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Everything posted by runner63

  1. As of this date, Aug 8, 2016, nothing has been done sine I said I was going to get back to the build. In truth I got hooked on genealogy, I have traced my linage back to early 1600's in Germany and have been working on it and other members of my family and friends. I REALLY DO NEED TO GET THE SHIP FINISHED. someday John
  2. Greatest tool I ever got runner63
  3. But what to do with the extra 40 or 50 spools runner63
  4. Oh good, another ship by Ed T. I was beginning to have withdrawal pains for lack of a good build by Ed to follow. runner63 John
  5. Waiting patiently runner63
  6. Albert, Nice work, I will follow you with interest. runner63
  7. I am also pulling up a seat to watch and kabitz. runner63
  8. I have built several AL kits, my present one being Santa Ana the instructions are a manual of some 70 or 80 pages in full color with good instructions. Five stars for AL Runner63
  9. I love seeing your build, someday maybe mine will look like that. Again excellent build Rinner63 John
  10. Assuming the door opens inward the hinge probably would not be visible. Just my two cents worth runner63
  11. Friends, today I will add pictures of the contents of the box that Santa Ana came in. At the back of each picture are the precut bulkheads of Santa Ana. Construction pictures will follow.
  12. Thank you all, as I said I started this on MSW1 and am now about to start to finish it. Thanks again for the encouragement. Runner63 John
  13. This is a place holder for my Santa Ana build that I started on MSW1. The build was started in 2011 and the last construction was in January of 2012, the ship is patient and has been sitting in my shop since then waiting for me come back and finish it. When I stopped work in January of 2012 I told my self it was because I wanted to work on my genealogy, which I did. In reality it was because I could not see the work due to cataracts in both eyes, over the last month I have had surgery to fix this problem and am now going to start work on and finish Santa Ana. Runner 63 John Western Missouri USA
  14. Congratulations Ed, a great project to have followed, and much appreciation for redoing it here after the crash of MSW1. runner63 John
  15. Antony; great information, thanks runner63
  16. David; Lovely build sir, excellent workmanship. runner63 John
  17. Bob, A very Happy birthday from me also and like someone else said, Let the young people do the heavy lifting. I bet there are some neighbor kids that would be glad to help. Take care Runner63
  18. And it is probably going the wrong direction
  19. Remember to be good or Santa won't get you presents at Christmas. runner63
  20. Joining the gang to follow along and watch with interest runner63
  21. Thank you, I will follow your work with interest. runner63
  22. Excellent work Ed, loved rereading the whole thing, as I have said before you are the best, bar none. Runner63 John
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