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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Wow, Someone is honest Just kidding. Yes Grant, I try to do it better on the other side....... As long it is not the dark side !!!!!!!! Sjors
  2. Thank you Master of scratch !!!!!!!!! Finally some sawdust..... But again, great work !!!!!! Sjors
  3. Very nice Vivian..... But that standard...you are using that only for the time being ????? And when you are finished with her, you give her a nice standard of her own...... And clean the mess after eating the popcorn ! Before you know they are all over the place !!!!!! Sjors
  4. Thanks my friends I'm even surprised how it turns out ...... There are a few mistakes and I now them but hé, it's for the first time that I'm doing this.... Next change at the starboard side Sjors
  5. Is that engine for one of your builds Popeye ????? Please, make some sawdust ! Sjors
  6. That looks amazing SIR !!!!!!!! It's almost a shame that you have to cover it up with all kind of stuff. Maybe for the future I can put it my house ?????? Again.....well done !!!! Enjoy your vacation and please....come back ! A month is to long for us ! Sjors
  7. Thanks my friends @ Jason, Can you see the tiles I get from you ???? @ Randy, I think my problem is that I know where the mistakes are.... But thanks for the good words @ Sam, Also thanks ! I just ket do the oxygen his work. I love a patina layer..... @ Popeye, Please no sunshine..... I need my sunglasses then when I take a look to her ! And thanks my friend @ Wayne, Also thanks !!!!! I like the idea to face the starboard to the wall but there is one problem then...... When I have a case for her, she is gonna standing in the middle of the room so you can walk around her...... It's now thinking inside the box ........ Sjors
  8. Because it is a sunny day on this 4 th of September....... An update !!!! The port side is now expensive !!!!!!!! All that copper is on her. I don't need a mirror anymore Now i can go to the starboard side and see if I can do it better. Sjors
  9. Dave, The buckets are leaking at the bottom Just keep them above your mouth...... Sjors
  10. Thanks for the tutorial Adam Now I know how to make buckets when ever I need them ! Sjors
  11. That's a lot of armoury and deadeyes ! But again, great work ! Should be a lot of shrouds and stay's .... Sjors
  12. That's it Rich !!!! Very nice rope coils.... Glad that you make them Sjors
  13. I have to agree with Remco. I don't know it also. But with your skills it should be that difficult to make one ? Sjors
  14. Nice workbench Nick. Thanks for the picture You should be having a lot of fun with it ! Sjors
  15. We are waiting for an update and when it is coming, you have something !!!!!! Come on my friend, you can do it Welcome home ! Sjors
  16. Thanks Popeye @ John, Thanks but you are giving us to much credits ! I'm just a beginner...... Sjors
  17. O is it that Grant. Thanks for pointing me out Just kidding Mark, it looks great . A lot of work and a good example for Anja when she ever is doing her scratch build .... Sjors
  18. Don't finish the mast David ! Just put a dowel in, rope at the top and lead him the way a shroud should go. Then you have the right direction. Maybe it is not that much work to remove the chain and do to again ? Sjors
  19. That's just great Janet ! And this is the first model you make ??????? I wish I could do that on my first...or second...or third ! Sjors
  20. I have to follow the others..... You are a clever girl !!!!!!!! The only battery I use is in the mouse of my PC And do you received the popcorn bowl ????????? Sjors
  21. Hi David, Welcome to the surprise party You can move the chain a little to the left where it hits the cannon. And some other thing ( maybe I'm to late with that ) The chains has to follow the directions of the shrouds...... Just place a mast, put on one rope, hold it down and you will see witch direction the chain has to go..... For the rest ,it's looking good !!!!! Sjors
  22. Thanks Ed and Mark, @ Ed, I thought that Holland was famous about the windmills, tulips and wooden shoes. But also on the patat with mayonaise ????? @ Mark, I shall do what you are saying...fill the gaps first ! We don't want wood worms around ! Maybe they wear klompen ????? Sjors
  23. Very well done Rich !!!!! Did you do that with a Turbo gear ????? You did it very quick !!! Sjors
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