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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. That's what they called furled sails Hans ( I have learned English, you see that ?) Sjors
  2. Thanks Frank, Sam and Draggz ! @ Sam, I want to see you are doing the two step klompen dans. Can you make a movie from it ????? Sjors
  3. Thanks John, The Euromast is still there..... A little longer because they have build another tower on it Thanks for saying that we are nice people ! Everyone read that ?????????? Sjors
  4. Thanks John ! If I got from everyone this great response, it should be all right
  5. Thanks all I see a few questions ,so I have to answer them ( again ) @ Bob, Thanks ! when it is coming from a ( almost or already ) 70 year old master builder is doing a lot to me !!!!! @ Mobbsie, I told you before....leave the bottle !!!!!!! It's only one gore line.( or do i miss something ? ) I know you are a master cutter so .....will you ???? @ Grant, Yep, 1/2 way ( almost ) But I'm dubbing what i shall do first. The starboard side or filling up ? @Randy, Also thank you ! And you see it wel. I have to do a few tiny plates and the bow and stern. I believe it takes me more time to do that then when I can go just straight in the middle. And then a day or two ????? Pffffffffffffff I think more about a month or two ....... Sjors
  6. He is still building...... It's a miracle !!!!!!! Very nice Mobbsie Sjors
  7. I reach the wale with the copperplates..... Only the port side but it is a beginning. I have to filling up till the waterline and at the bow and stern. Cost me a few other plates Before that is done we are a few weeks further so here are a few pictures to keep you satisfied Sjors
  8. Hi JP, I'm seeing it now.... They are solid blocks instead of balsa.....I have this with the Smit Rotterdam from BB. I didn't know that it was also with the kits of Corel. And I give only milk to Augie. A man of his age has to be careful...... Sjors
  9. Great planking job Nick ! Almost done...... and then sanding ! Do you give it a coat of varnish ? Sjors
  10. Very nice Bob !!!! You 75 ?????? If you are saying 60 I believe it also..... Have a nice birthday this weekend ! Sjors
  11. Nice job on those ratlines George ! I must be honest but white gives a great contrast and black looks also great ! I understand the difficulty of your choice, I can not help you with that...... Sjors
  12. Thanks Rich for the explanation. Everyone is doing it his/her own way Sjors
  13. I have six small boats I believe ? And I know....I still have to make a picture of Narcisplein 3 ...... Before you have finished the sub, You have your picture ! Don't tell me please that you have finished it at the end of next week.... Sjors
  14. Looks good Vivian ! Nice details all around the ship The last picture is just great ! Sjors
  15. Thanks Grant, I'll do my best and maybe it can better but I'm happy what I have done so far. I get another opportunity on the other side Sjors
  16. Thank you all for the good words !!!!!!! And all the like's !!! @ Lawrence, I know how you are meaning it, it's no problem !!!!!!!! @ Piet, Re-do is a enjoyment ????????? Everything all right with you ????? You are not mentally ill or something ?????? @ Sam, Gore line....... Good question ! When I translate it in Dutch i've got something that it has to do with shoes.....maybe klompen ? Just kidding. I hope I can give you the right answer. For me is the gore line the line that follows the shape of the hull. At the bottom, close to the keel , the line goes straight. After a few rows they are going up with a curve from the middle. Just see it as the planks . They are also going up. That's why we need stealers and drop planks. If I'm wrong, please someone, give the right answer ! Sjors
  17. Thanks Piet, I'll give you my address and you can send me some No, I have a better idea ! When you are visiting Holland, you can bring them by your self ! I'll take you on a sightseeing tour then..... Wilton Feyenoord, Vlaardingen ....... Sjors
  18. Hi Rich, Questions...... Are you finished rigging on the cannon ? Are you not making rope coils at the end of the rope's ? And you put nails in the blocks ? And you will see when you reach number21, it goes easier.... But you are on the right track ! Sjors
  19. Hi JP, Welcome home Good you are using balsa for de bow filler. Now you can drew a line and sand it away........ Then it fits perfectly ! Nice pictures, thank you !!!!!! I'm using a x-knife ( that kind what the doctors are using when they are modelling your body ) Those blades are that sharp that when you blow at it, the air wil be cut in two.... Sjors
  20. I don't do that Augie.... And thanks for the faith But....pictures ! She is not finished but I wanna show you what I have done so far. Sjors
  21. Amazing..... How did you make that ( the hook )? Something for the little ones on the Aggy ! Sjors
  22. @ Lawrence, Be patient please ! I'm a little bit further with the plates but I was talking about it with Mobbsie and yes, I have made a mistake again.... In fact...two. So I have to remove a few plates to get it right. And now you wanna now what of course. I tell you. First I had place one plate inside the gore line. That one goes out en will follow the gore line. Second, at the stern post and bow section, I let the plates make the same curve as the gore line. Now I found out that the plates has to be straight on that. So 6 more plates has to go. I hope later this week i can make pictures..... @ Draggz, Thanks !!!! Sjors
  23. Finally Wayne ! It is about time that you are back at the workshop ! I almost called the rescue teams..... Sjors
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