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About captainbob

  • Birthday 04/17/1938

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Prescott, Arizona
  • Interests
    Scratch building small work boats

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  1. Happy Birthday Bob.

    You look like a slightly more mature me (my profile image)

  2. We will miss you Captain Bob.

    1. IgorSky


      Captain Bob ... R.I.P.

  3. Happy Birthday Bob, quite a milestone! I hope that I can still be as actice and creative when I reach your age.



  4. It's nice to see more of such a beautiful boat. Bob
  5. Yes, the tape is self sticking with a waxed paper backing. As for the plating, there was two was it was done. One was to start at the keel and lay the above panel overlapping the one below. The other method was to lay every other row of plating (1-3-5-7), then go back and lay the other rows (2-4-6) overlapping both the row below and above. According to the plans the Mariefred was plated by the second method. Bob
  6. Thanks Patrick, it was a fun learning experience. So I guess I'm not too old to learn yet. Bob
  7. Thanks for the "fix". After almost a week with no updates I was getting anxious. Great detail work. Bob
  8. Thanks John. It was an enjoyable learning experience. Bob
  9. Ah, Lawrence, I wish I could take credit for the plating but I am only doing what I see Nils doing oh his "SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse". Bob
  10. Thanks Nils, Yves and Keith, I referred to the aluminum as foil. Really it is an Aluminum tape used to tape the duct work in heating systems. Sorry about that. Bob
  11. Hi All, I have to move away from research for a while to build a little more. Or I will know everything there is to know about the Mariefred and never build her. The Mariefred is a very early (1903) steel boat. So like Nils (Mirabell61), I had to plate her, rivets and all. Maybe I shouldn’t say so but it was a lot easier that I thought it would be. The main problem is finding the right foil for the job. Most of what I found at the hardware store was too thin and doesn’t look right. There were four or five brands where us non-professionals find what we want. But walking down to the end of the store where the contractors go, I found the heaver foil that is needed. I found an old clock gear that I made into a ponce wheel and with just a little practice . . . here’s the results. I’ll accept it as a first try. Now paint and on to the rest of the boat. Bob
  12. Looks like a good start. There are not many who design the boat and then build it. Bob
  13. I use Draft Sight. I believe it is an old version of Auto Cad. A free copy is available at https://www.solidsolutions.co.uk/solidworks/free-tools/2d-cad-draftsight.aspx Solid Works Puts it out to interest people in drafting. At least that is what I've been told. Bob
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