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Jim Lad

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Posts posted by Jim Lad

  1. Harvey,


    Your planned rigging is exactly the way I rig my models.  The trick is to get as much rigging as possible already fitted on each yard before they go aloft.


    As for rigging tautness, don't finally fix any of your standing rigging until the entire ship is rigged - i.e., tie everything off, but leave the 'tails on the lines and don't glue anything.  That way you'll be able to make any final adjustments that might be necessary.



  2. Well, Stag progresses (more or less).  The spreader has been completed and the topmast shrouds and forestay rigged.  I have also just about got all the rigging on the upper square yard ready for sending it aloft. Oh, and the boom topping lift is also rigged and secured.


    I made a stupid boo boo just before leaving the museum - trying to rush to get things done, I suppose.  I was checking the lower square yard brace pennants and realised that the starboard after pennant was way too long.  Thinking, "Why did you do that?", I cut it off ready to make a new one next time I'm in at the work bench and only then realised that the starboard forward pennant was way too short!! You guessed it - when I'd fitted them I'd put them on the wrong way round, so all I had needed to do was to soften the glue, turn both pennants through 180 degrees and re-glue them.  :(  Oh, well, a bit of pennant making practice won't hurt. 


    Here are a few photos of her as of yesterday afternoon.  I realise that the close up of the mast is pretty blurry - I'll try to remember to get a better one next time in.


    Overall views of the model





    A blurry mast!



    The deck showing an ever more crowded area around the foot of the mast.



    The upper yard almost ready to go aloft




  3. Mick,


    The photo below shows the windlass on the replica endeavour.  You can see the handspike holes quite clearly.




    In this photo you can see the square handspike holes at the outboard ends of the windlass on my Palmerin model.  The square holes were made by first drilling the holes to size and then squaring them off with the tip of a very small square file.





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