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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Nice work on that gunport lid Hans ! And of the week finished ?????/ Sjors
  2. Popeye, When I'm watching your post and I was looking at the pictures, Anja was walking by and she take a look and said.....that must be from Popeye Even on the style she recognised your way of building But it looks good again ! Sjors
  3. Very nice Vivian ! Nice job to do that rigging ? Be happy it is not that much Sjors
  4. I try to find any mistakes but I can found them !!!! Amazing job on those little ones Grant ! You can do a happy dance and much more ! Great job. Sjors
  5. This is so boring !!!!! Why do I still looking at that ? Because I like it ? Keep on going Piet !!! Sjors
  6. Very nice planking Frank ! And that failure.....can you not tell anyone that the Cat is doing that ????? And with your skills you fix it ????? Just leave the bottle with alcohol on the other side of the table ...... Sjors
  7. Question When you do furled sails on the jib boom and Gaff ,is that the same as what you are doing with the bowsprit sails ???? So the sail goes furled on the jib boom and goes up a little? Or am I totally wrong ? Sjors
  8. From me also a welcome home Gil. I hope ( and I know ) that you had a wonderful time. So vacation is over, wipe of the dust and then back to the bench please !!!!! We want to have some updates ! Sjors
  9. Thanks John and Edwin, @ John, It is a change from coppering to rigging. But can I go back to the deck planking ???? No, it has to be done..... @ Edwin, Are you sure that you are at the right build log / It is me who is building her..... And I'm not a masterly talent...... I'm just doing things and it is still right.... Sjors
  10. Hi Rich, I follow you for a while in silence and I'm impressed with what you are doing. About the copperplates, take a look at my log about the Agamemnon I just finished the copperplates on her. Maybe it gives you any idea's. The row what goes against the waterline there are two ways to do it. One as I did it and the other one ( I believe it is common on the Victory ) lay a straight line against the waterline. Or 2 rows. Then you have a nice straight line . Sjors
  11. I know, I should not working or thinking about the Aggy but I have a question. At the rudder post and bow post, I placed the copper tiles in vertical directions..... All the other copperplates are horizontal...... Should I do that also on the posts or can it stay like this ? If someone has an answer for me, please !!!!!!! Sjors
  12. Me too Jan, me too ....... I have shape the jib boom and gaff today. That's it ! For the rest i was looking at the drawings to see what i have to do with the yards. I wish i din't ! Because there is no manual, only pictures But....I did the whole model without manual so why not the yards ???? It only takes time and that's something that we have enough, isn't it ? I don't have to finished tomorrow ....I hope !!!! Sjors
  13. That's a sharp bow Popeye...... But I think it will come all together.....knowing you ! The same for the dowels Sjors
  14. Hi John, I see you find the Fonz Thanks for the likes and be welcome please !!!! Sjors
  15. Thanks Kevin ! But I'm glad that it is done. Boring work .....but has to be done. Sjors
  16. Thanks Sam, I will see if it works for me Sjors
  17. Is on the way Jan and thanks !!!!!!!! Sjors
  18. I have a question..... I'm starting to make the yards but I wanted furled sails. Now I know that someone has done that and make a little tutorial. But I don't know who ! I have take a look at the topic rigging but what I'm talking about is not there. Does someone know where I can found it ? Sjors
  19. Only the guest hammock Wayne ?????? I will help you with the copper....no problem ! Sjors
  20. That dowel Popeye...... Is that for push up's ????? Do you really need that ? Sjors
  21. Thanks Bill and Scott @ Bill, I know there is a lot of copper on her. I have to make stronger locks at the door before copper thieves bringing me a visit Sjors
  22. Wow what a respons !!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you, Randy - Grant - Adam - John - Rich - Jan - Frank - Robert - Sam - Edwin - Mobbsie - Bob - Ben - Draggz - Mark - Piet and Popeye...... I think that I have to copper a few more hulls....so who have a hull that needs to be coppered ????? @ John, You can find the link at the bottom of my posts. It is the San Ildefonso. I know that it's not the Fonz but the shorted they name Agammenon to Aggy so ( think it was Augie ) he shorted the San Ildefonso to the Fonz . Cool guy and a cool ship @ Sam, When I need to do another hull with copper ,then i will do it ! But I have to say it is boring....... I think it is better when you are doing the coppering, you do something else in between. That's ( in my opinion ) the best way to do it. @ Bob, Yes, I'm happy that it is done ! At the end you have to be careful that you are still concentrate with what you are doing . Because you did so many that it is very easy to do it wrong. Sjors
  23. Copperplates are done !!!!! Not at the bottom of the keel because they don't do that at that time. And when she is standing on the cradle, you don't see it. For a while she goes on the shelf and I go back to the Fonz. I hope to see you there also when there is an update to report.... Sjors
  24. Very nice Wayne ! Finally you have found your way to the workshop Sjors
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