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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. That's what they called furled sails Hans ( I have learned English, you see that ?) Sjors
  2. Thanks Frank, Sam and Draggz ! @ Sam, I want to see you are doing the two step klompen dans. Can you make a movie from it ????? Sjors
  3. Thanks John, The Euromast is still there..... A little longer because they have build another tower on it Thanks for saying that we are nice people ! Everyone read that ?????????? Sjors
  4. Thanks John ! If I got from everyone this great response, it should be all right
  5. Thanks all I see a few questions ,so I have to answer them ( again ) @ Bob, Thanks ! when it is coming from a ( almost or already ) 70 year old master builder is doing a lot to me !!!!! @ Mobbsie, I told you before....leave the bottle !!!!!!! It's only one gore line.( or do i miss something ? ) I know you are a master cutter so .....will you ???? @ Grant, Yep, 1/2 way ( almost ) But I'm dubbing what i shall do first. The starboard side or filling up ? @Randy, Also thank you ! And you see it wel. I have to do a few tiny plates and the bow and stern. I believe it takes me more time to do that then when I can go just straight in the middle. And then a day or two ????? Pffffffffffffff I think more about a month or two ....... Sjors
  6. I reach the wale with the copperplates..... Only the port side but it is a beginning. I have to filling up till the waterline and at the bow and stern. Cost me a few other plates Before that is done we are a few weeks further so here are a few pictures to keep you satisfied Sjors
  7. Hi JP, I'm seeing it now.... They are solid blocks instead of balsa.....I have this with the Smit Rotterdam from BB. I didn't know that it was also with the kits of Corel. And I give only milk to Augie. A man of his age has to be careful...... Sjors
  8. Great planking job Nick ! Almost done...... and then sanding ! Do you give it a coat of varnish ? Sjors
  9. Very nice Bob !!!! You 75 ?????? If you are saying 60 I believe it also..... Have a nice birthday this weekend ! Sjors
  10. Nice job on those ratlines George ! I must be honest but white gives a great contrast and black looks also great ! I understand the difficulty of your choice, I can not help you with that...... Sjors
  11. I have six small boats I believe ? And I know....I still have to make a picture of Narcisplein 3 ...... Before you have finished the sub, You have your picture ! Don't tell me please that you have finished it at the end of next week.... Sjors
  12. Thanks Grant, I'll do my best and maybe it can better but I'm happy what I have done so far. I get another opportunity on the other side Sjors
  13. Thank you all for the good words !!!!!!! And all the like's !!! @ Lawrence, I know how you are meaning it, it's no problem !!!!!!!! @ Piet, Re-do is a enjoyment ????????? Everything all right with you ????? You are not mentally ill or something ?????? @ Sam, Gore line....... Good question ! When I translate it in Dutch i've got something that it has to do with shoes.....maybe klompen ? Just kidding. I hope I can give you the right answer. For me is the gore line the line that follows the shape of the hull. At the bottom, close to the keel , the line goes straight. After a few rows they are going up with a curve from the middle. Just see it as the planks . They are also going up. That's why we need stealers and drop planks. If I'm wrong, please someone, give the right answer ! Sjors
  14. Thanks Piet, I'll give you my address and you can send me some No, I have a better idea ! When you are visiting Holland, you can bring them by your self ! I'll take you on a sightseeing tour then..... Wilton Feyenoord, Vlaardingen ....... Sjors
  15. Hi Rich, Questions...... Are you finished rigging on the cannon ? Are you not making rope coils at the end of the rope's ? And you put nails in the blocks ? And you will see when you reach number21, it goes easier.... But you are on the right track ! Sjors
  16. Hi JP, Welcome home Good you are using balsa for de bow filler. Now you can drew a line and sand it away........ Then it fits perfectly ! Nice pictures, thank you !!!!!! I'm using a x-knife ( that kind what the doctors are using when they are modelling your body ) Those blades are that sharp that when you blow at it, the air wil be cut in two.... Sjors
  17. I don't do that Augie.... And thanks for the faith But....pictures ! She is not finished but I wanna show you what I have done so far. Sjors
  18. @ Lawrence, Be patient please ! I'm a little bit further with the plates but I was talking about it with Mobbsie and yes, I have made a mistake again.... In fact...two. So I have to remove a few plates to get it right. And now you wanna now what of course. I tell you. First I had place one plate inside the gore line. That one goes out en will follow the gore line. Second, at the stern post and bow section, I let the plates make the same curve as the gore line. Now I found out that the plates has to be straight on that. So 6 more plates has to go. I hope later this week i can make pictures..... @ Draggz, Thanks !!!! Sjors
  19. Finally Wayne ! It is about time that you are back at the workshop ! I almost called the rescue teams..... Sjors
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