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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Michael, left handed rope is obviously used for tying left handed knots! Seriously, it used to be used for shrouds on larger ships and sometimes on small ships. Strangely enough (if memory serves me) coir rope was often laid up left handed. John
  2. Danny, I have all my pictures, but I didn't think that this was an important enough log to reconstruct it completely. John
  3. Hello Andrew, and a warm welcome to MSW from 'Down Under'. Looking forward to following the build of your sloop! John
  4. You're making some nice rope there, Michael! What are you going to use the left hand lay stuff for? John
  5. Henk, Just keep remembering to cut the slots in the bulkheads and not yourself! John
  6. I managed to get a bit of work done today, but no photos, unfortunately. The bowsprit is now permanently fitted (I hope I don't regret it later), I replaced the anchor shaskles and got a bit of work done on the main mast and top mast. I took my camera in to the museum with a set of fully charged batteries only to find when I get there that my 'alternate brand' set of batteries had lost their full charge in only four days! Oh well, photos next time! John
  7. Aldo and Pat, thanks for your support. I'll try and remember a ruler when I take the next photos, Pat! John
  8. Phil, Ladders can be very tricky things to make - and the problem is that they're so nocticable on the model! One way to get them done neatly is to make up a little jig. It only need to be simple - just a strip of weed with slots for the treads cut at the correct intervals. That will keep everything neat and square while the sides are glued on. John
  9. "The boiler is one of those things that is just fun to make." It looks like fun, too, Bob! Great job. John
  10. Hello Bedford! How did you sneak in without my seeing you? Welcome to the forum from down in the Big Smoke! That looks a nice little model you're building. John
  11. On the other side of Sydney is Anagote Timbers of 144 Renwick Street, Marrickville. I've purchased timber from them and found them to be very friendly and helpful to people like us who only want very small quantities. John
  12. Robbyn, Check out the new article on planking by David Antscherl that Chuck just added to the database. John
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