prince....no questions or remarks. Just love to see what you are doing !!!! Sjors
  13. Welcome back SIR !!!!!!!! That Black Prince needs a lot of intention from you and I know that you wil give her that !!! Nice to see you Mario and Anja is saying hello to you Sjors
  14. Pffffffffff, On time ! He is not started yet.....yippie !!!!!!!!!! Bob, If you don't mind or if you mind, let me know and I will remove the popcorn machine. What is a build without popcorn !!!!! Sjors
  15. Thank you all ! Also for the likes....... @ George, I think forward @ Robert, Thank you @ Mark, I give the rigging spiders special food... A lot of rope !!!!!! @ Bill, Thanks !!! It looks easy when it is finished. But at the time you are playing with the rope, there are words what you don't want to see when you write them down !! Or when you take the scissor and you cut the wrong rope !!!! Then it's not that easy .... @ Elijah, Thank you very much ! When all the masts and spars are on it, I need a ladder to take pictures !!!!! @ Ulises, I'm sorry to tell you my friend, but you are to late !! Everything is done at the moment. The shrouds are done, the lanyards are finished ( only the lower shrouds of course ) the platform deadeyes are on it with the shrouds that goes to the futtock staves. The futtock staves are finished and the caterpillars are also between the shrouds Next thing to do is tying a few thousand ratlines !!!!!!!! @ Bob, Thank you. And is any build not all the time solving problems ????? But that's what I love and I'm happy when it works out !! Can you ask some people to make a little room for me at your Granado ??????? @ Popeye, Thank you very much !! @ Pat, Thank you also !!!! Welcome at my log You are never to late, you are just on time .... I don't go anywhere and it will takes a time before she is finished !!!
  16. Bob, Ongelooflijk !!!!!!! This will be the last Dutch word I will post in your log. Thank you for this wonderful journey and it is a beauty !!!!! You can be proud of her !!!! Give her a nice place and admire her everyday you see her ! Everyone, out of my way please !!!!!! I'm in a hurry to the next log , the Granado !!!!!!!!! Sjors
  17. Shrouds and lanyards on both side are done. I only have to tie up the lanyards at the starboard side but the port side is done. So a few pictures before I go further. Also one picture of how she looks totally . Difficult to get that in one shot. She is BIG !!!!!!! Sjors
  18. @ Piet, Thank you for the lesson Old Dutch ! Haringkop ( this is what we are calling people who lives in Vlaardingen ,Holland ) @ Hennie, I have to work and you don't so ......... But thank you @ Elijah, A long vacation in a place that called massanu something else........... Never hear of it ! Not so difficult because I never bin in the States !!! ( yet ) Shrouds are under the stay's now. It worked just fine to lift the stay's and put everything under it. Now I can place the deadeyes and lanyards..... Lucky me !!!!! Sjors
  19. That looks amazing Hennie ! When I take a look at the paint job on the hull ( yellow ) then YOU are the pro, not me !!!! But I enjoy my build also and that's the most important thing ! Keep on going like this Sjors
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