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Kurt Johnson

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Posts posted by Kurt Johnson

  1. Hej min van,  Couldn’t resist, my father’s father was Swedish, my father’s mother Norwegian. Everybody on my mother’s side Irish. I only know enough phrases and words in all three to get my butt kicked badly, except for all the Christmas phrases. Anyway your Cheerful is coming along nicely. I’m currently building her in Alaskan Cedar.














  2. don’t forget, it it’s a one man operation, and not really automated. It has an awful lot of hand labor, for just two hands. I know there are many ideas waiting in line for their turn to come about. Problem is Chuck won’t compromise on quality. So we just have to wait. Personally, I’d rather wait, then have something just cranked out. I don’t really remember any real complaints on MSW about any of his stuff. So we just have to wait and have patience.  He does from time to time take surveys on what people would like to see.



  3. Chris, I am aware of the restrictions involved in starting a business on your own. What I should have said was when the time arrives when it is both financially and physically feasible to pursue offering 1/48th scale figures that you do so, as there is a definite void to be filled in that area. I realize there are a great many goals to be met first that are WAY more important.



  4. Hope you had a pleasant vacation. It’s good to have some time away from a project. Coming back with a fresh point of view can make a major difference. Things you didn’t notice before all of a sudden become so obvious. That’s one of my problems , knowing when put things down and walk away. That seems to be an American problem, supposedly more than half of us don’t take the full amount of vacation we’re entitled too. Not sure if Canadians suffer from the same quirk, but I doubt it.


    Anyway we missed the BE magic show.



  5. Chris, Maybe you should have 1 or 2 other people build the kits as a trial first to see what problems arise.  You already know how you intended it to go together, it’s a little bit different when someone else attempts it. Like BE had said earlier about the stern frames, in the instructions they appear different. Two are shorter. If the builder is a real newbie, or not a member of a forum like this. It could discourage them as far as the hobby goes. Some people just cannot visualize things, although I can’t imagine someone like that lasting very long in this hobby.



  6. I haven’t worked on my kit in several days but that’s good to know about the stem, though not good for you. I’ll probably  preclamp my stem when I get there. I might put something in the area where an extra bulkhead should be. If you can’t get the proper shape to the hull the entire project really suffers. I know you’ll over come it.



  7. BE,

    It would be interesting to know how closely plans were actually followed in those days and how much leeway the builder had in carrying out the actual construction. In the end we’ll never know. The models could have been built before the actual ship was and have quite a few differences from the real ship. What really does matter is what satisfies you.





  8. I’m disappointed in this area of the kit. The angle of the outmost frames are definitely different and would require my frames to twist to just slip in. Maybe I placed bulkhead 9 in backwards? It’s not coming off at this point. I’m going to come up with some sort of work around. There’s no system foolproof enough to defeat a sufficiently great enough fool.



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