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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by captainbob

  1. Michael, Yes the big question, what do I really want this model for? And this cutter in the water will be beautiful. Getting to and from the water is the problem. For transportation you will have to remove the mast. Have you decided how, with all the rigging you will do this? What you've done and what you are doing is great. Now I'll be quiet and watch. Bob
  2. Anya, You have seen it here on MSW but usually it is not named. Make a solid hull and remove the thickness of the planking and sometimes the thickness of the frames, what is left is what is referred to as a plug. Now you lay the planks, or frames and planks over the plug. When you remove the plug you are left with just the hull. If you planked the plug without the frames, you now have to add the frames to the inside. You frequently see this on small round bottom boats like ships boats or gun boats. Bob
  3. Thanks John, I knew there was something good there. Bob
  4. So I made a profile drawing, at 11.25", and held it up alongside the smaller, at 7.5", and said, "Which one do you want?" She picked the smaller one. Don't you just love 'em? Bob
  5. Michael, I think you have a winner with the shrink tubing, great idea. Bob
  6. Carl, I haven’t decided how I will build the yawl. The Dragon (11”) was half bulkhead half frame, the Cat boat (9”) and the Spray (9.5”) were both plank on plug and then frames added. Thanks for the comment about E10. I was beginning to wonder. Can I go back to E9? Bob
  7. Mario: It’s a flash back to when I was much younger. Popeye: You’re right. If it doesn’t feel right it aint finished. Dan: It was fun; as far as another . . . we’ll see. Tim: Thanks for the good words. I like your Elco too. Carl: Don’t worry, I did my own tooting. Bigpav: Thanks. Stick around, There’s a lot to learn here at MSW. Bob
  8. John, You may have said on MSW 1, but I cannot find anything in the present thread as to the size of the stag. So what was the length on deck of the stag? At 1:96 it's fantastic. Bob
  9. Well I was starting to work on the lines and the admiral, looking over my shoulder, said, "Seven and a half inches? That's kind of small. Can't you make it a little bigger?" So I'm changing the scale from 1:48 to 1:32, that will make it 11.25 inches. Now to start over. Glad I hadn't cut wood yet. Bob
  10. Giorgos, I sure like the lines of this boat, and your skills are first rate. Bob
  11. JPETT, That's a nice looking vive in the pictures. Who made that? Bob
  12. Hi, Anja, You're very welcome here on the darkside. But come on up to the front row. You don't need to sit in the cheap seats. Bob
  13. Maybe that's because you didn't bring coffee for the XO. Nice looking chart table anyway. That won't be thrown over the side. Bob
  14. I want to thank you all for your patience, but I decided I hadn't finished the dory build and unlike some I can't do two at a time. Go see the dory at: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/1067-grand-banks-dory-by-capnbob-132/page-5#entry57310 Bob
  15. I’m sure most of us have had that feeling, the build is complete but it just doesn’t feel right. Well that’s what happened to me with the dory. I decided I wasn’t finished with the dory build. I had placed fishing items in the dory but it just didn’t feel complete. I tried to start the little yawl, which is my next build, but I kept coming back to the dory. Finally I decided to make it into a diorama. To place the dory in the ocean, at home, as it were, where it spent most of its time. Many fishermen used trawl lines but this fellow is fishing with a hand line. I just seemed right. I got a lot of help from several of you here at MSW. But I especially want to thank Dan for taking me through it step by step. Dan, this one’s for you. Bob Now maybe I can build the yawl for the admiral.
  16. Don't rush the healing, the Dragon and this forum can wait, your elbow can't. Bob
  17. Michael, I used AutoCad at work but could not take it home when I retired. I found and downloaded Draftsight (Made by the people who make SolidWorks) and have been very happy with it. I got rid of Norton and use Microsoft Security. Which is a free down load. Bob
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