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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Augie, I think you are fooling us all.... Those bricks are real ones and not make from wood !!!!!!
  2. Hi Vivian, I thought I bring you a visit. That's great work what you have done !!!!!! And this is the second build ???? Amazing...... You know, we both are watching the soccer game and we play well. But you are building as the Goddelijke Kanaries ( our Dutch words for your soccer team ) are playing........ Try to translate it other wise I will tell you ..... I will follow the Brasil things on both ways....building and soccer !
  3. Nicely done Mobbsie ! And the pictures are not that bad at all !!!!!! They are pictures ,so I like them
  4. Nice planking Frank...... You can always ask Mobbsie how those tools are working I'm happy that you have an update before we go sailing.......
  5. A big one is not enough so he goes further with little ones.......... Very, very nice Grant !!!!!!!!!
  6. Hr Domkop Piet Very nice and quick fix ! Well done my friend. Have a safe trip and say hello to the fam. over there at Pitsburg...... I'll talk to you when we are in that good ,old England...( still 3 days to go )
  7. I'm not able to drive........make my day !!!!!!! And yes, I don't know why they put that wood in the kit. I was talking to Mobbsie and ask him about it, but he have the same wood......terrible stuff !
  8. Thank you all for looking inn and the nice words....also for the likes !!!!!!! @ Grant, You are right, it is not a race but I was only wonder how Mobbsie can do this in a short time. Maybe what Augie is saying is right....He has help from Merlin I'm gonna check it out next week ! And O boy, when I find Merlin......... @Augie, Yes, she is changing when she's got some colour..... Now I know what I can expect when she has her final colours..... And my time is coming to do nothing else as building........in a few years..... Let me see, I'm gonna be 38 so......to long !!!!!!!!!!!! @ John, Welcome on board of this monster ! And yes, I have a wale of a life time @ Popeye, Only the wales are on it, not the rails. I have to do that later on. But I'm glad that you like it. When someone saying it and that person is building 9 models at the same time, I have to believe it !!!!!! @ Bob, Thanks ! I'm not at that level what you are doing but I'm gonna get there..... @ Frank, Thanks !!!!!!! @ Mobbsie, You don't have to send Merlin to me. When we are leaving England, I know for sure that he is in my suitcase...... I almost feels sorry for you when I read all the things that you have to do from your Admiral ! If you wish, I wanna have a chat with her about that @ Sherry, I have to do it on my own ! The rigging Gnomes are still on holiday ! It goes slow but steady....... @ Robbyn, Has anyone tells you that you are an optimist ???????? Soon at the ratlines.........I don't thinks so . Maybe in 2 years or something like that @ Jason, Thanks. And time for an answer....... Do you mean the kit or the difference between OcCre and Caldercraft ? Qua builds it is almost the same ship. Qua kits.....not much but enough. On OcCre kits they have a lot of metal parts and plastic blocks. They give you a book with pictures what you have to do. No big sheets , only small ones...... There is no sheet with 1:1 scale. Sometimes that is difficult when you want to measure something. The wood is excellent. Caldercraft has better plans ( 9 sheets ) The wood is most of the time perfect only the wood for the second planking is terrible. I think that they are thinking that it is only used as planking because you have to paint it and place copper plates on it. Everything fits nicely with just a little touch up. I hope this will answer your question. @ Mark, I'll take my time ,no worries about that. And pictures? Pffffffffff I think I have to disappoint you...... Coming sunday it is cleaning time for the work shop and then the build will be on hold for almost 4 weeks We have to check out if Merlin is at Mobbsie's house But when we are back home, there will be a lot of pictures ! I place them again at the Picasa Web so everyone can see what we have done in that good Old England ! This is a long post but I have said what I want to say
  9. Augie, Clean and crisp ! I don't expect something else from you .... And you can figure it out with those bricks....I know for sure !
  10. The main wale and upper wale at the port side are on. I have planked to the top. When I was finished with that I wanted to see how it looks when there was paint on it. But is is not funny when you are seeing it alone so I post a few pictures.... Beware....this is only the primer, not the real paint !!!!!!! I know there is a lot of touch up but that's for when all of it is gonna get's the real paint. Now I can go to the starboard side and do the same thing....... But I know for now that it is a lot of planking !!!!! And I have to go down to the keel also. That takes a few months..... It's for me a riddle how Mobbsie can do that so quick !!!!!! I know....I have to go for work......
  11. That deck looks just great Nigel !!!!!! When i need new wood for my floor at my house I think I give you a call
  12. Shall I send you my ratlines rigging Gnomes ???? Again a nice picture of a nice model !
  13. Where is that DON'T LIKE button !!!!!!! I need it and I need it NOW !!!!!!! I'm gonna be 38....... So please followers of Mobbsie's build log, DON"T believe him . Very nice rigging work my friend and I will help you with making good pictures !
  14. I have to agree with all the others. Beautiful display case and lovely little ships..... Are those ships are also getting there own case ??????
  15. Thanks Wayne, And in a earlier post of me I was talking about whales instead of wales....... So you brought you harpoon not for nothing
  16. Thanks Frank, Popeye, Sam and Brian, @ Frank, Why are you calculating every thing ? Now I know that it is there...... When she is finished you will not see it anymore ...( in a few years ) And thanks for not let me waiting for 2 years for pictures @ Popeye, It's not only the top that gets a double planking but also the bottom ! After that it is coppering..... In a few months I can started at that...... @ Sam, Inches is for me the same as walking on the moon...... I'll never do that....... The Gnomes are all ready busy with the planking but the temperatures are to high at the moment over here. About 28 C so slow progress...... And a lot of water !!!! @ Brian , Thank you also
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